If it's my will it is then free will. It is an opportunity given by God to do as we like. I don't have the right to abuse it for greater good but I still can do it.
yOu have to remember that we live in a world governed by man.
Mankind is self governed, self ruled. We have human governments and it is their responsibility to bring justice and deal with those who misuse freewill.
If you want God to deal with such things, you need a world ruled by God. We know that world is very near... but for now, while human rulership remains, it is up to them to fix the problems of wickedness and deal with the violence and crime and injustices.
If that wasn't the case then why would God reward/punish us for our deeds? And God gave it to me. I don't know why your tune's suddenly changed? And I am saying this world will be better off without free will.
the truth is, he doesnt punish or reward anyone in this life for their deeds. How often do you see God intervene when someone is about to murder someone? He doesnt do it. Its man's responsibility to do so because we are independent of God and his rulership.
If the world was being governed by God, such things would not happen and he would deal with them before a person even had the opportunity to carry out their wicked deed.
I havn't changed the tune on anything. We were created with free will and given laws to live by and in the Garden of Eden, God was ruling... having free will did not mean mankind were allowed to be lawless or do what we like.
We still have to abide by Gods laws.... but mankind do not abide by them because they are independent of Gods rulership...they are ruling themselves and making their own rules.
If you dont like the current situation, you are a perfect candidate for the kingdom of God because you and i both know that if God were ruling mankind, injustice and war and violence would cease. Why? Because those who want to live under Gods rulership would abide by the laws of God...and those laws do not allow for wicked acts.