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Why do women hate each other?


New Member
It could be a rudimentary natural inbuilt natural feeling to keep a more favorable male to female to produce a more favorable offspring, so women seemed to be more against each other, when it is only wanting a more stronger offspring with their own gens,, its all imprinted in our whole make up as a human.
Are you saying that natural selection will come for men because they 'don't' acquire this trait lmaoo


Veteran Member
Are you saying that natural selection will come for men because they 'don't' acquire this trait lmaoo
Who really knows, but yes. that is how I see it, nothing against women, or men, gee, there is the same negatively against men as there are against women, its just whatever side you are on at the time.;


New Member
Who really knows, but yes. that is how I see it, nothing against women, or men, gee, there is the same negatively against men as there are against women, its just whatever side you are on at the time.;
I don't pick sides, I just state facts :) Good day to you.


Well-Known Member
Okay if you're saying that men didn't guide women in this way of thinking then why does misogyny exist?

Misogyny exists for the same reason misandry does: there are some bad people in the world.

Why do some men have to create meninism rather than trying to understand feminism is the equilibrium for all spectrums of genders?

Because that is not what feminism is. Feminism is about women's rights, not equality. Does feminism fight against the high suicide rate amongst men, or the higher ratio of homeless men?

Why do we still seem to live in a patriarchal society?

Because of how we have chosen to define patriarchy.

Why couldn't we vote at the same time as men?

I don't know - but in South Africa white women vote before black men could and black women got the vote at the same time as black men.

Why do we have a social construction that females should be underpaid?

Because women historically were not responsible for the financial well-being of their families.

Why were women deemed to be weaker when it comes to anything to do with physical activities or even gaming?

Because women are physically weaker than men.

If you think some men didn't give us negative traits then what did?

If men did give you the negative traits then who gave men the negative traits?


New Member
Misogyny exists for the same reason misandry does: there are some bad people in the world.

Because that is not what feminism is. Feminism is about women's rights, not equality. Does feminism fight against the high suicide rate amongst men, or the higher ratio of homeless men?

Because of how we have chosen to define patriarchy.

I don't know - but in South Africa white women vote before black men could and black women got the vote at the same time as black men.

Because women historically were not responsible for the financial well-being of their families.

Because women are physically weaker than men.

If men did give you the negative traits then who gave men the negative traits?
Have you heard the saying's"men don't cry", "Real men don't cry", "Be a man", "Men don't do ballet", "grow some balls" etc. who do you think oppressed y'all into this mental construction?


Still learning to be wise
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Premium Member
Hmm, women can be really catty. And I'm talking beyond High School. I'm not saying women are more emotional than men, but in many societies women expressing their emotions is rather more expected than men showing theirs. Not that there's anything wrong with men expressing their emotions of course.

I have noticed that the most critical people are often women against other women. Perhaps it's just an evolutionary thing. Sexual selection pressures in action. Women compete with words, men compete with strength and combat.
I even see it in retail. Women customers are far far far more persnickety about ordering their food than men. Men will just shrug say "close enough" and wander off. Women will make sure you get their order to the closest damn milligram possible. When a female customer is upset at you, it will be subtle. More snickering and I dunno gossip-y. A male customer will just yell at you.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Have you heard the saying's"men don't cry", "Real men don't cry", "Be a man", "Men don't do ballet", "grow some balls" etc. who do you think oppressed y'all into this mental construction?

To be fair many traditional women do often actually expect that.
My friends and I often joke about the various double standards of both femininity AND masculinity. Because there's an abundance and to only blame patriarchy is just plain lazy.

In the Shakti tradition a male must connect with his inner femininity in order to worship and in villages where this is the prominent religion, men are often afraid of upsetting women, for the belief is that in doing so incurs the wrath of the Goddess.
Interestingly, in this arguably matriarchal setting, those stereotypes about what makes masculinity well... masculine are still present. Course the gender roles are far more firm in the overall culture in comparison to the West's more grey areas approach. But I find it quite interesting that even in an environment that literally rebels against patriarchal thought these pressures to be manly and womanly are still quite present.
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Well-Known Member
Indeed. Unless you believe women don't share any common characteristics with each other, I don't see why you should be surprised at all.
I'm just not into generalizing genders, or any groups, really. I think people who cling to articles like the one in the OP, are just looking for confirmation bias.


Well-Known Member
I'm just not into generalizing genders, or any groups, really. I think people who cling to articles like the one in the OP, are just looking for confirmation bias.

I don't know you very well but I think there is not a person in the world who does not generalize. Our who social order is built on generalisations. For example we outlaw murder because we generalise that people don't want to die (even though we know there are suicidal people in the world). We generalise that all teenagers need sex education (even though we know some will figure it out on their own).

Generalisation are an unavoidable fact of life.
Or a lot of them at least.

There are many examples I could give of me noticing this issue. But it all began years ago when I was in grade 7. I was a pretty talkative boy in class and my teacher tried putting me with different boys to keep me quiet. But when it didn't work with me (and others) she decided to make sure all boys sat next to girls. It was at this time that I first noticed how girls treat it each other. I saw letters being written about how one of the girls needed to be excluded from the group because she had been seen talking to someone who was from an "enemy" group.

Over the years I have noticed that gossip magazines, read mostly by women, spend an inordinate amount of time criticising women who are too fat or too thin. I have also met quite a few women who refuse to have any female friends (on the other hand I have never met a man who refuses to have any male friends).

All in all I have found women to be much nastier to each other than men are to each other - and that is even among women who are supposed to be friends.

So my question is, why is this the case? Women, why do you give each other such a hard time?
There is a thread somewhere in which one of the more well known 'political compass' tests is given. There were a good deal of respondents and the results show that this board is actually an SJW lefty love fest, with very few exceptions.

With that said, threads like this one, (the premise of which seems a basic truism) tend to illicit some hilarious responses from said libtards.

Thanks for the lols, past present and future. :)


Consults with Trees
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Premium Member
Generalisation are an unavoidable fact of life.

That may be the case, but it doesn't mean you have to generalize and stereotype people based on a superficiality like skin color or what's between their legs. Considering the number of laws we have in my country prohibiting discrimination based on such characteristics, it's a good idea to cultivate a mindset that avoids obsessing over those things when judging people.


To be fair many traditional women do often actually expect that.
My friends and I often joke about the various double standards of both femininity AND masculinity. Because there's an abundance and to only blame patriarchy is just plain lazy.

In the Shakti tradition a male must connect with his inner femininity in order to worship and in villages where this is the prominent religion, men are often afraid of upsetting women, for the belief is that in doing so incurs the wrath of the Goddess.
Interestingly, in this arguably matriarchal setting, those stereotypes about what makes masculinity well... masculine are still present. Course the gender roles are far more firm in the overall culture in comparison to the West's more grey areas approach. But I find it quite interesting that even in an environment that literally rebels against patriarchal thought these pressures to be manly and womanly are still quite present.

In true separate matrifocal societies still surviving today, - such as the ones in China, - the men are more balanced, as they are raised in matrifocal families groups.

However, they are now starting to come under attack, to change to more modern patrifocal societal family norms.

Outer (patrifocal society raised) males - are actually causing problems for these ancient matrifocal groups, by thinking of the women, whom take lovers and raise the resulting children in matrifocal families, - without husbands, - as prostitutes. In other words, these women have sex with whomever they choose, - and don't marry, or kowtow to men.

Thus they actually now have a problem with sex seeking male tourists, and since the women are not prostitutes, - actual prostitutes have moved into areas around their territory, to have sex with the men and get their money.
