...is it simply because of the fear of dying and they want the comfort of "eternal life" in heaven after their mortal one ends?
I personally take great comfort from "hoping" that I return to that state of nothingness I experienced...(or did'nt experience!) from the year dot up until the moment of my conception. That's my idea of paradise.
Going back to the OP and the first lines about fear of dying and eternal comfort it comes down to a really simple structure to view:
1) One has faith in God in the absence of evidence
2) One has evidence to show for God
3) all decisions we make are :
(b)sensory based (based on 5 senses) or
(c) emotionally driven
or combo of the some or all of the three.
If (1) describes your theism than in regards to 3 than an emotional primer exists to drive that decision
(2) if evidence than they can demonstrate said evidence of not just a God but why that God is a personal God.
I notice within that idea that "it is just my faith" (fedeism) suggest an emotional drive for a need to believe. # 2 from what I have seen with things like "personal revelations" that amazingly non-theists are unable to see and science has never validated, or arguments like the "first mover argument" or "tap" are a smoke screen for the theists insecurity for stating their conviction of God is entirely faith based which I am guessing in some instances is lack of comfort in someone telling their faith is a by product of an emotional need.
On a footnote we all make decisions on emotion. It is a driving force in what motivates us. I buy music based on my emotions. I write poetry driven by emotions, I date women based on an emotional connection. I think in relation to the OP that of the theists I have met that emotions are the driving force for your conviction and the neat opportunity of this thread, based on the OP it is gives you explore that in this thread. I don't understand why instead yall repulse that idea ...If I believed in God I would have embraced the OP and elaborated on it. If the title of the thread was what emotions drive your purchasing decisions on music I would answer that with a smile on my face. For so many of you that say "God is love" (aka an attachment to an emotion) I don't know why the question is so difficult to make an elaboration.