Why not? I consider myself when speaking of God a panenthiest, and to me the transcendent part of that is the personal, infinite One. I may pray to God or commune with God as the Infinite One, Creator, Father, what-have-you. Yet God is also known as wholly immanent, immediate within the world, in everything and everyone, and within me.I don't see how the panentheistic god is a personal god, at least not in the same sense as Yahweh.
A panentheist view as paradoxical. It is a positive 3rd person perspective of the Absolute (which anything rightly called God should be on that level, not just merely something that you groove on and call God). In that paradoxical nature, it is the closest expression of nonduality I can find in regard to speaking of God. It is both dualistic (which is what theism is), and monistic (which pantheism is), and neither, at the same time - simultaneously.
I love the expression of the 14th Century Christian mystic Meister Eckhart who really captures this paradox when he said, "I pray God make me free of God, so that I may know God in His unconditional being". There's your theist and atheist in one breath!
And they are both "theists" in the very use of the word theism in their titles.But yes, I would define both of them as atheists. Pantheists make it clear. I believe in the universe and some connection among it all, but I'm not a pantheist.
Nah, the best description I feel for using the word God is something Paul Tillich said that God is one's "ultimate concern". The nature of what can be rightly called God has to deal with something on the scale of infinity.No, they are atheists who believe in something they call "God". Some people call love "God", and we all believe in love, meaning that would make us all theists, which isn't true or helpful.
No it's not impossible to discuss it. But here's where I see your insitance on words meaning one narrow focus. The will limit understanding to the focus. It puts blinders on, and does not allow an understanding of God to expand and grow. This is why I feel atheism is in fact, irrational. It defines the absolute as only, exclusively an anthropomorphic, mythic-eye view of God and rejects that. Well, so do I. But I believe in God.Because it's impossible to have a meaningful conversation at that point. If God can mean anything from love to the universe to some being outside of the universe who controls it, then it's impossible to discuss it.