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Why Do We Need Leviticus?

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
So we can kill gay people with God's blessing?

Lev.20:[13] If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
I always thought it was so you knew for sure that if you wanted to shag your camel, you must be confused.


The law's purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show that the entire world is guilty before God. Romans 3. Also, Romans 5, the Law was given so people could see how sinful they were.

Sin is merely God's opinion. There are millions and millions of people who would disagree with Yahweh's opinion. How can one person's opinion be more right than another persons?
Sin is merely God's opinion. There are millions and millions of people who would disagree with Yahweh's opinion. How can one person's opinion be more right than another persons?
Sins are sins because they harm other people, they aren't just arbitrarily called evil because of some hidden agenda that God has. Saying that people disagree with God only proves that God is right because, as a whole, people overwhelming choose to do evil.

I'm sure you would agree the Holocaust was a terrible thing, right? Obviously Hitler didn't kill ~21 million people on his own, a large majority of Germany population supported him. And what about the USSR? That government was responsible for an estimated ~62 million people murdered. Again, a handful of people can't kill 62 million, there were people who supported their government during this democide. The People's Republic of China is the bloodiest government to date, with nearly 80 million people murdered. And none of this even includes wars, or abortions which kills ~40 million people each year. Totaling all the murders in the last century would probably exceed one billion. You'd have to be pretty ignorant about history to claim that people are capable of deciding for themselves what is right and what is wrong.


Ratiocinative said:
Sins are sins because they harm other people, they aren't just arbitrarily called evil because of some hidden agenda that God has.

So, I guess God killed Uzzah for his own benefit. :rolleyes:

Ratiocinative said:
Saying that people disagree with God only proves that God is right because, as a whole, people overwhelming choose to do evil.

Classic.... :yes:

Ratiocinative said:
I'm sure you would agree the Holocaust was a terrible thing, right?

You forget to mention that all those poor Jewish people, who were tortured in the Holocaust, are now being tortured in hell.


Well-Known Member
Sin is merely God's opinion. There are millions and millions of people who would disagree with Yahweh's opinion. How can one person's opinion be more right than another persons?

When the person giving the opinion is also the creator of the universe.


Francine said:
When the person giving the opinion is also the creator of the universe.

If I create a robot, does it give me the right to dictate to him the morals he should live by?.

Eh, screw that! I would build a super-hot girl robot. :cool:

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Well, you'd think that, but it doesn't stop people who aren't Jewish using it as the big, godly homosexual beating stick of sin.
My stick is coveting your neighbor's ox. since none of my neighbors have oxen I'm safe so I use that inopportunity to bash oxen coveters as the scourge of humanity.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Sins are sins because they harm other people, they aren't just arbitrarily called evil because of some hidden agenda that God has. Saying that people disagree with God only proves that God is right because, as a whole, people overwhelming choose to do evil.
Actually, sins are sins because god says they're sins. Masturbation doesn't hurt anyone - and in facts studies have shown that it may reduce the incidence of prostate cancer in men - and yet people of a religious bent largely consider it a sin based I think on the fact that poor old Onan ended up in trouble over it.
Saying you disagree with someone usually means you have a differing opinion, otherwise by your logic, every time you say someone is wrong, you're proving them right by your disagreement. By this reckoning, I'm wrong to not support my mother in law's smoking habit, because by my lack of support I'm proving her right that it's doing her no harm at all.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Actually, sins are sins because god says they're sins. Masturbation doesn't hurt anyone - and in facts studies have shown that it may reduce the incidence of prostate cancer in men - and yet people of a religious bent largely consider it a sin based I think on the fact that poor old Onan ended up in trouble over it.
While that is what people interpret the meaning of the story of Onan to be it is not the meaning there. Onan was, as a kinsman redeemer, supposed to impregnate his dead brother's wife and that offspring would then be raised up as his brother's in order to continue his estate. Onan did not mastubate but performed coitus interuptus in order not to have a child by his brother's wife. That was the sin.


Panem angelorum
Exactly, and the moral about Onan is not that masturbation is wrong, but that interrupting the procreative process is; that's why some consider masturbation wrong, because it has no procreative purpose.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Exactly, and the moral about Onan is not that masturbation is wrong, but that interrupting the procreative process is; that's why some consider masturbation wrong, because it has no procreative purpose.
No, the point of the story was to not interupt the lineage of Onan's deceased brother. It is about the role and duties of a kinsman redeemer.