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why can't we have a relationship with other men?


Christianity is a behavior that kills other people and has no compensation at all for it.
Prove this. I grant a bunch of idiots that ran around calling themselves Christians, have killed. Not a fraction of what far fewer atheists and homosexuals have killed. In fact abortion over the last decade alone killed more human lives that all the religious wars in the Bibles history combined. However you must show that Christ taught them to do so. There is not one single verse in the NT that can be used to justify killing even when justifiable in other ways.

Then once you have done the impossible you must then tell me how Christianity being bad makes homosexuality good.

This is such a petty and trivial tactic that only a emotionally based person (not an evidenced based person) would make as to not be worth any ones time. The only reason I did respond is to see what irrational garbage is generated in response.


I really don't think its bigotry. I thinks it is grasping at air, trying to salvage integrity or a complete inability to understand that correlation is not causation paired with confirmation bias.
I realize there is almost no defense possible but has the attempt been all together abandoned. I have a math degree and took 12 hours of stats and probability and the CDC who's numbers I have used has PhD's is probability and statistics alone. So far we have Christianity is bad, No defense even attempted, and this bad attempt to find ambiguity where it does not exist. How does that help homosexuality again?
In other words, 1robin will always arrive at the conclusion that homosexuality is wrong, no matter the overwhelming, unanswerable, irrefutable rational arguments against that position.

What in the heck are you doing in a debate forum, man?

Makes me wish the Bible said the sky was purple, or that the Earth was a triangle. I'd love to see how a "debate" with him about those would go.

Edit: Corrected "her" to "him." My mistake, and I apologize.
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Curious George

Veteran Member
Prove this. I grant a bunch of idiots that ran around calling themselves Christians, have killed. Not a fraction of what far fewer atheists and homosexuals have killed. In fact abortion over the last decade alone killed more human lives that all the religious wars in the Bibles history combined. However you must show that Christ taught them to do so. There is not one single verse in the NT that can be used to justify killing even when justifiable in other ways.

Then once you have done the impossible you must then tell me how Christianity being bad makes homosexuality good.

This is such a petty and trivial tactic that only a emotionally based person (not an evidenced based person) would make as to not be worth any ones time. The only reason I did respond is to see what irrational garbage is generated in response.

Ironically, he can use your supposedly valid argument of correlation. He can simply note how many Christians have killed including but not limited to those who have acted as soldiers or generals in all of the wars over the last 2k years. It doesn't matter if Christianity was the root cause, he only needs to show Christians were involved and then claim there is no benefit to Christianity to outweigh this cost. If you do produce examples of benefits he can just ignore them and ramble on about how no one has even come close to disturbing his two primary premises despite the overwhelming opinion of all who read.


Well-Known Member
Prove this.

I already did. It was easy. No one yet has even dented my claims and my proof about Christianity causing untold horror, pain and death -- without any compensating good.

It's because Christianity is evil. No one can defend it.

(Please don't think I'm bigoted against Christianity, though. I am only trying to protect the world from it.)


Well-Known Member
Ironically, he can use your supposedly valid argument of correlation. He can simply note how many Christians have killed including but not limited to those who have acted as soldiers or generals in all of the wars over the last 2k years. It doesn't matter if Christianity was the root cause, he only needs to show Christians were involved and then claim there is no benefit to Christianity to outweigh this cost. If you do produce examples of benefits he can just ignore them and ramble on about how no one has even come close to disturbing his two primary premises despite the overwhelming opinion of all who read.

Just so.


Well-Known Member
Makes me wish the Bible said the sky was purple, or that the Earth was a triangle. I'd love to see how a "debate" with her about those would go.

She's a he, and he would probably defend the Great Flood, I'm thinking, and surely the Exodus... two events which didn't actually happen on Planet Earth.

He may even argue that Moses split the Red Sea.
I don't think you feel you have a burden to defend it at all or you would not be doing it because no defense is possible. What I like did not kill all those people. What homosexuals like did. I did not think the defense of homosexuality could get any worse. I was wrong.

It became pretty obvious a while back that you wouldn't be changing your mind. That is fine. I don't know you, so I could really care less about your opinion of the abomination that is my life. I know I'm healthy, happy, and loved, so that is good enough for me.

I only hope that when you do to heaven (or wherever you end up), that God smacks you upside the head and scolds you for being a close minded, ignorant, bigot.
She's a he, and he would probably defend the Great Flood, I'm thinking, and surely the Exodus... two events which didn't actually happen on Planet Earth.

He may even argue that Moses split the Red Sea.

My mistake, and I corrected my original post (sorry about that, 1robin!)

As for the Red Sea parting...that has to be true, I saw it in a movie!

Curious George

Veteran Member
I realize there is almost no defense possible but has the attempt been all together abandoned. I have a math degree and took 12 hours of stats and probability and the CDC who's numbers I have used has PhD's is probability and statistics alone. So far we have Christianity is bad, No defense even attempted, and this bad attempt to find ambiguity where it does not exist. How does that help homosexuality again?

No. My logical refutation of your first premise still stands waiting for a challenge beyond "babies with guns is a bad idea."

I really hope that is 12 unit hours not a total of 12 hours. If you have taken even one statistics class you should understand the difference between causation and correlation. Yet, you seem to be relying wholly on confusing the two.

I am not saying Christianity is bad. I am saying that you point to supposed suffering (the spread of disease) and blame homosexuality. Yet there is nothing inherent in homosexuality that causes or spreads disease. Thus, you are wrong. I have explained the alternate causes (i.e. lack of personal responsibility, lack of fidelity, and lack of care or respect). The fact that parties engaged in anal sex increase their chance of contracting STD from another person who currently has an STD does not alter the fact that anal sex is not the cause of the disease or cause of the spread of the disease. Simply put: if people without STD's engage in consensual anal sex, they will not contract STD's through anal sex. This of course encompasses homosexual anal sex.

You have several times tried to shift the burden of proof, by asking me to prove that homosexual sex is a good thing. And, I will gladly take on this position later. But, currently we are discussing your argument that homosexuality is by itself immoral. This is simply not true. Thus, for the current purposes my argument has and will continue to be that homosexuality is not immoral. This is very different than saying that it is immoral.

To answer my logical argument, you have only offered a contrived analogy about babies. I have explained why this is not a parallel. your logic is flawed. Look:

you say:

P.1 Some homosexual sex spreads disease
P.2 disease causes suffering
P.3 no benefit arises from homosexual sex to offset this suffering
C.1 ALL people engaging in homosexual behavior increase their chance of contracting STD's
C.2 therefore ALL homosexuality is wrong.

your conclusions do not follow from your premises. If people do not engage in sexual behavior with others who have contracted an STD then they will not increase their risk of contracting an STD through sexual behavior. In order for your conclusions to flow logically P.1 would have to read "ALL homosexual sex spreads disease." Or at least "All continuous homosexual sex will inevitably spread disease."

If you did change your premise to either of these- they are easy to prove faulty. Even your statistics do the job. Your argument is simply not logical.

Finally, you are making another classical error with statistics. You are taking statistical truths and applying them to case scenarios. That anal sex statistically increases your chances of contracting an STD does not mean that Adam and Steve will increase their chance of contracting an STD when they engage in anal sex together.

Your argument fails from a logicians perspective, from a statisticians perspective, and from a common sense perspective. I do not know how I could state this any more clearly.


No. My logical refutation of your first premise still stands waiting for a challenge beyond "babies with guns is a bad idea."
People pop up here from time to time claiming they disproved a contention of mine. I have no idea what they are talking about. I do not even remember a claim that applied to what I said. Can you repost whatever it is you think over turned something I said? I looked but found nothing.

I really hope that is 12 unit hours not a total of 12 hours. If you have taken even one statistics class you should understand the difference between causation and correlation. Yet, you seem to be relying wholly on confusing the two.
Of course it was unit hours. Who in the world tells others how many hours he spent in a class? I understand correlation and causation and that is why I and the CDC know that homosexuality is the cause of a massive increase in the spreading of aids and many more disgusting health problems not to mention the billions it costs. I did not say they caused aids to exist (that came from monkey blood used in polio vaccines), I said their behavior CAUSES it to be spread far faster than it is in heterosexual groups.

I am not saying Christianity is bad. I am saying that you point to supposed suffering (the spread of disease) and blame homosexuality. Yet there is nothing inherent in homosexuality that causes or spreads disease.
Yes there is.
I gave the stats from the CDC where 4% of the population (who's only common factor was that they were gay) produces over 60% of new aids cases. There is no escape from that study alone that Homosexuality causes the spread of the disease at much faster rates that heterosexuals do. Homosexuality would not be justifiable if they were the same but they are not even in the same realm. It was not a group of left handed people, red haired people, tall people, white people, or stupid people, it was a group of homosexuals who produced those obscene numbers.

Thus, you are wrong. I have explained the alternate causes (i.e. lack of personal responsibility, lack of fidelity, and lack of care or respect). The fact that parties engaged in anal sex increase their chance of contracting STD from another person who currently has an STD does not alter the fact that anal sex is not the cause of the disease or cause of the spread of the disease. Simply put: if people without STD's engage in consensual anal sex, they will not contract STD's through anal sex. This of course encompasses homosexual anal sex.
First you "other" factors only increase the rates. They alone are not solely responsible for them. Second sexual immorality is the parent problem, this includes homosexuality, promiscuity, not using protection, and infidelity. They are all far worse in the homosexual community than any other. Third everyone of them increases risk. I have tried to only deal with homosexuality because that is the threads context but all real problems and all are worse in homosexuality. Fourth anal sex does spread STD's, they are not gotten through casual contact. Fifth even if it did not it still produces all kinds of problems that are not STD related. Any ER doctor, medical corpsman, or nurse can tell you horror stories about anal sex that will make you sick that are not STD related. Sixth: since homosexuality has no justification it must only have the slightest of problems to condemn. It however has the most massive problems imaginable.

You have several times tried to shift the burden of proof, by asking me to prove that homosexual sex is a good thing.
No I did not. There are two sides to the issue. It is good, it is bad or it is moral, it is immoral. I prefer the it is morally justifiable, it is morally unjustifiable labels. Both are claims to knowledge and both have the same burden. My two primary claims meet my burden and you must meet yours as well. There is no shifting of anything occurring. I gave mine you have not given yours.

And, I will gladly take on this position later. But, currently we are discussing your argument that homosexuality is by itself immoral. This is simply not true. Thus, for the current purposes my argument has and will continue to be that homosexuality is not immoral. This is very different than saying that it is immoral.
It is still your burden but I do not care if you ever meet it and instead try and prove me wrong. Which you haven't, though you are putting ap a little better fight the most.

To answer my logical argument, you have only offered a contrived analogy about babies. I have explained why this is not a parallel. your logic is flawed. Look:

you say:

P.1 Some homosexual sex spreads disease
P.2 disease causes suffering
P.3 no benefit arises from homosexual sex to offset this suffering
C.1 ALL people engaging in homosexual behavior increase their chance of contracting STD's
C.2 therefore ALL homosexuality is wrong.

your conclusions do not follow from your premises. If people do not engage in sexual behavior with others who have contracted an STD then they will not increase their risk of contracting an STD through sexual behavior. In order for your conclusions to flow logically P.1 would have to read "ALL homosexual sex spreads disease." Or at least "All continuous homosexual sex will inevitably spread disease."
You cannot object to actualities based on hypotheticals. There is no such thing as safe homosexual behavior and the least at risk hypothetical group you could put forward is still at risk. The level does not matter because there exists no justification in homosexuality to counter the loss of one life or even one dollar another must pay. Plus virtually no one spends al their life in any of your subgroups. They may be monogamous for a year or two but the rest of the time their going through partners like a knife through butter. Your subgroups still have risks but your subgroups are not static either and the people in them almost never remain in them.

If you did change your premise to either of these- they are easy to prove faulty. Even your statistics do the job. Your argument is simply not logical.
Look, assertions will never carry any argument. How about some facts to back up these declarations?

Finally, you are making another classical error with statistics. You are taking statistical truths and applying them to case scenarios. That anal sex statistically increases your chances of contracting an STD does not mean that Adam and Steve will increase their chance of contracting an STD when they engage in anal sex together.
For one thing I have not used anal sex. I have used the entire sick totality of homosexual behavior. Each have their own problems and none are devoid of them. It seems nature its self has evolved to punish the practice severely. This is not an Adam and Eve thread it is a homosexuality thread and Adam and Eve will engage in the highest risk behavior in 99% of the cases sometime in their lives even if you arbitrarily shove them into some LESS risk hypothetical group for a few years.

Your argument fails from a logicians perspective, from a statisticians perspective, and from a common sense perspective. I do not know how I could state this any more clearly.
The organizations that employ the best and most statisticians on Earth are medical firms and insurance firms. They both assign most of the damage done by aids and many other STDs to HOMOSEXUAL behavior. Tell them they do not know how to do statistical studies. They have to know the truth, they go broke if they get it wrong. There is a reason gays are not allowed to give blood much of the time, There is a reason they ask your sexual PREFERENCE as the first question when they must be exposed to our blood. There is a reason insurance companies claim homosexuality increases their costs. They can't obfuscate, They can't play dishonest PC games. They can't rationalize harmful things away. They must know and do and they agree with what I claimed.


In other words, 1robin will always arrive at the conclusion that homosexuality is wrong, no matter the overwhelming, unanswerable, irrefutable rational arguments against that position.

What in the heck are you doing in a debate forum, man?
When you produce any of the things you claimed, which I notice you did not even attempt to (unlike I have) then you may claim this without lying. You will probably find bigfoot, Jimmy Hoffa, aliens, and a good liberal economic plan first though. This is the most hypocritical statement I have seen in a long time. Great job.


She's a he, and he would probably defend the Great Flood, I'm thinking, and surely the Exodus... two events which didn't actually happen on Planet Earth.

He may even argue that Moses split the Red Sea.

Is there any chance you guys will discuss homosexuality in the homosexuality thread anytime soon. Not one thing any of you have said about me or the Bible is true and the motivation for claiming it anyway is pathetic. However even if it was true claiming something else is wrong does not make homosexuality right. This is the lowest and most dysfunction argumentative tactic possible.


Well-Known Member
When you produce any of the things you claimed, which I notice you did not even attempt to (unlike I have) then you may claim this without lying.

You're still running from my questions about lesbian sex. When questions terrify you, it is probably a sign that you don't belong in a debate forum.

You might want to see if you can find a preaching forum.


My mistake, and I corrected my original post (sorry about that, 1robin!)

As for the Red Sea parting...that has to be true, I saw it in a movie!
Wow. You guys were talking about me hours after I left. Must have struck a nerve. However this is a homosexuality thread, not a 1Robin or Bible thread. I will debate any of those issues you wish but we will have to do so in an appropriate thread.


It became pretty obvious a while back that you wouldn't be changing your mind. That is fine. I don't know you, so I could really care less about your opinion of the abomination that is my life. I know I'm healthy, happy, and loved, so that is good enough for me.
I am sorry if facts and evidence do not justify you misuse of things that God or nature intended for another purpose. I defend what is right and condemn what is wrong. All the facts suggest homosexuality is wrong. I did not invent the facts the CDC did, I did not invent what is wrong logic or God has.

I only hope that when you do to heaven (or wherever you end up), that God smacks you upside the head and scolds you for being a close minded, ignorant, bigot.
So you do not care what I think and yet you hope God strikes me down for affirming his words. How did you pack that much wrong and inconsistency into those few sentences. Please get back to homosexuality or at least the miserable attempts to justify it.


Well-Known Member
Wow. You guys were talking about me hours after I left. Must have struck a nerve. However this is a homosexuality thread, not a 1Robin or Bible thread.

Unreasoning bigotry against homosexuality seems like an appropriate issue in this thread.

I'm reminded of an incident from my youth. As a teenager, I used to hang out with my buddies in one of their apartments. We were there one night when a guy bangs on the door. My friends open it to find a tall 30ish man there. He's mad. Downright angry. He begins accusing my friends of breaking into his apartment upstairs, stealing stuff and vandalizing it. He accuses them of doing it just because he is gay.

I was perplexed. We were indeed a slightly bad*** crowd, but we didn't break and enter.

But then I noticed something very strange. My friends were not denying the deed with appropriate gusto. They were just sorta looking at the guy and vaguely denying. And I realized, with a start, that it was true. My friends had indeed broken into his place just because he was gay. They were disgusted by him and thought he didn't deserve the same treatment as straight people.

I still shudder when I think of that.

And so I oppose anti-gay bigotry wherever I find it, even or especially when I encounter a debater who ignores all counter arguments and continues to assert his nasty, twisted views.

Just felt like telling that story. Not sure why.