I believe the idea of gods, the afterlife and the soul are all ideas worth hanging on to. I believe this because I can't think of nor have I ever been presented with any compelling reason to discard these ideas. They hold infinite potential benefits and are completely devoid of any disadvantages (even though people often include them for some weird reason).
I see value in suspending disbelief.
Both of these answers are very similar to what I would have put myself, though I feel you both managed to put it more succinctly than I would have.
I'll also add a couple of other points that apply to me personally.
1. I have experienced what most people would call either the supernatural or hallucinations/delusions. It does me no good to see these events as delusional though considering I function pretty well. I don't discount the possibility mind you, but I don't put much value in it either.
2. A lot of people seem to imply a Faith or Reason Dichotomy which I simply don't agree with. To me faith seems foolish and reason is not only a pretty arbitrary construct, it also flies in the face of what I perceive humanity to be.
3. My life is richer with the gods than it would be without them. I see no reason to discard them simply because I might be wrong.
As for my upbringing, my Mother is somewhere between a Christian and a Neopagan (as well as being a practicing witch). My father is agnostic, but used to be quite firmly atheist. My brother is a proud Pastafarian.
As you may have gathered, religion wasn't exactly shoved down my throat, though I was taught the basics of magic at a fairly young age.