It happens alot, and I mean alot. You spend alot of time.evangelizing a sinful world in hopes of converting everyone from damnation. O.k. so you have some one in your church and he gets caught in sin, specifically sexual type of sin. Now, we know the bible talks and teaches.restoration of those who have fell into sin. But from my experience, of what I have seen, church people.will blacklist someone for falling into sin and practically excommunicate them.from the flock. Baptist and pentecostals are the best at this, like if a lastor gets caught slipping the one eyed willy to one of the congregants, it's like off with his head, when the scripture says we all sin, and not to.judge.
In my life time the.number of televangelist that get caught banging, remember Jessica Hahn and Jim Bakker, how come jim can be.on tv.again, but a guy like jack schaap.will never stand in the pulpit again. I think churches has all wrong when sins you should first remember that you are just as human as the person that sinned and just as likely to.commit.the.same type of sin. But you guys throw rocks at your own people, that's messed up....