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Why do men have nipples?


To those who don't think that genetic mutations, and genetic drift, can cause physical changes and eventually speciation. Look at unnatural dog selection.

Instead of the environment adding a breading factor (e.g. a long neck), we have added our own factors (e.g. agility, size etc). Now look at the diversity of dogs around the world. Small ones, big ones, hairy ones, flat nosed ones, pointy nose ones.
All of this is is genetic differences, and genetic drift. If the environment is what is making the decision, and this happens over millions of years as oppose to not many (with regard to dog breading), then you can get the diversity of life we see today.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I thought God created man first, so surely nipples are an addition, not a subtraction.
Well, that is if you assume the creationist stories to be true.

Instead of the environment adding a breading factor (e.g. a long neck), we have added our own factors (e.g. agility, size etc). Now look at the diversity of dogs around the world. Small ones, big ones, hairy ones, flat nosed ones, pointy nose ones.
All of this is is genetic differences, and genetic drift. If the environment is what is making the decision, and this happens over millions of years as oppose to not many (with regard to dog breading), then you can get the diversity of life we see today.
We think alike, in at least this area. I have used this exact example to show the validity of evolution to doubters, and have silenced harsh opponents, and helped to enlighten others by mentioning how we have essentially turned a few breeds of dogs into hundreds, maybe even thousands of different breeds.
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Well, that is if you assume the creationist stories to be true.

We think alike, in at least this area. I have used this exact example to show the validity of evolution to doubters, and have silenced harsh opponents, and helped to enlighten others by mentioning how we have essentially turned a few breeds of dogs into hundreds, maybe even thousands of different breeds.

People often find it hard to comprehend how the environment and genes can change phenotypes so easily. It's amazing. Our brains just aren't designed to think that way, but it happens, it's true. That's the most amazing thing.


Active Member

We think alike, in at least this area. I have used this exact example to show the validity of evolution to doubters, and have silenced harsh opponents, and helped to enlighten others by mentioning how we have essentially turned a few breeds of dogs into hundreds, maybe even thousands of different breeds.

Variations within species occur as a result of appearance of new characters as a result of combination between already present genetic information within the genetic pool. It occurs as a result of cross-breeding of individuals. In this way new combinations of existing genes are obtained, yet no new genetic information is added. That explains why it can't give rise to new species, because there is no new genes produced, only new combinations. Variations within species never produce new species; no matter how many dogs of different breeds mate together the result will be always dogs, not donkeys or cows. Microevolution involves adaptations that are concerned with the survival of the fittest, not the arrival of the fittest.:candle:


Active Member
People often find it hard to comprehend how the environment and genes can change phenotypes so easily. It's amazing. Our brains just aren't designed to think that way, but it happens, it's true. That's the most amazing thing.

A medium protein might include about 300 amino acids. The DNA gene controlling this would have about 1,000 nucleotides in its chain. Since there are four kinds of nucleotides in a DNA chain, one consisting of 1,000 links could exist in 41,000 forms. Using a little algebra (logarithms) we can see that 4 power 1000=10 power 600. Ten multiplied by itself 600 times gives the figure 1 followed by 600 zeros! This number is completely beyond our comprehension. The number 4 power 1000 is the equivalent of 10 power 600. This means 1 followed by 600 zeros. As 1 with 12 zeros after it indicates a trillion, 600 zeros represents an inconceivable number. The impossibility of the formation of RNA and DNA by a coincidental accumulation of nucleotides is expressed by the French scientist Paul Auger in this way: We have to sharply distinguish the two stages in the chance formation of such as nucleotides by chemical events. The production of nucleotides one by one - which is possible- and the combination of these with in very special sequences. The second is absolutely impossible. For many years, Francis Crick believed in the theory of molecular evolution, but eventually even he had to admit to himself that such a complex molecule could not have emerged spontaneously by coincidence, as the result of an evolutionary process: An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a
The Turkish evolutionist Professor Ali Demirsoy was forced to make the following confession on the issue: In fact, the probability of the formation of a protein and a nucleic acid (DNA RNA) is a probability way beyond estimating. Furthermore, the chance of the emergence of a certain protein chain is so slight as to be called astronomic. A very interesting paradox emerges at this point: While DNA can only replicate with the help of special proteins (enzymes), the synthesis of these proteins can only be realized by the information encoded in DNA. As they both depend on each other, either they have to exist at the same time for replication, or one of them has to be "created" before the other
Evolution deceit , Haroun Yehia

If you are going to say that the human cell evolved , I'd tell you that the same example is still applied on yeast cell , algae and plant cells which are still extremely complicated. So life can't start without an original creator.

In addition, many single-celled forms of life exist, but no known forms of animal life have 2, 3, 4, or 5 cells . Known forms of life with 6–20 cells are parasites, so they must have a complex animal as a host to provide such functions as respiration and digestion. If macroevolution happened, one should find many transitional forms of life with 2–20 cells—filling the gap between one-celled and many-celled organisms.


Active Member
For antibiotic resistance, science discovered that the bacteria already had the resistance genes eve before the appearance of antibiotics. Scientists still don't know why they acquired these genes. The medical world knows that certain types of bacteria possessed this kind of resistance; it's not valid to claim this supports evolution. Upon exposure of bacteria to certain antibiotic the non-resistant strains perish, whereas the resistant ones survive and flourish. So here there is no process of evolution at all. In addition, the resistance gees can be transferred to non-resistant bacteria either through plasmids that can move between bacteria and are located outside the nucleus or through disintegration of one bacterium and transmission of the part of DNA that carries resistance gene-called transposon that is designed to be easily detachable- to another bacterium that absorbs it. So again there is no matter of evolution.


Active Member
It's very hard for evolution to explain why man walks on 2 legs. Actually walking on 2 legs doesn't pose any advantage for man. It makes him liable for attacks ad decreases his ability to run fast and escape dangers thus he's more liable for attacks in open fields. With 2 legs man can't climb the trees like monkeys do, he also can't run as fast as a cheetah. Being with 2 legs caries more danger to man, so according to evolution theory man should have evolved to have 4 legs like a monkey not the opposite. [Another impasse of the evolutionary claim is that bipedalism does not serve the "gradual development" model of Darwinism. This model, which constitutes the basis of evolution, requires that there should be a "compound" stride between bipedalism and quadrupedalism. However, with the computerised research he conducted in 1996, the English paleoanthropologist Robin Crompton, showed that such a "compound" stride was not possible. Crompton reached the following conclusion: A living being can either walk upright, or on all fours.100 A type of stride between the two is impossible because it would involve excessive energy consumption. This is why a half-bipedal being cannot exist.] (Evolution Deciet, Haroun Yehia)


Active Member
I wonder if the alleged intermediate forms between humans and monkeys- for instance- were more competent than the monkey , why didn't they survive till know?! and why isn't there any single trace of fossils- except of course the great evolutionists forgeries- about them whereas there ought to be myriad variety of such intermediate creatures?!!


Active Member
There are two points here, the mutation, and the advantage.
The mutation is basically like hight (as oppose to a mutation), fish with longer legs have an advantage that they can inhabit a different niche (say the benthos. There are fish with legs, now living!
Evolution is inconceivably slow. You can't imagine it, so don't even factor in time. This niche then became competitive, as the original fish bread more. Some of the fish could hop out the water for a few seconds to get extra food. Those with stronger and bigger legs, and those with a reparatory system that was more suited to out of the water could stay with the plentiful food for longer. Eventually, after their respiratory system was subtable (which can happen, over time. Remember, it's not just one gene that makes lungs). THen the same happened, the sea shore got competitive, etc.

Before sleep imaginary story, there's no evidence for what u r saying and the fossil record doesn't support it. Evolutionists usually take us to the world of fairy tails to escape scientific facts.

In addition, they always call others" ignorant", this is called suggestion in psychiatry. Having no evidence they try to assert to themselves that they know everything and that others are always ignorant. It is a type of illusion always added to their conversations.


Active Member
[In truth, however, the results of molecular comparisons do not work in favor of the
theory of evolution at all. There are huge molecular differences between creatures that
appear to be very similar and related. For instance, the cytochrome-C protein, one of the
proteins vital to respiration, is very different in living beings of the same class. According to
research carried out on this matter, the difference between two different reptile species is
greater than the difference between a bird and a fish or a fish and a mammal. Another study
has shown that molecular differences between some birds are greater than the differences
between those same birds and mammals. It has also been discovered that the molecular
difference between bacteria that appear to be very similar is greater than the difference
between mammals and amphibians or insects.171 Similar comparisons have been made in the
cases of haemoglobin, myoglobin, hormones, and genes and similar conclusions are
Concerning these findings in the field of molecular biology, Dr. Michael Denton
Each class at a molecular level is unique, isolated and unlinked by intermediates.
Thus, molecules, like fossils, have failed to provide the elusive intermediates so long
sought by evolutionary biology… At a molecular level, no organism is "ancestral" or
"primitive" or "advanced" compared with its relatives… There is little doubt that if this
molecular evidence had been available a century ago… the idea of organic evolution
might never have been accepted ] Evolution Deciet, Haroun Yehia

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
I wonder if the alleged intermediate forms between humans and monkeys- for instance- were more competent than the monkey , why didn't they survive till know?! and why isn't there any single trace of fossils- except of course the great evolutionists forgeries- about them whereas there ought to be myriad variety of such intermediate creatures?!!
So let's assume just for the sake of argument that humans did indeed share a common ancestry with other primates.

If that were the case, what exactly do you think an intermediate fossil specimen would look like? What sort of anatomical traits would it have?


Active Member
So let's assume just for the sake of argument that humans did indeed share a common ancestry with other primates.

If that were the case, what exactly do you think an intermediate fossil specimen would look like? What sort of anatomical traits would it have?

I don't think there's any. And if it was present, I think it'd be a freak that can't even live and will soon die out.


Active Member
The question I'd like to ask is why some people think religion is dangerous to their lives( if somebody would like to answer)?


Fallout Boy
The question I'd like to ask is why some people think religion is dangerous to their lives( if somebody would like to answer)?

Why is religion dangerous to our lives? Because religion allows otherwise intelligent people to remain ignorant because they resort back to a holy book anytime their faith is confronted(seen it when a relatively intelligent Christian refused to even read about evolution in our biology textbooks, and took an F for the chapter).

Also, it gives people a reason to fly planes into buildings...

Now you'll retort with the "bad apple" argument, which is fine. Bad people do bad things, that's correct, but to quote Dawkins, "To get a good person to do bad things, that takes religion" and it's true. Another thing is, the bad things that usually get associated with religion, such as the crusades or Al-Quada, are mostly a result of religion directly.


Active Member
Why is religion dangerous to our lives? Because religion allows otherwise intelligent people to remain ignorant because they resort back to a holy book anytime their faith is confronted(seen it when a relatively intelligent Christian refused to even read about evolution in our biology textbooks, and took an F for the chapter).

Also, it gives people a reason to fly planes into buildings...

Now you'll retort with the "bad apple" argument, which is fine. Bad people do bad things, that's correct, but to quote Dawkins, "To get a good person to do bad things, that takes religion" and it's true. Another thing is, the bad things that usually get associated with religion, such as the crusades or Al-Quada, are mostly a result of religion directly.

According to ur explanation u should consider evolution theory to be more dangerous as it had caused people to think about fascism , Nazism ( being occupied by the idea of survival for the fittest and struggle 4 survival). This has lead to myriad massacres and has caused the death of millions of people and Bin laden- for example- would be an angel compared to Hitler or Stalin or Lennin. It's the problem of religion, it's the problem of those who use religion in a bad way according to their own ignorance about the true core of religion. Of course, no true Muslim accepts what Bin laden had done, and no theist can leave science because of religion, but still the theory of evolution full of much lies and foxy movements.


Fallout Boy
According to ur explanation u should consider evolution theory to be more dangerous as it had caused people to think about fascism , Nazism ( being occupied by the idea of survival for the fittest and struggle 4 survival). This has lead to myriad massacres and has caused the death of millions of people and Bin laden- for example- would be an angel compared to Hitler or Stalin or Lennin. It's the problem of religion, it's the problem of those who use religion in a bad way according to their own ignorance about the true core of religion. Of course, no true Muslim accepts what Bin laden had done, and no theist can leave science because of religion, but still the theory of evolution full of much lies and foxy movements.

Let me make clear that Hitler was a roman catholic and did what he did based on his belief in God. That said, we agree.

I suppose religion is as dangerous as it is good, how about that? Or is that too simple of an explanation. I know many Christians who would gladly give me the shirt on their back, but I also know that no death row inmate is an atheist.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
I don't think there's any. And if it was present, I think it'd be a freak that can't even live and will soon die out.
I realize that you don't, but try and entertain the possibility for a second. If over the course of 6 million years a population of ancient ape-like organisms gave rise to progressively more human-like organisms, what would the intermediate forms between that ancient population and modern humans look like? What sort of anatomical traits would they exhibit in their fossil remains?


A medium protein might include about 300 amino acids. The DNA gene controlling this would have about 1,000 nucleotides in its chain. Since there are four kinds of nucleotides in a DNA chain, one consisting of 1,000 links could exist in 41,000 forms. Using a little algebra (logarithms) we can see that 4 power 1000=10 power 600. Ten multiplied by itself 600 times gives the figure 1 followed by 600 zeros! This number is completely beyond our comprehension. The number 4 power 1000 is the equivalent of 10 power 600. This means 1 followed by 600 zeros. As 1 with 12 zeros after it indicates a trillion, 600 zeros represents an inconceivable number. The impossibility of the formation of RNA and DNA by a coincidental accumulation of nucleotides is expressed by the French scientist Paul Auger in this way: We have to sharply distinguish the two stages in the chance formation of such as nucleotides by chemical events. The production of nucleotides one by one - which is possible- and the combination of these with in very special sequences. The second is absolutely impossible. For many years, Francis Crick believed in the theory of molecular evolution, but eventually even he had to admit to himself that such a complex molecule could not have emerged spontaneously by coincidence, as the result of an evolutionary process: An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a
The Turkish evolutionist Professor Ali Demirsoy was forced to make the following confession on the issue: In fact, the probability of the formation of a protein and a nucleic acid (DNA RNA) is a probability way beyond estimating. Furthermore, the chance of the emergence of a certain protein chain is so slight as to be called astronomic. A very interesting paradox emerges at this point: While DNA can only replicate with the help of special proteins (enzymes), the synthesis of these proteins can only be realized by the information encoded in DNA. As they both depend on each other, either they have to exist at the same time for replication, or one of them has to be "created" before the other
Evolution deceit , Haroun Yehia

If you are going to say that the human cell evolved , I'd tell you that the same example is still applied on yeast cell , algae and plant cells which are still extremely complicated. So life can't start without an original creator.

In addition, many single-celled forms of life exist, but no known forms of animal life have 2, 3, 4, or 5 cells . Known forms of life with 6–20 cells are parasites, so they must have a complex animal as a host to provide such functions as respiration and digestion. If macroevolution happened, one should find many transitional forms of life with 2–20 cells—filling the gap between one-celled and many-celled organisms.

First, abiogenesis is not evolution. But I will continue...
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to get at with your calculation. Of course the longer a DNA sequence is, the more combinations make up that DNA sequence. For the final protein though, only a few amino acids may cause a dysfunctional change, and of which DNA has redundancy in a degenerative code (i.e. more than one codon codes for one amino acid).
Though, either way, this has no relevance to evolution, it is just a fact. And of course, biology does take this into consideration, biologists didn't just overlook it.

Now your impossibility of formation of DNA. You are thinking of this the wrong way. One day, there wasn't just a soup of molecules that randomly assembled into the exact DNA configuration of a 300 amino acid sequence.
This is what creationists think, that someone sat their and ordered all of them.
Pyrimidines and purines are natural chemicals (you don't contest that water can form naturally, so purines and pyrimidines can). So can phosphates and sugars. It is not difficult to imagine then, that small segments of DNA, a few bases long could, spontaneously assemble.
Nor is it hard to imagine, simple proteins assembling; especially when you have such a large amount of molecules, and attempts by those molecules.
From here, who knows how, life formed - abiogenesis.
You can ask me how, and i answer, i don't know. One thing i can say though, god has a 100% failure rate up to now, of being put down to anything explained by science. I.e. he doesn't cause lightning, like the greeks said, or row the sun across the sky, or produce shooting stars, and stars aren't heaven. So why would i now, just say god did it, just for, in many years time, to be proved wrong. It's more simple, we just don't know.

WHAT WE DO KNOW. is how a single cell progresses to every species alive today.

You mention the protein DNA paradox. I'm not a believer in paradoxes. something must be wrong. In my opinion, they both arose at the same time, both from a soup of probability. Remember, those billions of molecules, and trillions of attempts, aren't just on earth, but everywhere. I.e. we could be asking these questions from anywhere, probability doesn't really come into it. If it can happen, then it probably has.

You talk about the lack of 2-20 cell organisms.
This is very interesting. It's likely due to a change in conditions on earth, that make 2-20 cell organisms inefficient. They will be out competed by higher celled organisms, or by single celled ones. This was not the case on primordial earth because of different conditions, and competition.
Also, i will point out. You were once 2-20 cells, and you were living.
Single celled bacteria don't normally live on their own, but often function as a group/colony. This could be between 2-20 cells (though is usually much much more if nutrient supply is enough).
Obviously 2-20 celled organisms would not be fossilised.



Active Member
First, abiogenesis is not evolution. But I will continue...
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to get at with your calculation. Of course the longer a DNA sequence is, the more combinations make up that DNA sequence. For the final protein though, only a few amino acids may cause a dysfunctional change, and of which DNA has redundancy in a degenerative code (i.e. more than one codon codes for one amino acid).
Though, either way, this has no relevance to evolution, it is just a fact. And of course, biology does take this into consideration, biologists didn't just overlook it.

Now your impossibility of formation of DNA. You are thinking of this the wrong way. One day, there wasn't just a soup of molecules that randomly assembled into the exact DNA configuration of a 300 amino acid sequence.
This is what creationists think, that someone sat their and ordered all of them.
Pyrimidines and purines are natural chemicals (you don't contest that water can form naturally, so purines and pyrimidines can). So can phosphates and sugars. It is not difficult to imagine then, that small segments of DNA, a few bases long could, spontaneously assemble.
Nor is it hard to imagine, simple proteins assembling; especially when you have such a large amount of molecules, and attempts by those molecules.
From here, who knows how, life formed - abiogenesis.

Well u r assuming the DNA molecule is composed of few bases, but this is not at all true, The DNA as well as proteis are so complicated and not composed of several bases. This complication makes DNA assembly by chance impossible since anything beyond this complication lies below the functionig level and can't form life. The condition is not so simple as u try to make it appear. This is proved by the extreme complication of the lowest form of life occupied by single cellular organisms which are still very complicated, and their DNA and proteins aren't just a soup pf molecuoles.

In addition, the whole cell with the dozens of complicated proteins , cytoplasm,complete nucleus, complete DNA , complete cell wall , complete enzymes , coenzymes , etc must be formed at the same time to give a functional cell.

You can ask me how, and i answer, i don't know. One thing i can say though, god has a 100% failure rate up to now, of being put down to anything explained by science. I.e. he doesn't cause lightning, like the greeks said, or row the sun across the sky, or produce shooting stars, and stars aren't heaven. So why would i now, just say god did it, just for, in many years time, to be proved wrong. It's more simple, we just don't know.

God has never failed, actually ur words carry the cause of evolutionists' failure in explaining life. If the DNA raised alone by chance- as u allege- so how can u explain the occurrence of such great atmosphere, this well designed nature and it's great laws?
You still think that the atmosphere with it'v layers, the metals we use in our lives, the balance between seas and rivers, the delicate balance between creatures and all other features of earth with which life would be impossible are formed also by chance?
Chance is not a magical stick. God created natural laws before they act, God designed the whole world so as to function properly. The body's immunity protect it from invading organisms, yet God created the body's immunity before, so God protects the human body, and God wanted humans on earth to get sick so he didn't design the immune system to protect the body from every disease as humans are not supposed to live on earth an eternal life.

WHAT WE DO KNOW. is how a single cell progresses to every species alive today.
Yet, the single cell is more complicated than New York city.

You mention the protein DNA paradox. I'm not a believer in paradoxes. something must be wrong. In my opinion, they both arose at the same time, both from a soup of probability. Remember, those billions of molecules, and trillions of attempts, aren't just on earth, but everywhere. I.e. we could be asking these questions from anywhere, probability doesn't really come into it. If it can happen, then it probably has.
You r talking about a world of darkness, since somethings about evolution appear vague and impossible so I don't think that u should adopt an irrational theory and I say one day the theory 'll be proved, wait till it's proved. obviously some things don't have eve a theory to explain not a scientific evidence.

You talk about the lack of 2-20 cell organisms.
This is very interesting. It's likely due to a change in conditions on earth, that make 2-20 cell organisms inefficient. They will be out competed by higher celled organisms, or by single celled ones. This was not the case on primordial earth because of different conditions, and competition.
Also, i will point out. You were once 2-20 cells, and you were living.
Single celled bacteria don't normally live on their own, but often function as a group/colony. This could be between 2-20 cells (though is usually much much more if nutrient supply is enough).
Obviously 2-20 celled organisms would not be fossilised.

Again u r talking about something not evident and trampling into a world of darkness. why would the claimed organisms not able to function,they probably have characters similar to single celled organisms as well as the other multicellular organisms.
In addition there are evidence for even single- celled organisms in fossil record.