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Why do you knock on my door?


New Member
Mostly to Mormon's and Jehovah witnesses as they are typically the only people to knock on my door.

I think and feel the most honest position to take on supernatural beliefs is maybe but I think some people feel no its so real I need to come knock on your door and tell you about it.

Which is fine. I will listen and retort and debate etc. But what is your motivation? I don't have 9/11 truthers knocking on my door or roswell fanatics...

What is it that motivates you to come to my door and ask me if I believe if god loves me or if eternal life on earth exists? What makes you an authority on these questions and matters to the degree that you feel you need to go door to door and spread the word?


Active Member
As a former Jehovah's Witness I can tell you why I used to do the door-to-door ministry.

At the time, scriptural arguments posited by the Watchtower made it seem that the ministry was a divine commandment... that it was a necessary "work" in order to gain God's approval. As a result, the ministry was a way to experience the mental satisfaction of so-called "righteousness". Winning over converts through civil debate is empowering.

Essentially, if you weren't active in the ministry you weren't doing God's "work", and thus you would be setting yourself up for God's disapproval. The subconscious fears of feeling God's disapproval are stronger in sects like Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses where witnessing work is mandated.

I mostly feel sorry for these folks when I look back on it, though. My life is harder now being burdened with a broader perspective of reality, but I'd rather have this than the 'ignorance is bliss' lifestyle they have. They're honestly pretty virtuous, humble folks with a strong work ethic. Their only real sin is naivety.
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Lol, a JW lady came to our door last week. It was very strange because I haven't seen those people for years. But my mom just said "no, thanks" and that was the end of it. That's usually all you need.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Mostly to Mormon's and Jehovah witnesses as they are typically the only people to knock on my door.

I think and feel the most honest position to take on supernatural beliefs is maybe but I think some people feel no its so real I need to come knock on your door and tell you about it.

Which is fine. I will listen and retort and debate etc. But what is your motivation? I don't have 9/11 truthers knocking on my door or roswell fanatics...

What is it that motivates you to come to my door and ask me if I believe if god loves me or if eternal life on earth exists? What makes you an authority on these questions and matters to the degree that you feel you need to go door to door and spread the word?
Well, I'm a Mormon, but I've never served a mission for my Church. I can probably answer your question pretty accurately from the LDS perspective, however. There are currently over 85,000 LDS missionaries serving all over the world. They are both men (who typically serve for 2 years) and women (who serve for a year and a half). They do not choose where they will be called to serve and they (or their families) cover their own expenses. They leave for their mission service at a time when most young men and women are starting college or marrying and starting their families. They don't serve missions because they believe that you will end up goigto hell if you don't convert to Mormonism (we actually believe that pretty much everybody, regardless of religion or even lack thereof, will end up going to heaven). They serve because they think that they have a message worth sharing with you and that acceptance of this message can have a truly positive impact on your life. Mormon missionaries don't actually go door-to-door as much these days as in the past, because other ways of contacting people who may be interested have proven to be more effective. If you aren't interested in hearing what they have to say, it's really pretty easy to get rid of them. A simple no-thank you will do the trick 95% of the time. If you have the time and the interest, though, you will probably find that they are really pretty decent young people who are not only interested in sharing their messag with you, but who are interested in your thoughts and beliefs and would also be interested in performing acts of service for you (regardless of whether you're interested in talking to thm or not).


U know who U R
The reason they do it, is the same reason why the girlscouts do it, it gets results.

You dont sell cookies sitting at home watching TV and you surely dont get members to your church by sitting in the pews hoping they show up.


New Member
These are interesting responses, I am not sure why but I am gravitating more towards Gehennaite's response then others. IHaveTheGift seems to to make a point as well. Katzpur I think is a bit defensive, I'm not against or looking for an easy way to get rid of people who come to my door but rather looking for their motivation. No one is saying they are not decent or that they are bad people... I have no evidence to suggest otherwise. (But honestly I haven't seen anyone or any argument in person that compares to the sheer pleasure of having Kenny Brooks come to your door)

saint_frankenstein I am not trying to get rid of them. It took me a long time to and many hours in church to understand I am an atheist but even as a theist I never felt the need to go door to door and sell people on my beliefs. I have gone door to door as a salesman and did pretty well. (In fact I did go door to door as a Jehovah Witness but it wasn't my desire or motivation and I don't think I did all that well but my motivation was at the time fear of disappointing the pioneers I was with but I knew intrinsically I had no god given reason to be telling people their beliefs... What did I know?)

Maybe I asked this question because I honestly don't know what my motivations were or maybe I asked it because I wonder what other people think but I know I didn't ask it to dismiss the beliefs of others and I apologize if I came across that way.


Mother Heathen
Well, I'm a Mormon, but I've never served a mission for my Church. I can probably answer your question pretty accurately from the LDS perspective, however. There are currently over 85,000 LDS missionaries serving all over the world. They are both men (who typically serve for 2 years) and women (who serve for a year and a half). They do not choose where they will be called to serve and they (or their families) cover their own expenses. They leave for their mission service at a time when most young men and women are starting college or marrying and starting their families. They don't serve missions because they believe that you will end up goigto hell if you don't convert to Mormonism (we actually believe that pretty much everybody, regardless of religion or even lack thereof, will end up going to heaven). They serve because they think that they have a message worth sharing with you and that acceptance of this message can have a truly positive impact on your life. Mormon missionaries don't actually go door-to-door as much these days as in the past, because other ways of contacting people who may be interested have proven to be more effective. If you aren't interested in hearing what they have to say, it's really pretty easy to get rid of them. A simple no-thank you will do the trick 95% of the time. If you have the time and the interest, though, you will probably find that they are really pretty decent young people who are not only interested in sharing their messag with you, but who are interested in your thoughts and beliefs and would also be interested in performing acts of service for you (regardless of whether you're interested in talking to thm or not).

I've never encountered an unpleasant Mormon missionary.


Mother Heathen
I have no disrespect for JWs, but, they frequent my neighborhood and I've had three incidences in the last eight weeks where they have come to my door.

Each time, I've thanked them and said that I'm not interested and asked that they not leave their literature.

I would think that after being told twice, "no thanks", they wouldn't return in such a short time span. I assume that this is an issue of one hand not talking to another. They are all from the same hall.
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We get a lot of them here on our island.

I have no idea why we get so many. Perhaps they think they need to convert the Heathen Indians.

They stand out like sore thumbs. I actually feel sorry for them.

This is Alaska, we literally are wearing jeans, flannel shirt, and gun. LOL! Or shorts, flannel shirt over T-shirt, and gun. :)

They go door to door in suits, - regardless of the weather, - which around here can range from 10 below in the winter to 100 degrees in the summer.

They must be freezing or about to pass out from heat-stroke.



Its only a Label
Friend RFForumMember,

Thank you for sharing.
Have no idea about their motivation but one may guess that they get paid to do so or rather it is their living.

Once a so called friend of mine who is a Baptist priest and runs a church here [India] and gets money from US every month for his job. He could afford to send his children abroad and also start a school which he runs by investing wisely what he receives for his work at the church and mainly converting local Hindus to his church.

Personally have no issues what so ever on that or the time he had a guest from USA who was an evangelist and at a dinner at his house where the evangelist knowing that am not a church member started his usual talk of evangelising and telling me: "You are a sinner and come into God's way and he will pardon you" etc. Since had studied in a Catholic school where they never spoke of conversion and having read the Bible knew what he was speaking off and told him that God is everywhere in everything and that its all ONE. Which ever name one uses for God its all ONE.

Thought to myself: 'God forgive them for they know not what they do."

He quietened down and we finished our meals in silence.

Love & rgds


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Katzpur I think is a bit defensive, I'm not against or looking for an easy way to get rid of people who come to my door but rather looking for their motivation. No one is saying they are not decent or that they are bad people... I have no evidence to suggest otherwise.
Sorry if I came across that way. I'll try again... In the case of Mormon missionaries, they knock on your door becaue they genuinely believe they have a message that can make your life better. They have found a way of looking at life that they are excited about and want to share.

Have no idea about their motivation but one may guess that they get paid to do so or rather it is their living.
Mormon missionaries don't get a dime for doing this. They pay all of their own living expenses for the two years they are serving their mission and go wherever in the world they are sent.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
If I hear a knock on the front door, and there is not a vehicle in front of the house or in the driveway I recognize, that means someone has walked up the driveway or walkway. I do not open the door; ninety nine percent of the time it's a missionary. I can see them walking up and down the street from my front windows. Neighbors, friends and relatives, because of the way our houses are built, almost always use the side door. Most of the neighbors keep to themselves anyway. I don't have the time, interest or desire to listen to or debate anyone trying to save me.


Its only a Label
Friend Katzpur,

Mormon missionaries don't get a dime for doing this. They pay all of their own living expenses for the two years they are serving their mission and go wherever in the world they are sent.
Thank you for the education. Shall try and remember but can you say the same for all Christian missionary from various churches??
Have experiences of Catholics who do not convert to my knowledge or what have seen for many years in India and Methodists who get paid for doing their work at least the Priest who converts run the church etc.

Love & rgds


Premium Member
I've never encountered an unpleasant Mormon missionary.

Me neither. Actually right now, our neighbouring house to the back is serving as a rental house for I believe, 6 young Mormon men. (Can't really tell as they come and go a lot.) I've yet to call over my fence, but with the weather changing, that will likely change. I'll kid them about shooting hoops for relaxation, as they did set up an outdoor hoop. They did volunteer to shovel my walk last winter, but I didn't really need it. I like to ask where they're from, what they think of Canada, etc.


Just the facts Ma'am
I ask them to come in and have a beer with me. If (when) they say no I say "no beer, no come inside and talk". When they say "have you heard the word of ...." I say sure I have! I hear voices all the time! By then they are usually leaving my porch. Once I invited them (JW's or Church of Christ forget which) in, offered them each a beer and said "Ya'll sit where you can and don't mind the mess. I'll be done cleaning my shotgun shortly, click..click!" They saw my 12 gauge pump laying on the table 90% assembled, a few empty beer cans and a ashtray full of smokes. Funny thing they left without saying a word!

Seriously I do like to challenge them on their beliefs and debate them about science.


Well-Known Member
Lol, a JW lady came to our door last week. It was very strange because I haven't seen those people for years. But my mom just said "no, thanks" and that was the end of it. That's usually all you need.

Jehovah witnesses? Who can tell? I can't tell one Christian from another. But the literature is all the same. Although most of the stuff I get is from Baptists. In my youth, I used to have fun talking to these missionaries. But nowadays, I just want them to leave me alone.

Are Mormons the ones that go out two at time, wearing suits and riding bicycles?
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Well-Known Member
Personally have no issues what so ever on that or the time he had a guest from USA who was an evangelist and at a dinner at his house where the evangelist knowing that am not a church member started his usual talk of evangelising and telling me: "You are a sinner and come into God's way and he will pardon you" etc.

When someone tells me this, I respond "I just spoke to G-d and He forgave me."

That stops 'em in their tracks.


Mother Heathen

We get a lot of them here on our island.

I have no idea why we get so many. Perhaps they think they need to convert the Heathen Indians.

They stand out like sore thumbs. I actually feel sorry for them.

This is Alaska, we literally are wearing jeans, flannel shirt, and gun. LOL! Or shorts, flannel shirt over T-shirt, and gun. :)

They go door to door in suits, - regardless of the weather, - which around here can range from 10 below in the winter to 100 degrees in the summer.

They must be freezing or about to pass out from heat-stroke.


I acknowledge the dedication and commitment to cause.


When someone tells me this, I respond "I just spoke to G-d and He forgave me."

That stops 'em in their tracks.

The ones around here always seem to start off with, "Have you found Jesus Christ?"

To which I always respond, "I didn't know he was missing!" :D
