I don't know why you think I should be impressed by what you say about science ...
I don't. I don't expect you to believe me.
... when you speak just as dogmatically about the Bible ...
Can you offer an example of what you are calling dogmatic speech from me? How are your ideas, say about evolution, not dogmatic?
You make assertions, they are rebutted, and you call the rebuttal dogmatism.
What's more dogmatic than your comment, "Evolution is ludicrous"?
... and demonstrate that you don't understand it!
It's a very easy book to understand. It is full of words that can mean whatever the reader brings to the process. In such cases, the words mean neither of two competing ways to read them - or both, whichever you prefer. They are just poetry, like song lyrics.
What does the following mean?
"Cinderella, she seems so easy, "It takes one to know one, " she smiles
And puts her hands in her back pockets Bette Davis style
And in comes Romeo, he's moaning. "You Belong to Me I Believe"
And someone says, "You're in the wrong place, my friend, you'd better leave"
And the only sound that's left after the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up on Desolation Row"
It means nothing specifically. It means whatever you want it to mean.
The proper way to approach the language in the Bible is to understand that when words are clear, they mean what they say, when they are not, the mean nothing specific. There is no more to understanding the Bible than that.
What do Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 mean? They mean what they say, and their accounts of creation don't align. What does that mean? It means that the Bible contradicts itself there.
Like wise with the two genealogies connecting David to Jesus. Each one means what it says it does, and together, because they conflict, one again, they say that the Bible is full of contradictions. Both genealogies can't be correct.
Thinking that saying "morning and evening" and "sabbath" make the days in Genesis literal!
It does.
The word sabbath is not pinned down to a literal 24 hour period! There are many sabbaths in the Bible! I am changing the subject but for a reason! It shows how dogmatic you can be, even about subjects which are not your strong point! The claim is made that atheists know the Bible more than believers and in some ways they do, that is than most believers!
You're going to have to better than keep calling me dogmatic and telling me what I don't understand.
But Jewish, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons know the Bible exceptionally well, and match or surpass atheists!
Yet they all disagree about it. Doesn't that undermine your argument about them all understanding the Bible if they understand it differently?