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Why does God care about human beings so much?


God Among Men
Let's say there is a omnipotent creator being who likes to be called God. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-capable. This dude is the single most powerful being in existence and created this whole universe because he got bored one day and decided to brighten up his surroundings. Why the hell would such a powerful infalliable being care about a puny, measly race such as the human race? What makes us so special that we get promises and covenants with this superpower? Why does he give flying **** whether we know he's there or not? Why does he care what I eat on Fridays, or whether I beat my meat, or whether I lied to my mother? It makes absolutely no sense in my mind, this basic principle of a creator being who cares so damn much about the impotent human race in our microscopic section of the universe.

Someone enlighten me? Please?


Religion is Law
Consider God as a member of a certain race of beings, which means there are more than one God. But the God we deal with is personal to us because He created us. The other Gods create their own children.

Whenever we create something special, we take a special interest in them, like my children (I have a son and a daughter). We are considered special because we can rise beyond this life to higher realms. Some even believe that Godhood is a birthright. Of course, we may reject this notion because we can, but does rejecting it make it untrue? If it is true, then what we do here is very relevant to what happens to us after we leave this short, mortal existence.


God Among Men
Consider God as a member of a certain race of beings, which means there are more than one God.

So you're proposing that there are indeed multiple "Gods" who each control what they've created?

God created a pretty damn big tank for a few tiny fishes in that case. The known universe is almost infinitely large, and Planet Earth occupies a remote, relatively empty sector of space.


Hostis humani generis
Maybe he likes to interfere in every world with intelligent life on--like a parent who lives through his or her children, so God with Its creation.


Fish on a Friday thing is a Catholic tradition, nothing more.
Beat my meat, I guess in the old days it was so you would go out and hump instead, thus bringing more wee ones into the world, humanity surviving.
Lying, of course, that's not nice. :p

Of course, I don't think of God as really "caring" about the world. I'm not a Christian, and there are more views than just the Christian one out there, although usually only Christian, Islamic and Jewish are really looked at by most in the West, unfortunately.


It's really quite simple and you pretty much answered your own question. *You* feel that humans are a "impotent human race in our microscopic section of the universe" while *he* does not which he has demonstrated in all the provisions he's made for us.

One Scripture that really empathizes our creators interest in us is Luke 12:6, 7:

"Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them goes forgotten before God. But even the hairs of YOUR heads are all numbered. Have no fear; YOU are worth more than many sparrows"


Superabacus Mystic
...Yet God did not found us worthy of the knowledge that is actually required to leave the microscopic-within-microscopic-again section of the galaxy we live in. We had to derive it all ourselves.


God Among Men
One Scripture that really empathizes our creators interest in us is Luke 12:6, 7:

"Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them goes forgotten before God. But even the hairs of YOUR heads are all numbered. Have no fear; YOU are worth more than many sparrows"

This tells me nothing. Scripture is not proven fact, in fact it is admitted to have been written by several different people at several different times, supposedly under the aegis of Jehovah. I want a logical explanation for why a being of such incredibly ginormous magnitude stoops to our level to toy with us.


Rogue Theologian
Let's say there is a omnipotent creator being who likes to be called God. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-capable. This dude is the single most powerful being in existence and created this whole universe because he got bored one day and decided to brighten up his surroundings. Why the hell would such a powerful infalliable being care about a puny, measly race such as the human race? What makes us so special that we get promises and covenants with this superpower? Why does he give flying **** whether we know he's there or not? Why does he care what I eat on Fridays, or whether I beat my meat, or whether I lied to my mother? It makes absolutely no sense in my mind, this basic principle of a creator being who cares so damn much about the impotent human race in our microscopic section of the universe.

Someone enlighten me? Please?

Welcome to the Forum.

And indeed...'what is Man that God is mindful of him?'....

So picture yourself as the Creator...yes you can.

Creation of material is one thing....talking about it is something else.

Making conversation would be difficult....alone.
So on Day Six........


Well-Known Member
Consider God as a member of a certain race of beings, which means there are more than one God. But the God we deal with is personal to us because He created us. The other Gods create their own children.

Whenever we create something special, we take a special interest in them, like my children (I have a son and a daughter). We are considered special because we can rise beyond this life to higher realms. Some even believe that Godhood is a birthright. Of course, we may reject this notion because we can, but does rejecting it make it untrue? If it is true, then what we do here is very relevant to what happens to us after we leave this short, mortal existence.
You have a fair understanding of what God and man are about.
As our Creator He cares what happens to us even as we care about our children.
And this in a nutshell answers the OP from a scriptural point. :):)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Let's say there is a omnipotent creator being who likes to be called God. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-capable. This dude is the single most powerful being in existence and created this whole universe because he got bored one day and decided to brighten up his surroundings. Why the hell would such a powerful infalliable being care about a puny, measly race such as the human race? What makes us so special that we get promises and covenants with this superpower? Why does he give flying **** whether we know he's there or not? Why does he care what I eat on Fridays, or whether I beat my meat, or whether I lied to my mother? It makes absolutely no sense in my mind, this basic principle of a creator being who cares so damn much about the impotent human race in our microscopic section of the universe.

Someone enlighten me? Please?
I don't believe in any gods, but for the sake of thought experiments, there are generally two ways I approach this, and they provide somewhat contradictory conclusions.

First Way: Observation of Nature/Universe
Nature is rather harsh and indifferent. The universe is a chaotic place, with stars being created and being destroyed, planets and moons being destroyed, and so forth. Most of it is empty, really cold, or really hot, and travel is extremely difficult based on scale and technical difficulty. Life on earth is harsh, with predators and prey all trying to get by and survive. There exists much suffering due to the fundamentals of biology and matter, and on how creatures have evolved to behave. Disease, defects, and natural disasters cause suffering and death, and mass-extinction events occur regularly on long time scales.

Based on the harsh indifference in how nature/universe operates, if there exists a god that is responsible for or representative of this work, it likely has similar qualities. So it would neither be malevolent or benevolent, just harsh and indifferent. The other option would be that god does not have these qualities, but does not have full control over its universe, and is therefore limited.

I'd expect that if a god bothered to create something like the universe, it would at least bother to observe it and take interest in it to a certain extent, and various conscious lifeforms spread throughout it would be top contenders for it to take interest in (if not at the personal level then perhaps a the planetary level). Plus, Dharmic descriptions of god generally don't assume any separateness. So, everything is within god rather than being separate creations of god.

Second Way: Extrapolating Self-Actualized Behavior
Humans have basic needs, and vary in terms of intelligence and education. Violence and restriction are present in many areas of the world where there does not exist good infrastructure, resources, and education. Even in developed countries, there exist a lot of individuals that are educated, but don't mind taking advantage of others in their own countries and abroad, for the sake of money or whatever.

But there also exist rather well-developed people, who are compassionate, intelligent, well-educated, and reasonable. They have many of their needs met, and are able to self-actualize. They tend to be looked up to and respected.

One could argue that, if the highest levels of humanity are capable of being so virtuous, why would a god be less-so? This type of human would not likely create such a work that results in so much suffering. This argument generally rules out the existence of rather immature and wrathful deities, and to a lesser extent, argues against indifferent entities as well.

Of course, the contradiction is eliminated when one discontinues the assumption that a creator god exists.


Well-Known Member
From the Baha'i scriptures:

"Veiled in my immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image, and revealed to thee My beauty."
­The Hidden Words, Part One, #3

“Out of the wastes of nothingness, with the clay of My command I made thee to appear, and have ordained for thy training every atom in existence and the essence of all created things. Thus, ere thou didst issue from thy mother’s womb, I destined for thee two founts of gleaming milk, eyes to watch over thee, and hearts to love thee. Out of My loving-kindness, ’neath the shade of My mercy I nurtured thee, and guarded thee by the essence of My grace and favor. And My purpose in all this was that thou mightest attain My everlasting dominion and become worthy of My invisible bestowals….”
--The Hidden Words, Part One, #32

CCXXII "Man is the supreme Talisman. Lack of a proper education hath, however, deprived him of that which he doth inherently possess. Through a word proceeding out of the mouth of God he was called into being; by one word more he was guided to recognize the Source of his education; by yet another word his station and destiny were safeguarded. The Great Being saith: Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom."
Gleanings, pp. 259-260
Best! :)


Well-Known Member
Let's say there is a omnipotent creator being who likes to be called God. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-capable. This dude is the single most powerful being in existence and created this whole universe because he got bored one day and decided to brighten up his surroundings. Why the hell would such a powerful infalliable being care about a puny, measly race such as the human race? What makes us so special that we get promises and covenants with this superpower? Why does he give flying **** whether we know he's there or not? Why does he care what I eat on Fridays, or whether I beat my meat, or whether I lied to my mother? It makes absolutely no sense in my mind, this basic principle of a creator being who cares so damn much about the impotent human race in our microscopic section of the universe.

Someone enlighten me? Please?

The fact (as far as people like me believe) that we are created beings by the All-Powerful, All-Knowing God shows that we are very limited whether in our powers or in our understanding. Therefore, judging the All-Powerful by the powerless or the limited-powered is erroneous as it is beyond our limited minds.

There are things in this universe, far less powerful than God which we, with our limited ability are unable to explain because we are not the masters of the universe; rather, we are masters in the universe. This vast creation is beyond our conception and this leads us to say that if we cannot understand and conceive every limited things in the universe, there is no way that we can understand God’s mind, if we can say.

As for why would He chose to make us so special, Muslims are told in the Quran that Allah (God) has honored Adam and his progeny because He has endowed them with mind and gave them free choice; He has shown them the path of good and that of evil and told them the consequences of that; it is a test my friend not a joke.

God is not harmed if we are all sinful nor He is benefiting if we are all good; it is us at the end that benefit or are harmed. If someone lies or steals or whatever, then justice is at jeopardy and the society will be chaos. The Master puts the rules of the game not the players.

Hope that helps answer your questions ...


Superabacus Mystic
The fact (as far as people like me believe) that we are created beings by the All-Powerful, All-Knowing God shows that we are very limited whether in our powers or in our understanding. Therefore, judging the All-Powerful by the powerless or the limited-powered is erroneous as it is beyond our limited minds.
But a logically valid argument is valid until new evidence is brought against it, regardless of who made it. Obviously, it's entirely possible for there to be a reason that God pays attention to us compared to the rest of the universe, but assuming there is one isn't sensible.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Let's say there is a omnipotent creator being who likes to be called God. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-capable. This dude is the single most powerful being in existence and created this whole universe because he got bored one day and decided to brighten up his surroundings. Why the hell would such a powerful infalliable being care about a puny, measly race such as the human race? What makes us so special that we get promises and covenants with this superpower? Why does he give flying **** whether we know he's there or not? Why does he care what I eat on Fridays, or whether I beat my meat, or whether I lied to my mother? It makes absolutely no sense in my mind, this basic principle of a creator being who cares so damn much about the impotent human race in our microscopic section of the universe.

Someone enlighten me? Please?

Because humans are just that important. The human ego is so massive that it won't be sated, even if you shower it with gold, as the Buddha said. The human ego is so large that it thinks the sovereign one of the universe should be subjected to it's every whim. Humans think they're just that special. Just ask these folks if they believe God made humans the highest thing of creation. Why yes, of course he did! :rolleyes:


godless wonder
People of faith tell you that "god" cares. If they've convinced you, then you join the membership. It's a sales job, and just like MLM's the only people that make the money, are the one's at the top of the pyramid. All the others at the bottom pay to support the top. And like any sales job, the people that bought into it don't want to feel like they were scammed, so they try to bring others into it, thinking that they are going to "profit" by it in the long run.


This tells me nothing. Scripture is not proven fact, in fact it is admitted to have been written by several different people at several different times, supposedly under the aegis of Jehovah. I want a logical explanation for why a being of such incredibly ginormous magnitude stoops to our level to toy with us.

Failing to acknowledge his word certainly explains why you fail to understand his point of view.