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Why do Christians believe that Jesus is God?


verita said:
The bible mentions Godhead.
Col 2:8 Take heed lest there shall be any one that maketh spoil of you through his philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ:
Col 2:9 for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily,

Godhead is like a family. Inside a family there are members but they are not the same.

The Godhead contains God the Father Almighty, the Son (our Lord Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.
Mat 3:16 And Jesus when he was baptized, went up straightway from the water: and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him;
Mat 3:17 and lo, a voice out of the heavens, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

You see, our Lord Jesus Christ is in the water, the Holy Spirit is descending like a dove, the God Almighty Father is in heaven and said This is my beloved Son (Jesus in the water), whom I am well pleased.

They are ONE because they all belong to Godhead.

God bless you.

hmmm....that doesn't quite answer my question! You simply cited scriptures and said that they are ONE because they all belong to Godhead. What do you mean ONE? do all of them put together equate to ONE GOD, or does each person equal GOD? Do you see my point? If God the Father Almighty, the Son (our Lord Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit isn't God without the other members than each person would equate to LESS than God, and if each person alone is God, then there would be 3 Gods, you see my point?


Veteran Member

I don't think you'll find a single scripture citing the actual fact that there is a trinity -- as I don't believe there is. You'll find PLENTLY of scriptures that show that there is a Son, that there is a Father and that there is a Holy Ghost.


Genna said:
hmmm....that doesn't quite answer my question! You simply cited scriptures and said that they are ONE because they all belong to Godhead. What do you mean ONE? do all of them put together equate to ONE GOD, or does each person equal GOD? Do you see my point? If God the Father Almighty, the Son (our Lord Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit isn't God without the other members than each person would equate to LESS than God, and if each person alone is God, then there would be 3 Gods, you see my point?
That’s why I say they are like a family…

Godhead is like a family. Inside a family there are members but they are not the same.
Inside a family, there is the father, mother, childrens. We cannot call it a family if there’s only one inside.

This is why I included the first verse because Deceivers are really working on us.
Col 2:8 Take heed lest there shall be any one that maketh spoil of you through his philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ:


beckysoup61 said:

I don't think you'll find a single scripture citing the actual fact that there is a trinity -- as I don't believe there is. You'll find PLENTLY of scriptures that show that there is a Son, that there is a Father and that there is a Holy Ghost.
:jam: Absolutely TRUE.


verita said:
That’s why I say they are like a family…

Inside a family, there is the father, mother, childrens. We cannot call it a family if there’s only one inside.

A family of Gods? how then is there ONE GOD? LOL!!! Lets see your analogy from an how it holds up.



How many Gods does that make?;)


beckysoup61 said:

I don't think you'll find a single scripture citing the actual fact that there is a trinity -- as I don't believe there is. You'll find PLENTLY of scriptures that show that there is a Son, that there is a Father and that there is a Holy Ghost.

Then whats a "Godhead" according to verita?


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Genna said:
A family of Gods? how then is there ONE GOD? LOL!!! Lets see your analogy from an how it holds up.



How many Gods does that make?;)
I see the word "God" as a collective noun, like "team." The dictionary lists "God" as a synonym for "Godhead," and regardless of whether they subscribe to the concept of the "Trinity" (which I do not), most Christians do recognize that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are all part of what the scriptures refer to as a "Godhead." So, in the sense that God=Godhead, it is accurate to say there is one "God" (meaning one Godhead comprised of three divine beings). Also, the three members of the Godhead share the title of "God." So we can accurately refer to any of them as "God." Just as we often say to a newlywed couple, "Now you two are one," we can say of the members of the Godhead, "These three are one." The mistake is in automatically assuming that they are physically "one," because they're not.


The link you provided describes two persons both male and female (husband and wife) becoming "ONE" flesh. But they are not literally one flesh! They are in fact two separate human beings or two persons. Humans are one class and God is another class of being. Although they are "spiritually" one, they are 2 persons (humans), now if we use that analogy with God then this posits a problem. If the Son and the Father are ONE spiritually and yet are two persons, they would still be 2 Gods just as husband and wife although ONE spiritually are 2 human beings.


Active Member
Genna said:
The link you provided describes two persons both male and female (husband and wife) becoming "ONE" flesh. But they are not literally one flesh!
Exactly. And consider this: In John 17:21, Christ asks that his followers can be one, EVEN AS HE AND HIS FATHER ARE ONE. Did Christ want us all to become one flesh? I don't think so. But if he wants us unified LIKE him and his father are unified, then he and his father cannot be one flesh.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Genna said:
Humans are one class and God is another class of being.
I don't believe this is the case. I don't see divinity and humanity as being mutually exclusive at all. If we are sons and daughters of God, we are essentially gods in embryo.


Nita Okhata
beckysoup61 said:

I don't think you'll find a single scripture citing the actual fact that there is a trinity -- as I don't believe there is. You'll find PLENTLY of scriptures that show that there is a Son, that there is a Father and that there is a Holy Ghost.
You're right... the word "trinity" is not used in the bible. However, the three being one IS mentioned:
1John 5:7 For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one.



Active Member
Snowbear -

PetShopBoy88 said:
Consider this: In John 17:21, Christ asks that his followers can be one, EVEN AS HE AND HIS FATHER ARE ONE. Did Christ want us all to become one flesh? I don't think so. But if he wants us unified LIKE him and his father are unified, then he and his father cannot be one flesh.

The meaning of "one" is defined, and it is not physical.


Genna said:
A family of Gods? how then is there ONE GOD? LOL!!! Lets see your analogy from an how it holds up.



How many Gods does that make?;)
Mat 13:14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah which said, "By hearing you shall hear and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive; :biglaugh:

Super Universe

Defender of God
verita said:
Jesus Christ is God because the Apostle said he is God.

God does not follow human rules. He does not change to meet our expectations.

verita said:
Tit 2:13 looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

I went to the park with my friend and daughter. Is this saying that my daughter is my friend or is it saying that I went to the park with two individuals?

The meaning can be different depending on how you read it.

verita said:
You see the son of man is man, the son of a donkey is donkey, the son of goat is a goat. Therefore the Son of God is GOD. :D


Well-Known Member
People believe that jesus was a god simply because the bible said so. No one ever dared to contest the writings of the bible from the 3rd centruy on. I believe it was the reign of Constantine who used it as a political pawn for his own advancement. Why people believe, close to 2000 years of mind control and behavioral modifications certainly is a hard habit to break.


Veteran Member
Snowbear said:
You're right... the word "trinity" is not used in the bible. However, the three being one IS mentioned:
1John 5:7 For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one.

Are one in what? It doesn't say they are one in purpose, one in being. So that scripture can't really be used because it can have so many interpreatations.