Originally Posted by Draupadi View Post
Then the sayings of the Christians that Christ will throw the sinners into Hell is wrong?
Savagewind is totally correct here. What will Jesus do? Glad you asked
Isa 26:9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth,
the inhabitants of the will learn righteousness.
These people get judged and learn righteousness. Pretty silly for them to learn righteousness and then be thrown in some fabled hell hole. Besides
God is love and He wouldn't torture any of His
offspring for an eternity. That's just insane and people who teach such blasphemy have a harsh judgment to go through...but they too will be saved.
Sorry my knowledge about this matter is extremely limited.
Its okay because 99% of Christians [yes Christians] don't even know that God will judge sinners into righteousness and not perform some obscene over-the-top terrorist act like what they preach and teach.
If the sinners won't be punished will a non-believer in Christ go to heaven?
I don't know. I believe Jesus Christ is Earth's savior but I do not expect to go to heaven because I do not know what "go to heaven" means. I expect to share with the son of God (Yeshua or Yehoshua called Jesus Christ) his reward; if I stay by him which I plan on doing.
"No one goes to heaven except He who came down from heaven". Try this: Where does God dwell? In heaven right. Where is His temple? In heaven right. What does the scriptures say is the Temple of God? "Ye are the temple of God" it says like 7 times.
We are the heavens [throughout scripture heaven is almost always plural i.e kingdom of the heavens] that God dwells so you are on to the right path to question the whole "go to heaven". Also Christ says He will rule on earth and His people will be with Him...on earth ruling/judging/saving the world with Him. Check out Obad 1:21