Indian phil, German idealism, Rawls
I have already mentioned that I consider Guadapada, Sankara and Budddha as my gurus but differ from all of them.
Yes, I am a total materialist, 'physical energy', with no mysticism. Every thing is pure, because everything is Brahman, none is impure. Yeah, I have read the Wikipedia articles on Kashkmir Shavism and Charvakas, but that is not my line.
See my signature: "Advaita (non-dual) Hinduism is a 'no nonsense' philosophy."
I don't want to continue on this line because self-identification is self-identification (though honestly I don't see much that could link you to the Advaitin tradition's ontology), but you definitely ought to check out Jayarasi's Tattvopaplavasimha.
Edit: Also fwiw the wikipedia pages on Indian phil (and philosophy generally) are usually suspect, so tread carefully there.