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Why do you pray?


New Member
I just thought this would be interesting. I heard this song the other day.. goes something like, "if heaven and hell did not exist, would you still pray to god?"..

So, why do you pray? . .


Active Member
If we talk from a non-religious perspective as your song quote suggests, I find that oralising all my concerns and problems is the first step towards formulating answers and solutions. Prayer is the ideal tool for doing so privately.

Obviously, though, the ultimate purpose of my prayer is to achieve assistance or receive answers from God. The non-religious prayer I described is probably more akin to thinking out loud, or some form of meditation.


Its only a Label
friend Views24,
My view on this 1 [not 24] is that one needs to understand what is praying and to whom are you praying. So friend if you can answere that, shall surely respond to your query.
Love & rgds


Active Member
I pray because it is in prayer that I heard God most clearly. It wasn't until I researched Catholicism that found the name for what I was practicing was 'comtemplative prayer'. I used to feel ackward trying to come up with a dialogue with fanciful phrases and felt that God wasn't really listening to my rantings, but when I just became quiet and still before Him, His presence was made know to me. I desire to commune with my Heavenly Father and prayer is the way. Therefore, I now practice many forms of prayer: contemplative ( I LOVE the rosary - have had many spiritual revelations and have physically felt the spirit as I never did when I was a Mormon), spoken and ritual as in the Mass.


Premium Member
I pray so I can communicate with God. I have to do either in silence or with some kind of religious music playing.


Not your average Mormon
( I LOVE the rosary - have had many spiritual revelations and have physically felt the spirit as I never did when I was a Mormon), spoken and ritual as in the Mass.
You're lucky that you have Catholicism, then. You've kind of got to feel sorry for the Christians who lived during the first twelve centuries of Christianity, though, huh? They had to get along without the rosary. I guess they had to just limp along like the Mormons.


Depends Upon My Mood..
You're lucky that you have Catholicism, then. You've kind of got to feel sorry for the Christians who lived during the first twelve centuries of Christianity, though, huh? They had to get along without the rosary. I guess they have to limp along like the Mormons.

What about the plain Jane non denominationals?..Like me?...That pray anytime anywhere without formalities?

Oh well ...at least we have the Lords prayer..Ya know the one Jesus taught?...Our Father who art in heaven ...such and such..forgive us and deliver us....

Maybe I can hold a cross when I say it..and it will workk better..??? Ya think?




Not your average Mormon
What about the plain Jane non denominationals?..Like me?...That pray anytime anywhere without formalities?
Yeah, I guess you're in the same boat as the Mormons.

Oh well ...at least we have the Lords prayer..Ya know the one Jesus taught?
I really do love the Lord's Prayer. It's the perfect model for how we should pray. I occasionally do repeat it immediately before I offer my personal prayers (which are entirely "ad lib" ;)), just as a reminder of the frame of mind I should be in when addressing my Father in Heaven.

Maybe I can hold a cross when I say it..and it will workk better..??? Ya think?
I think you already know the answer to that one, Dallas. :D


Mr Invisible
I still pray... it's my brains way of thinking, "I can't do anything about this situation... maybe if I say it out loud or say a prayer in my head, then the universe/God/something will happen".

It's basically an expression that I wish something would happen, but I'm powerless to do anything about it. Like when you get angry and yell at an inanimate object because you stubbed your toe on it - it makes you feel better to yell at the object.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I still pray... it's my brains way of thinking, "I can't do anything about this situation... maybe if I say it out loud or say a prayer in my head, then the universe/God/something will happen".

It's basically an expression that I wish something would happen, but I'm powerless to do anything about it. Like when you get angry and yell at an inanimate object because you stubbed your toe on it - it makes you feel better to yell at the object.

Sometimes prayer can change you...rather than the "object"... :)




Active Member
You're lucky that you have Catholicism, then. You've kind of got to feel sorry for the Christians who lived during the first twelve centuries of Christianity, though, huh? They had to get along without the rosary. I guess they had to just limp along like the Mormons.

I am sorry if that came across as a slam against LDS - I was in the process of descibing my PERSONAL experience and not the end-all-be-all way to do things. Praying the Rosary was one of the MANY methods I listed that happens to work for moi. God bless.

OT - I think Pres. Monson's first conference went well - didn't catch too much of it though, but liked the little I saw.


Not your average Mormon
I am sorry if that came across as a slam against LDS - I was in the process of descibing my PERSONAL experience and not the end-all-be-all way to do things.
It did, but I can be touchy at time. I will accept your word for it that it was not a slam, and ask that you accept my apology.


Veteran Member
I just thought this would be interesting. I heard this song the other day.. goes something like, "if heaven and hell did not exist, would you still pray to god?"..

So, why do you pray? . .

i pray because i need help and only authority that could give me what i am asking for is God.


Let's go racing boys !
I used to pray. Then I realised it made no difference when I don't pray :)
It depends on what, and how you pray...Did you pray in Faith believing?
Pro 15:29 but He heareth the prayer of the righeous.
I John 5:14 If ye ask anything according to God's will

James 4:3 Ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss




Prayer for me is living life "plugged in" to the Living Sentient Universe.

It's a 24/7 thing....
a way of life.

I never "beg" or even really "ask" God for anything anymore.

Instead I live out an active faith
that steps out in the wonder and MAJIK
of a pliable and interactive reality.

And God "speaks" to me now in anything and everything.
All the details of my Reality.

God and I have fun playing our own personal "clue game".
We co-create REALity in word/meaning and gesture.

I love life so much better this way.



Well-Known Member
i don't pray since if god exist and has a plan my prayer wont affect that ( only time i pray is wen im at the poker table and hope for good cards )


Well-Known Member
Prayer cannot logically work, as many of the multitude of prayers a supposed god would get would be working at cross purposes, i.e. the classic case, people on opposing sides of a war praying for victory.