Jesus in me
Why did the early church send greetings in God, and in Jesus Christ, instead of a trinity?
But Jesus and Mary didn't do any of these, please. If yes then kindly quote from Jesus's own writing in first person or having dictated to anybody by Jesus, please. Right?
I understand that it was started by the Deviant Paul and or by the Pauline-Church as these worked Anti-Jesus as their mission against Jesus truthful teachings, I understand, please. Right?
I believe you are wrong:
Jesus is not the early church and Mary sent no letters but it is likely that Luke interviewed her.
I believe Paul is full of the Holy Spirit and does not deviate from it very often and tells us when he does.
If by Pauline Church you mean churches founded by Paul, as far as I know they wrote no letters.
I believe the only missions to be anti-Jesus were by the Gnostics and Arians.