I started this dialogue with
@ wandering peacefully on another thread but it was brought to my attention that we were getting off topic for that thread so I am starting a new thread.
@Trailblazer said:
"Mostly what I was wondering about is why “some atheists” spend as much time as they do talking about god and religion, if they have no interest in it. I am sure there are as many reasons as there are atheists. From talking to as many atheists as I have as long as I have I know that some atheists would like to believe in God if they had “what they consider” to be sufficient evidence that God exists, but most atheists are not really that concerned about whether god exists or not, or so it seems. Maybe they have given up that there will ever be sufficient evidence and maybe some do not care."
That is probably true. There are only a limited amount of reasons atheists talk about religion and gods compared to the number of reasons religious people talk about religions.
I can understand why atheists would not want these things as I would not want these things either, but I do not understand how talking to people with religious beliefs would change these things if they were imminent. It would seem as if political involvement would be more likely to change these things.
Maybe you meant to say that theirs is not the only "truth" because other religions also have truth? I can agree with that because I believe that all religions have “some truth” to offer. However, it is logically impossible that everything that all religions teach is “the truth” because religions contradict each another.
If you mean more beneficial uses than just talking about beliefs I can agree with that. I believe that faith without works is dead. What would these actions be that would benefit the believer and the rest of humanity?
That is rather vague. What part of reality do you think that believers are not seeing? Admittedly, one reason I talk to atheists is that I want them to see more of reality than the material world reality they see now because I do not believe this is the most important reality. I believe the spiritual reality is our true reality but that is a big subject, and it is based upon the premise that God exists and there is an afterlife (spiritual world).
Yes, I know this is the motive for some atheists because they have told me so. I think these stories you refer to are from the Bible. Why is it that atheists cannot understand that there are “other religions” that are not Bible-based? Why is it that atheists cannot understand that perhaps the Bible has some truth in it and that the Bible has been misinterpreted by those who believe in it, namely Christians? It is unjust to blame God for the doctrines of the Church that arose out of councils who decided what the Bible means. What about all the other religions? I suppose that atheists have to say they are all stories made up by man if there is no god.
For over five years now, I have been posting to atheists 24/7 on several forums and asking them what they would expect for evidence of God, but so far I have received no answer that makes any sense. God is not a material being so what kind of “hard evidence” could we ever have that proves that God exists? This expectation of objective evidence of God is completely illogical, and atheists don’t even realize how illogical it is.
If an omnipotent God exists, that God is the one who decides what kind of evidence it will provide to prove its existence to humans. This is logic 101 stuff. To expect any evidence other than what God provides is unreasonable. The only evidence that God has ever provided is the Messengers (Prophets) God sends who establish religions.
I do understand that some people cannot believe in God based upon the claims of a Messenger but I really do not understand why not, because there really is no other way that God could communicate messages to humanity, if that was what God wanted to do. I have asked atheists repeatedly how God could communicate messages to humanity in any way other than using Messengers. The only answer I have received is that God could communicate directly to everyone.
But how is that any different from God communicating to a Messenger? Why should God communicate the same message to everyone, when God can instead communicate to one man who can write that message down and make it available to everyone?
I can understand why this would be problematic if the Messenger was just an ordinary man but the premise upon which my religion is based is that the Messengers of God are more than human. They have a divine mind and that is why they can receive and convey messages from God to man.
You can only speak for yourself and other atheists you know personally. I know for a fact that many atheists are interested in knowing if there is a god because they told me so. Some are also interested in my religion and they researched it for themselves. I am not saying that they are going to believe it, but at least they are giving it a fair shot.
I can tell you for a fact that the reason they do not believe in it is because they do not like the “idea” of Messengers of God, but not one atheist has ever given me a good reason why God cannot and would not use a Messenger to represent Him and reveal a message to humanity. That is what I am still waiting for, a logical reason. To say that they cannot trust that a Messenger is from God is not a logical reason. That is just an emotional reason born out of fear of being wrong about the Messenger. But what if they are wrong and God does use Messengers to communicate?
Yes, as matter of fact, many atheists I have spoken with said that they are looking for God and asked me to show them the way. What do you think we discuss 24/7, the weather? Most of the atheists I talk to are not concerned about social or political issues, only about god.