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Why did prehistoric man get gyped out of..........

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
Do you think having cell phones may have saved more lives for people in car accidents rather then trying to locate a roadside phone or gas station? Or the medical technology that is actually saving lives?

You have not answered Christine's question.


Active Member
I bet you dollars to donuts the Emperor from Stars Wars was an atheist.

The Emperor believed in The Force.
The Force, of its own volition (and in accordance with prophecy), brought about the birth af Anakin Skywalker, by a virgin birth, in order to rid the universe of the Dark influence.
Sound familiar?

I'll have mine in donuts pls.
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Veteran Member

It appears to me that God (the God of the Bible) is more concerned with how a life is lived than the length of time that it takes to be lived or the manner of its end.

imo, it appears that the god of the bible is more concerned about how he is worshipped and feared and the eventual end will judge them accordingly.

The problem that your post raises, in my mind, is why are some 80 or so percent of the Earth's current population not benefiting from the technological advances that you mention.
Why is the 3rd world denied the comforts of modern technology?

i couldn't agree with you more. with all the wealth in this world it is criminal.
the top 2% has made more money since the 80's then recorded history combined.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
The Emperor believed in The Force.
The Force, of its own volition (and in accordance with prophecy), brought about the birth af Anakin Skywalker, by a virgin birth, in order to rid the universe of the Dark influence.
Sound familiar?

I'll have mine in donuts pls.

Was Anakin really a virgin birth?


Active Member
Yes, see ep 1.

Qui-Gon. Who was his father?
Shmi. There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I can't explain what happened.
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Well-Known Member
...medical knowledge, cars, computers, cell phones, cameras, photography/movies, radios/albums, jets, rifles...an endless list?

Don't all these things also lend credence to an evolutionary theory about how everything grows in time, including things learned, things discovered, etc.?, rather than some all knowing/all powerful God treating man like man is the pinnacle of God's creation?

This really really bothers me, in trying to believe that there is a God that cares about each one of us - rather than some "force" that somehow got life going, so that it simply propagates itself.

The thought that God does not care about us as individuals is deep-seeded in my belief, based on: missioneries being killed, believers who pray for their child to live and the child dies, natural catastrophes that kill up to hundreds of thousands of people at once, babies dying, allowing animals to regrow limbs and teeth, but not us, etc.

I do not want to think that God is some myth. But it is tough, when you have all the questions I have, rattling around my 57 year old brain since I have been 14, after I was "confirmed". It all started when trying to figure out if all those Bible stories were really true.
Who is really controlling who? Are we controlling energy or is it controlling us trying to find a path of least resistance? Sounds the same as humans wanting life a little easier and faster as time moves on.From where does this want derive? Try not to get to far swept down by the stream. May the force be with you!

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Humans are a deeply conservative species. They tend to do the same things over and over again, with little change, for hundreds of years. For instance, they might make clay pots exactly the same way for 700 years. Or they might paint caves in exactly the same style for 25,000 years.

The history of the past 500 years has been unusual because some of us - a small number of us -- have been very innovative during the past 500 years and have invented all sorts of new things. But that is unusual. It is not normal for humans to be so innovative.
I would argue that despite the increase in technological advancement. our mentality is still that of our ancestors. We still deal with our problems the same way we did 25,000 years ago.

The only exception IMHO is the new development of outside peer-group social concern (though this is still fairly limited and often worked against by the rest of the population).



Ive heard they have found bones to have all different ages.

certain civilazations the lifespan was in the early 20's while others in the 40's

Well, that is still onpoint as to what I am talking about. They say God never changes. Yet, our life expectancy has changed based on the gifts bestowed upon us(the source is debatable) such as; more knowledge as to what keeps uss healthy - and cures for diseases that they were not privy to back then. And I simply wonder why this was kept from early man. How could God sit up there knowing that one day man would live longer, yet keep the secrets from the people back then.


Nature tends to operate in such a way that it doesn't concern itself with the individual creatures and beings.

The concept that evil came about due to humans was never justified. Death and strife existed before humans ever evolved. That's just how nature is.

Besides, which god is it that you're really talking about? You mentioned Bible stories, but the sort of god in there is one that is violent rather than one that has great concern for all individuals. There are far more benign and compassionate gods or religious concepts than that one.

Well, we can start with Adam. SUDDENLY death and strife existed,when it didn't before - all in one generation - if you believe in Genesis.

Who are some of these benign and compassionate gods?


The word 'gypped' is racist terminology, look it up.

Well,, if so, I did not know it. Since I did not know it, I personally was not racist(as in my heart) in using it.
I do not understand how it is possible to deprive, cheat or swindle someone of something that does not exist (in their time).

Well, why wasn't it allowed to exist, since we know that the things I listed are stuff that people of all times, if they had these things, would not want to give them up, I don't think. Even say an Aboriginal hunting party - the wife could call them up and ask if she should get ready, putting the carrots in the pot. :yes:
It appears to me that God (the God of the Bible) is more concerned with how a life is lived than the length of time that it takes to be lived or the manner of its end.

How a life is lived? What if they were not given hardly any time to live one? What if they were born and survive as a living vegetable?

[/QUOTE]The problem that your post raises, in my mind, is why are some 80 or so percent of the Earth's current population not benefiting from the technological advances that you mention.
Why is the 3rd world denied the comforts of modern technology?[/QUOTE]

The fact of the matter is the technology is now here, when it wasn't back then. It is rather irrelevant as to who has it and who don't. But since you bring it up, if you want to get into the matter of fairness regarding who gets it, then we can maybe chaulk up another negative, regarding the benevolence of God?


Active Member

Well,, if so, I did not know it. Since I did not know it, I personally was not racist(as in my heart) in using it.

Well, why wasn't it allowed to exist, since we know that the things I listed are stuff that people of all times, if they had these things, would not want to give them up, I don't think. Even say an Aboriginal hunting party - the wife could call them up and ask if she should get ready, putting the carrots in the pot. :yes:

How a life is lived? What if they were not given hardly any time to live one? What if they were born and survive as a living vegetable?

The problem that your post raises, in my mind, is why are some 80 or so percent of the Earth's current population not benefiting from the technological advances that you mention.
Why is the 3rd world denied the comforts of modern technology?[/quote]

The fact of the matter is the technology is now here, when it wasn't back then. It is rather irrelevant as to who has it and who don't. But since you bring it up, if you want to get into the matter of fairness regarding who gets it, then we can maybe chaulk up another negative, regarding the benevolence of God?[/quote]

That is one incredible assumption.
That people of all times would demand cell phones et al, if only they were not denied them by God.
Seems to me that most people of all times would be contemptuous of the plethora of modern gadgets and toys (but not the health care). And certainly contemptuous of the marketing industry that appears to have convinced you of their necessity in a reasonable life.
Your remark about the hunting party reveals that you have zero understanding of Aboriginal spirituality, cultural values and beliefs.
And, incidentally, the signal is virtually non-existent outback.
Is God depriving the current generation of Aboriginals a decent signal?
To the Bible it is not the length of this life that is important, but the length of the next, so hardly any time is time enough.
Only in this time, and in the West, are living vegetables kept from dying. My attitude to that is perfectly clear to my next of kin - I refuse such a travesty to be perpetrated on my body.
The love of money, greed (not God), denies the benefits of modern technology to the vast majority of the Earth's inhabitants.
Look around you, look at yourself, pointing the finger at God does you no credit at all.
It seems to me that your argument relies on the premise that the modern western technoculture is as good as it gets and virtually everyone from every time would drop whatever they were doing and come here, if only they could.
That sounds both arrogant and naive to me.
