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Why do you knock on my door?


Premium Member
I learned something new a few weeks back that might apply. After I asked her "Which part of 'No Soliciting" (the sign near my door) did you not understand?" she asked if I wanted my name on their, "Do not knock" list, and I said., "Yes."

So apparently some groups do keep track, and you can get off their list, just like the telemarketing lists.


Just the facts Ma'am
Back in the 80's a troop of 3 (JW's I think) came to my door one Saturday afternoon. I opened the door to see who they were, got their spiel "Have you found Jesus..." I said I wasn't interested and tried to close my front door. One of the guys stuck his foot between the door and door stop and said "we're not through". I said "if you don't get your foot out of my door and your *** off my porch I'm going to make you sorry you ever knocked on my door, you want through, I'll get my shotgun and you'll be through!!". I called the cops, they left before the cops got there.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
The ones around here always seem to start off with, "Have you found Jesus Christ?"

To which I always respond, "I didn't know he was missing!" :D

Good answer to that particular question ;), but if that's how the conversation usually starts, it's definitely not the Mormons you're talking to. That particular phraseology just isn't part of our lexicon. That actually sounds more like something an Evangelical Christian would say.


Good answer to that particular question ;), but if that's how the conversation usually starts, it's definitely not the Mormons you're talking to. That particular phraseology just isn't part of our lexicon. That actually sounds more like something an Evangelical Christian would say.

Only Mormons and JW's go door to door here.



I learned something new a few weeks back that might apply. After I asked her "Which part of 'No Soliciting" (the sign near my door) did you not understand?" she asked if I wanted my name on their, "Do not knock" list, and I said., "Yes."

So apparently some groups do keep track, and you can get off their list, just like the telemarketing lists.

Yes, but a No Soliciting sign should be enough.

Perhaps buying a No Soliciting sign with some clear space at the bottom, where we can add, - including RELIGIOUS, - would do the trick.


Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
Interestingly enough, no one is legally obligated to abide by your 'no solicitors' sign. Although, I often wonder what sort of traction they expect to get by ignoring it...


Premium Member
Interestingly enough, no one is legally obligated to abide by your 'no solicitors' sign. Although, I often wonder what sort of traction they expect to get by ignoring it...

Yeah, she said she wasn't soliciting, because she was 'sharing' not 'selling'. I wasn't particularly friendly, as you might imagine.

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
Yeah, she said she wasn't soliciting, because she was 'sharing' not 'selling'. I wasn't particularly friendly, as you might imagine.

Its a very strange mentality to me. Its like they are pretending they know what your sign is supposed to mean better than you do. And what was she expecting? You'd say, "Oh, good point. Come on in!" In what weird universe does that happen?

They must have to deal with rejection constantly as it is. I can't for the life of me figure why they'd purposefully set themselves up for more rejection. I mean, I understand why they do it in the first place. They feel their message is very important and feel obligated to share it. That's great. But there are plenty of doors without the sign on them. Why invite disaster when there are plenty of other people who may be open to their message that they could be spending their time on?


Daimona of the Helpless
Its a very strange mentality to me. Its like they are pretending they know what your sign is supposed to mean better than you do. And what was she expecting? You'd say, "Oh, good point. Come on in!" In what weird universe does that happen?

They must have to deal with rejection constantly as it is. I can't for the life of me figure why they'd purposefully set themselves up for more rejection. I mean, I understand why they do it in the first place. They feel their message is very important and feel obligated to share it. That's great. But there are plenty of doors without the sign on them. Why invite disaster when there are plenty of other people who may be open to their message that they could be spending their time on?

If they wered out there on their own just spreading the Word there would be no reason to take risks but the fact is they go out in groups and are supervised by an overseer, at least that's what a former JW expained to me. There under alot of pressure to get a phone number.


Yeah, she said she wasn't soliciting, because she was 'sharing' not 'selling'. I wasn't particularly friendly, as you might imagine.

Actually it includes -

To make an earnest or urgent request or petition for something desired.


To seek to obtain by persuasion, entreaty, or formal application:

They desire you, and your soul, for their God, so they should fall under it.

In other words, they are soliciting members for their church, and/or God.

From an ex-Mormon - "Soliciting means trying to push an agenda and get something from people who wouldn't have given without this effort.

That's what missionaries do. They solicit. Mormon missionaries are door to door solicitors."



Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Only Mormons and JW's go door to door here.
Then I guess it must be the JWs, although I've never had one of them start a conversation with me that way. Maybe it's different in different parts of the country. The JW's stop by my place maybe about once a year. We chat for a couple of minutes and I take their literature and they leave. It's never gotten confrontational or anything.

I think the typical LDS conversation starter would be something more along the lines of, "Hello, we're missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and we have a message we'd like to share with you if that's okay." They pretty much always start out by stating what Church they are representing, and will usually introduce themselves as "Elder Jones" and "Elder Adams" or "Sister Barker" and "Sister Smith." The "Elder" part usually raises a few eyebrows, since the missionaries are in their late teens or early twenties. There are a lot more young LDS women going on missions now than there used to be.


Then I guess it must be the JWs, although I've never had one of them start a conversation with me that way. Maybe it's different in different parts of the country. The JW's stop by my place maybe about once a year. We chat for a couple of minutes and I take their literature and they leave. It's never gotten confrontational or anything.

I think the typical LDS conversation starter would be something more along the lines of, "Hello, we're missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and we have a message we'd like to share with you if that's okay." They pretty much always start out by stating what Church they are representing, and will usually introduce themselves as "Elder Jones" and "Elder Adams" or "Sister Barker" and "Sister Smith." The "Elder" part usually raises a few eyebrows, since the missionaries are in their late teens or early twenties. There are a lot more young LDS women going on missions now than there used to be.

Why do they call the young men Elders?



Skanky Old Mongrel!
Mostly to Mormon's and Jehovah witnesses
Which is fine. I will listen and retort and debate etc. But what is your motivation?

.......... why not?
Your television. computer and radio spout messages at you continuously.
Mostly every wall, taxi, bus, coach and shop window claws at you for attention.
Your postbox is crammed with messages; your telephones ring new and old ideas through, constantly.
Most clubs, groups and organisations clamour to spread their messages through editorials, adverts and campaigns.
........... and some folks come to your door with their messages.

And you love it. You must, because you answer the door and then listen, retort and debate.... on your doorstep. :shrug:

Question:- Will you ever put up a sign which says 'JWs and Mormons, please don't call here'. ??

If so, why?
If not, why?

Just asking......


Avid JW Bible Student
This has been an interesting thread. Full of misinformation though. For starters, JW's would never start a conversation with "have you found Jesus?"

I have had Mormons at my door wanting to "leave the blessing of The Lord Jesus" in my home. Since I already enjoy many spiritual blessings, I respectfully decline and ask about the results of their ministry. We understand how difficult this work is but unlike Mormons, whose young missionaries engage in this door to door activity for just a couple of years, (usually in a foreign country) young and old in our ranks preach for the rest of our lives. It is not something we are paid to do, nor is it a chore....it is a command and a most satisfying occupation when someone asks questions and responds to the answers. We are happy to answer any genuine questions but will not waste time with ridiculers or those who just want to shoot the messenger.

Are we discouraged by rejection? No. We actually expect it. (John 15:19, 20) Jesus commissioned the preaching of the good news "in all the inhabited earth as a witness to all the nations". (Matt 24:14) it was to be carried out right up until the end of this present system of things.

Jesus actually likened people's response to his message to the response that Noah received when he warned the people of his day that God would bring the world of that time to its end. (Matt 24:36-39) It is linked to Jesus' return when he comes to judge mankind on his Father's behalf.

People can reject the message, ridicule the messenger, governments can even resort to banning our work. All will still have opportunity to listen and respond. The people of Noah's day probably thought he was a crackpot and an annoyance, yet they must have realised that when the water started to build up and flood the earth, that he was actually trying to save their lives all along. As it turns out, he didn't save anyone but his own family. No one took any notice of him. Why?

If this is going to happen again, then people ignoring the messenger, will be doing it for all the same reasons. Once the physical evidence was right in front of their noses, they probably wished they'd listened....but too late. :sad:

God never forces anyone to do anything. He warns people about his intentions and allows them to make their own choices. We are just the messengers, but it is our privilege to search for the lost sheep. (Matt 10:11-15) Our motivation is love of God and concern for our neighbors and obedience to Christ's commands. That's it. (Matt 28:19, 20)

Through Christ, God has commanded that a warning work be done and an opportunity be given to all to take him up on his offer of unending life in paradise under the rule of his kingdom. It will cost us something though. It requires that we place our own will in second place to the will of God. We have to abide by God's laws and love what God loves. We don't find that one bit difficult. ;)

How many would be willing to do that these days? There are over 8 million of us actually. :) happily doing the will of God, every day we can.
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Just the facts Ma'am
The area where I live must be on they're (LDS) list as a hot spot of evil or something. They have been to my door 4-5 time in the last month. In fact Friday they came twice in one day! Each time I've been a little less polite to them and asked them not to come back. The second time they came by on Friday I just happened to cleaning my 9mm pistol when they rang the doorbell, so I opened the door with it still in hand, funny thing they didn't try handing me anything that time and left my porch without saying a word. Maybe the word will get around now.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
The area where I live must be on they're (LDS) list as a hot spot of evil or something. They have been to my door 4-5 time in the last month. In fact Friday they came twice in one day! Each time I've been a little less polite to them and asked them not to come back. The second time they came by on Friday I just happened to cleaning my 9mm pistol when they rang the doorbell, so I opened the door with it still in hand, funny thing they didn't try handing me anything that time and left my porch without saying a word. Maybe the word will get around now.
Only in Texas.:rolleyes: