The reason people apologise for god is that he is a cruel and heartless mongrel.
Read Leviticus chapter 26 from verse 14 onwards and listen to the God of Love as he threatens those who do not obey him...and let me know how it ends...I've never been able to get past verse 29 because it is just too gross.
Apologists need not point out that the people "deserved" those punishhments - they didn't. In verse 22 for example, god says he will send wild animals to kill their children. No justice there...
And apologists need not point out that the threats were made, but the actions were not carried out, so it's all good. Just reading the threats is enough to make me feel ill.
Actually my good friend, this god of love goes on to Personally Kill people. Here are but a few examples.
Example 1
Fatalitie Number - 20 Million (Estimated)
Crime - Being Evil
Method Used - Drowning
Verse / Evidence - Genesis Chapter 6 to Chapter 8
Example 2
Fatalitie Number - 250 Israelites
Crime - Followers of Korah
Method Used - Burnt to death by fire from god
Verse/Evidence - Num Chapter 16 Verse 35
Example 3
Fatalitie Number - 24000 Israelites
Crime - Sexual immorality with Moabite women and worshiping Baal
Method Used - Plague
Verse/Evidence - Numbers 25 Verse 9.
It is now I ask all of you, Is this truly from a god who Loves everyone? Or even his own followers, despite the fact his "choosen ones" would worship a stone if Moses so much as Popped out for a sandwich he even killed those he choose. This situation also shows god choose the wrong people, so ghow can he know the future?
And for those of you who decide to tell me that this is old testament god and not the new testament god, THEY ARE THE SAME! and answer me this:-
Why did god's very personality if you can call it that change so rapidly?
P.S :- Now christians tell me how is this a loving god?
I am not sure I can worship a lord like this, seems like a threat to all of us still today. But anyway I could go on for hours and now I am beggining to rant so Be well all.
Yours Truly