Do you really? Or is it merely make it easier to rationalize your actions.
So what is the problem with that?
The main problem that arises from religious beliefs is that religious groups tend to try to force their beliefs upon others.
That is not limited to religion and it is not relevant to me. I am a moral relativist. Indeed it is worse than that, I am a cognitive relativist.
I can accept that you are religious. You merely cannot demand respect based on the excuse that your beliefs are religious. When I wear a colander on my head I cannot demand that others give me a holy title.
I just demand that if you judge my worth as a human, you do that with the knowledge that there is no Objective Morality/Ethics neither in science, philosophy or religion,
No, I am more than happy to give evidence for my claims. You are wrong there. And rational thought has a clear history of beating irrational thought. Yes, occasionally an irrational thinker may be correct. But that is the exception rather than the rule.
You can't give evidence for the fact that you are a reality, which objectively is(philosophical realism) as it appears to you subjectively(in your mind).
That connects to this; within methodological naturalism science has these limits.
Science has limits: A few things that science does not do
Science doesn't make moral judgments
Science doesn't make aesthetic judgments
Science doesn't tell you how to use scientific knowledge
Science doesn't draw conclusions about supernatural explanations
By the way, I do not know of any religion that has Objective Authority. An examination of such claims usually runs very quickly into circular reasoning.
I know of no method, which holds Objective Evidence, Knowledge, Reason, Logic, Proof or what ever for all of reality. Neither in science, philosophy nor religion.
As a fact, rationality is as real as irrationality and irrationality do "beat" rationality some times. How - it is a fact, that I have a life despite being somewhat irrational. Indeed by accepting that I am in part irrational, I am better off that "beating" myself up with trying to be something I can't be. I accept that you can do it, but stop judging me based on your personal standard.
Yes, I know what I am doing. I am reducing this down to you and I and point out that your brain is not mine and so in reverse. So you are demanding something of me, I can't do. How rational is that?