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Why does frustration the emotion exist ?


N. Germanic Descent
Frustration -like all negative emotion- signalises to the self that it is time to review an attitude (held towards someone/something) that has outdone itself.

To try to invoke change in that which frustrates you, is not only a waste of energy but also an overstepping of your own authority towards others.

The correct remedy for frustration, is instead a review and alteration of one’s attitude towards and perspective on the issue.

Natural reaction initiated via environmental factors make life more dynamic and frustration is one of those viewed to be negative, so the reflection need is present. I'm a cigarette smoker. I smoke outside and away from people, but the habit has a way of frustrating others who would prefer me not to smoke at all. I'm always working on projects I find worthwhile and I'm always getting distracted, therefor it frustrates me when I'm unable to complete a project or when something happens that threatens the outcome. It's a defense mechanism, which has in times past cause me such frustration that I end up terminating the project altogether. I've ripped up paintings, burned wood working projects, smashed computer screens, and played baseball with my phone over these frustrating elements. I'm doing a lot better than I once did. I stuck a knife in my leg once. Too much is too much and the pressure cooker builds up too much pressure to contain it sometimes, so I'm learning to walk away, change environments, etc. I rarely voice myself to others in protest, but it happens on occasion. I can do nothing after the fact but feel regret, try to act more proactively, and hope I don't spoil my welcome, which happens from time to time. I find myself on edge more often than not and always fearful of being forced into situations I'm not ready for. I'm learning, though but the triggers are a near constant and I can only take so much before I break.


Active Member
I’d say God is fixing it; it’s a process which starts with the transformation of each person’s heart and mind who desires something better and is finalized in the new heaven and earth free of imperfections and frustrations. That’s how I see it.
I hope that there is a perfect world after this one.


Well-Known Member
I see nothing productive about this emotional state. It's a destroyer and therefore itself be destroyed out of existence and replaced with boredom or happiness.
Humans have two centers of consciousness; inner self and ego. Frustration comes from the ego. The ego has lofty irrational expectations, often due to cultural knowledge, group think, and even social expectations. These may not be fully based in reality. When the ego confronts a wall with reality, it gets frustrated. If one is more reasonable you are less likely to get stuck that way.

A good example is wanting to believe Harris will beat Trump when we start to discuss issues and get past the fake news lie and fantasy stage. What a laugh to believe intramural can beat varsity when it comes to reality solutions. One sets themself up for frustration.

When the ego learns to trust the inner self; flow, solutions can appear that allow one to go around or just stop for the time being; put it on the back burner for now, rather than be stuck at fake news emotional thinking, lacking sufficient common sense reason to accept reality for what it is. Frustration is a litmus test in terms of how high your ego head is in the clouds and how far you can fall with frustration.

Fake news and the Swamp is setting you up for a fall that can then lead to frustration violence. The ego fails to blame itself and its evil handlers. One hates reality for messing up the fantasy. This is what happens when people lose religion and faith and replace it with the religion of fake news fairy tales. I am amazed how many Liberals will carry that water or kool-aide. I try to do reality checks, to lower height and fall of frustration. Your welcome.


N. Germanic Descent
Humans have two centers of consciousness; inner self and ego. Frustration comes from the ego. The ego has lofty irrational expectations, often due to cultural knowledge, group think, and even social expectations. These may not be fully based in reality. When the ego confronts a wall with reality, it gets frustrated. If one is more reasonable you are less likely to get stuck that way.

A good example is wanting to believe Harris will beat Trump when we start to discuss issues and get past the fake news lie and fantasy stage. What a laugh to believe intramural can beat varsity when it comes to reality solutions. One sets themself up for frustration.

When the ego learns to trust the inner self; flow, solutions can appear that allow one to go around or just stop for the time being; put it on the back burner for now, rather than be stuck at fake news emotional thinking, lacking sufficient common sense reason to accept reality for what it is. Frustration is a litmus test in terms of how high your ego head is in the clouds and how far you can fall with frustration.

Fake news and the Swamp is setting you up for a fall that can then lead to frustration violence. The ego fails to blame itself and its evil handlers. One hates reality for messing up the fantasy. This is what happens when people lose religion and faith and replace it with the religion of fake news fairy tales. I am amazed how many Liberals will carry that water or kool-aide. I try to do reality checks, to lower height and fall of frustration. Your welcome.

Lofty goals, ambition to do something well, to learn and develop as you go, on to having a sense of achievement instilled by the ability granted by life, effort, and perseverance. Patience comes into play as does frustration due to inability or failure to acknowledge something needed, which is to suggest progress. If we're not progressing, or if we feel as if we're not progressing, we end up feeling like a dead branch needing to be discarded. They say old dogs can't learn new tricks. whatever that means. I know that at 53, I'm still learning new things and I'm still developing ability and I'm still making progress, albeit slow and frustrating. Lofty goals and ego and obstacles and need and adaptation and development and even evolution, transformation, etc are all part of the process of life. I started my journey a swimmer bound within a seed, after which
I fell from the womb to take my first real breath. I'm not sure if this process ever ends, but can be frustrating and rewarding.


I hope that there is a perfect world after this one.
I believe there will be…

Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. 2 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:1-4
I see nothing productive about this emotional state. It's a destroyer and therefore itself be destroyed out of existence and replaced with boredom or happiness.
Sometimes you just have to admit defeat and stop kicking at the ox goad. People need to understand that they aren't in control of absolutely everything and learn to accept that - the frustration (which is kin to envy) will cease