Simulated character
Why do religious people believe the author of the scripts or books but then instantly disbeleive when somebody of modern times claims to be Gods messenger ?
Our genetic code's creator has left this mathematical pattern in our genetic code conveying to me the symbol of an Egyptian triangle as well as the number 37 embedded in our genetic code.
Eight of the canonical amino acids can be sufficiently defined by the composition of their codon's first and second base nucleotides. The nucleon sum of these amino acids' side chains is 333 (=37 * 3 squared), the sun of their block nucleons (basic core structure) is 592 (=37 * 4 squared), and the sum of their total nucleons is 925 (=37 * 5 squared ). With 37 factored out, this results in 3 squared + 4 squared + 5 squared, which is representative of an Egyptian triangle.
Wow! signal of the terrestrial genetic code.
shCherbak, Vladimir , Makukov, Maxim
Icarus, 2013, 224(1), 228-242
DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.02.017
Cite as: arXiv:1303.6739 [q-biT]
(or arXiv:1303.6739v4 [q-biT] for this version)
I suspect the significance of 37 as a factor of the Wow! signal of the terrestrial genetic code might be linked to the Gematria number value of 37 in Genesis 1:1.
The 3 main words (God, the heaven, the earth) in Hebrew have a gematria numeric value of 777 (111x7), ". which is divisible by 37.
The numeric value of the entire verse is 2701 which is divisible by 37.
We may now proceed to finding the number 37 interlaced in the first verse of the Bible. We can do this by discovering words or groups of words with number values evenly divisible by 37, e.g. the 3 main words (“God” + ”the heaven” + ”the earth” = 777 = 21x37), the 5 first words (“In the beginning” + “created” + “God” + “*” + “the heaven” = 1998 = 54x37), or the last two words separately (“and” = 407 = 11x37 and “the earth” = 296 = 8x37)
You shall have no gods before the Creator of the heavens and Earth, life's Creator.
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