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Why did Tim Kaine call for gun control after the Ohio State rampage


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't know anyone calling for cops to have guns taken away.

It's not about banning all guns for most sane people. It's about controlling them to reduce the times the wrong people get a hold of them.

Criminals break laws.

Criminals would have little problem getting a legal gun or illegal gun regardless of modifications to laws. The black market I'd have to imagine runs too deep by now.

First time criminals would have no problem getting a gun legally.

What, in your opinion would regulations/control do to stop this?


Well-Known Member
Criminals break laws.

Criminals would have little problem getting a legal gun or illegal gun regardless of modifications to laws. The black market I'd have to imagine runs too deep by now.

First time criminals would have no problem getting a gun legally.

What, in your opinion would regulations/control do to stop this?

Most illegal guns are stolen from a legal gun owner. Simply mandate that all guns be locked up. If a gun used in a crime is stolen from someone who didn't properly lock the gun up, fine them heavily.

Nothing is going to eliminate the illegal gun trade, but why keep it easy for them?


Veteran Member
Most illegal guns are stolen from a legal gun owner. Simply mandate that all guns be locked up. If a gun used in a crime is stolen from someone who didn't properly lock the gun up, fine them heavily.

Nothing is going to eliminate the illegal gun trade, but why keep it easy for them?
All stolen vehicles used in illegal activities are stolen by criminals. Are you going to require every car owner to lock their car up, fine them if they don't.
In other words, when those of you with the same agenda or opinions come forward with sensible ideas we might listen to you.


Well-Known Member
All stolen vehicles used in illegal activities are stolen by criminals. Are you going to require every car owner to lock their car up, fine them if they don't.
In other words, when those of you with the same agenda or opinions come forward with sensible ideas we might listen to you.

When stolen vehicles start being used on a regular basis as a tool for killing people, sure. (most people lock their cars up anyway)

I fail to see where my idea is a bad one. It hurts no one, takes away nobodies right, and simply requires gun owners to act responsibly.

It doesn't get much more sensible than that.


Veteran Member
When stolen vehicles start being used on a regular basis as a tool for killing people, sure. (most people lock their cars up anyway)

I fail to see where my idea is a bad one. It hurts no one, takes away nobodies right, and simply requires gun owners to act responsibly.

It doesn't get much more sensible than that.
Do you lock you doors and windows? Guess not because you seem to think everyone must leave their homes unlocked.
And to put it bluntly the idea that you want to give the government the right to mandate my security procedures is ludicrous. I have no problem, well sort of, with the State setting forth laws on what type of firearm, and other items associated with firearms that I may own or purchase, but when they start sticking their nose into how I secure my home that goes into the realm of idiocy and beyond.


Well-Known Member
Do you lock you doors and windows? Guess not because you seem to think everyone must leave their homes unlocked.
And to put it bluntly the idea that you want to give the government the right to mandate my security procedures is ludicrous. I have no problem, well sort of, with the State setting forth laws on what type of firearm, and other items associated with firearms that I may own or purchase, but when they start sticking their nose into how I secure my home that goes into the realm of idiocy and beyond.

Why? It's been done in other countries without undo harm.

And I couldn't care less how you secure your home, but securing a firearm is easy and responsible. I have no idea why you disagree but I know from past conversation that you are against any type of regulation of firearms.

So this conversation will get us nowhere.


Veteran Member
Why? It's been done in other countries without undo harm.

And I couldn't care less how you secure your home, but securing a firearm is easy and responsible. I have no idea why you disagree but I know from past conversation that you are against any type of regulation of firearms.

So this conversation will get us nowhere.
First this isn't other countries and I could care less how other countries deal with their firearm regulations since they never had the freedom that we here in the United States as far as firearms go.
Second I do not know where you got the idea that I am against any time of regulations dealing with firearms. I do believe in "responsible" firearm regulations, I do not agree with "feel good" regulations.
As I mentioned to another person on this forum when those of you that want additional regulations come forward with regulations that would work I am willing to discuss it. For example your idea to require everyone who owns a firearm must lock them in a theft proof safe does nothing; it is a "feel good" idea. You are attempting to punish the law abiding citizen for actions of the criminal. Does that even make sense?


Well-Known Member
First this isn't other countries and I could care less how other countries deal with their firearm regulations since they never had the freedom that we here in the United States as far as firearms go.
Second I do not know where you got the idea that I am against any time of regulations dealing with firearms. I do believe in "responsible" firearm regulations, I do not agree with "feel good" regulations.
As I mentioned to another person on this forum when those of you that want additional regulations come forward with regulations that would work I am willing to discuss it. For example your idea to require everyone who owns a firearm must lock them in a theft proof safe does nothing; it is a "feel good" idea. You are attempting to punish the law abiding citizen for actions of the criminal. Does that even make sense?

If the law is passed and they don't obey then explain to me how that is punishing law abiding citizens? To obey the law they would then have to keep their guns locked up.

You honestly think that everyone keeping their guns locked up would not reduce the number of gun thefts out there? Now who is being unreasonable?

I look at other countries for solutions that work. Only a fool would rely on untried and untested thinking. Very little we can do on this planet hasn't been tried before.


Veteran Member
If the law is passed and they don't obey then explain to me how that is punishing law abiding citizens? To obey the law they would then have to keep their guns locked up.
Passing such law would be punishing the law abiding citizen would it not?

You honestly think that everyone keeping their guns locked up would not reduce the number of gun thefts out there? Now who is being unreasonable?
First let me ask you a question. Where do you want the guns locked up?
Second I secure my home and you want to put a burden on me. How about we put a burden on those that use a firearm in the commission of a crime instead.
I look at other countries for solutions that work. Only a fool would rely on untried and untested thinking. Very little we can do on this planet hasn't been tried before.
Again we are not other countries.
Again I say focus on the criminal not on the law abiding citizen.
I keep hearing......why don't we do things like other countries. Do you want to be another country? Do you want to be subject to all the laws of other countries? I don't. We may have our problems but I'll take our freedoms over any other country.
Why are you so adamant about making more laws that will not be enforced and really have no large impact on the problem?