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Why did you choose the religion(or lack of one) you chose?


Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

I chose the Baha'i Faith as the direct result of extensive prayer, reading, research, investigation, evaluation, and observation over an extended period of time!

(At the end of all this, I found myself--still not a Baha'i--telling other people "This is really neat--you should check it out!" I finally said "This is ridiculous!" and enrolled.)

And in over 37 years as a Baha'i, I have NOT ONCE found any reason to regres this decision!

Best, :)



New Member
I didn't chose my religion (lack of religion) I don't think you can really chose what you do or do not believe, and if you can, I think you're just kidding yourself, like being in denial, which is fun, until one night when you're thinking and it all comes crashing down on you that you've been lying to yourself. You just have to believe what you really honestly think is true, not chose what to believe.
My first post here and all I can say is pretty much, "yeah, that". :yes:


Well-Known Member
I was born a Jew. Judaism is more than a faith - it is an ethnicity, it is a culture, it is a tradition going back millennia. I never really chose my religion, though - I've been raised a Messianic Jew, and though I have, in the past, considered changing, I have never found a faith that more closely matches my own beliefs while maintaining the traditions that I could never give up.


Voice deeper than Thor's
I didn't chose my religion (lack of religion) I don't think you can really chose what you do or do not believe, and if you can, I think you're just kidding yourself, like being in denial, which is fun, until one night when you're thinking and it all comes crashing down on you that you've been lying to yourself. You just have to believe what you really honestly think is true, not chose what to believe. I am an atheist, because I don't believe in god or any other religious things. I'd like to say that I'm a nihilist, but some people like to tell me that I'm not, because I have thoughts on certain things that I'd prefer people not to do, like killing babies and stuff, even though I know nothing matters in the long run. I think you can be a nihilist and still be considerate enough to think killing babies is wrong.

This. Frubals with a first class stamp are going into the magical post box.


Miss Independent
Religion has worn itself out like an old garment would. It has lost its appeal and its usefullness.

I am still however a christian, because i identify myself with christ. And CHRISTian and CHRIST are related.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I agree tht you don't consciously choose your beliefs. I go with my theology because it makes more sense to me than anything else, and that's not really a voluntary decision.

OTOH, I most certainly did choose to become UU. I choose to associate and be counted with them.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
I was born a Jew. Judaism is more than a faith - it is an ethnicity, it is a culture, it is a tradition going back millennia. I never really chose my religion, though - I've been raised a Messianic Jew, and though I have, in the past, considered changing, I have never found a faith that more closely matches my own beliefs while maintaining the traditions that I could never give up.

Elessar, I hope you haven't forgotten that Esau was also born of Isaac and Rebeca.
Nevertheless, he was born a Gentile.

Ben :rolleyes:


Its only a Label
Friend Nade,

I don't like too many people agreeing with me.

Well only difference here is that personally it is not about what others MIND reacts but surely a buddhafield helps.
Love & rgds


RF Addict
This is not the debate forum. Debate whether or not I am a Jew there. In here, stay on the #@%^#@! topic.

For those that don't read symbols, #@%^#@! means purple flying monkey, but I don't know why Elessar used it in this context.


Please forgive me if this question has been asked or if I'm in the wrong section. I looked over the sticky thread "Which Choice Best Describes..." and it doesn't seem to be concerned with why, just what.

I would very much like to know why you chose your religion or your lack of one.


i have a lack of religion because in terms of my experience in life none of them make sense and most are archaic ,nor have i noticed any personal spiritual type experience. so i am a blank page waiting to be written on.or i may just admire the blank page in a book of gibberish.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Please forgive me if this question has been asked or if I'm in the wrong section. I looked over the sticky thread "Which Choice Best Describes..." and it doesn't seem to be concerned with why, just what.

I would very much like to know why you chose your religion or your lack of one.


Because I don't recognise the "authority" some belief systems claim they have over the subject. Because I prefer to discover my own. Because I think there is a certain amount of truth to be found everywhere.


Voice deeper than Thor's
For those that don't read symbols, #@%^#@! means purple flying monkey, but I don't know why Elessar used it in this context.

Purple flying monkey is a strong expression of anger which he has a right to use. Nobody likes being told what they are or aren't.


I chose not to have a religion simply because I have my own beliefs and do not wish to follow any dogma created by others.


Well-Known Member

Hi! :)

I’m a Baha’i as the result of extensive prayer, reading, study, research, investigation, and observation!

Since coupled with over 37 years as a Baha’i, during which I have NOT ONCE found any reason to regret this decision!

Best! :)



Agnostic Pantheist
The more I research religion, the more I am intrigued and fascinated. also the more I research religion, the more I am growing secularly. information and knowledge is a beacon for the mind against the darkness of superstition.

I am Jewish, I am an Atheist. that believes in a golden path, a middle way. we must cherish, study, and research our ancestral culture, but progress with it, and adapt it to our environment and to our ever changing self.


Silent Wind
I ended up choosing to become a pagan after alot of thinking, researching and soul-searching. I chose paganisim because of the immense respect for nature it brings and because I think that having only a male 'god' is sexist. I beleive that there is a masculine and a feminine aspect to anything and everything.