Q : “If a man or a woman masturbates, what does this have to do with "love often develops as a consequence’? “
A : The word “often” does not mean always
OK, Does masturbation ever, at any time result in love developing as a consequence? If you believe it does, pray tell explain how.
Q : “I compare it to another bodily function of a bowel movement”
A : Masturbation hammers your nervous system.
Your body is a survival machine. The more you waste your seed the more it punishes you
And you have what research to support this? Aside from wive's fable's and the wild speculations of witch doctors, can you point to any valid research that supports this idea you've come up with from somewhere?
Aside from that "waste" your seed? You do realize there are hundreds of millions of sperm cells that are "wasted" as you put it every time you have sex, and only one, out of all of those, even has a chance of making it into the egg, if it is even an option. Out of curiosity, do you believe you should only have sex while the woman is ovulating, and never any other time but then since your seed is pretty assured to be "wasted"?
To be consistent, you'd better say yes.
Q : ”There is no ‘partnership’ thing going on. And if you believe it is a sin that should be avoided, do you have any support for that notion from the Bible?”
A : Your post was entirely about masturbation wasn’t it
Yes it was, because I hear people imagining it's committing a sin, when there is nothing that supports that. They get all bent out of shape they are doing something wrong, when what is actually wrong is the unsupportable notion it's a sin.
You have got this idea in your head that it’s the same as having a crap.
You’re wrong
It is comparable to any natural bodily function, like eating, sleeping, defecating, and so forth. Obviously it's a different function, but it is still natural and normal as any other normal body function. Why on earth do some religionists get so "anal" about it?
Semen is half a person. Crap is waste.
Dear God in heaven! Semen is half a person?
You don't understand anything about biology, do you?
So, then, when you copulate with your partner, if let's say for instance you ejaculate 5ml of sperm. That approximately 500 million individual sperm cells. That means you have just sent 250 million people to their deaths. Not even Hitler in his wildest dreams could have envisioned such murderous successes!
No, sperm cells are not half a person. They are not a person at all. At best, they are potentials to become fertilized egg, and it's just a numbers game. Since God doesn't seem to see a problem with "wasting" 500,000,000 sperm cells per copulation, why should you? Are you questioning God?
Jesus’ teaching was about taking back control of your mind
Actually, that was more the Buddha. Jesus was about knowing Love and practicing that.
You are unable to keep your hands off yourself because you are making no effort to control your thoughts
Oh my, projection sandwich!
You know nothing about me, what disciplines I practice, my sexual life, nor anything other than me starting this thread challenging what I find to be
unhealthy thoughts, such as you espouse. I am promoting healthy thinking, which you are not expressing.
Q : ”you have to first love yourself, before you can love another.”
A : Right.
But ‘loving yourself’ does not mean wanking your brains out
It doesn't preclude it either. Why does it to you? Do you consider an
unhealthy dissociation with your own body to be truly loving yourself?
Q : ”it's just the ego trying to find itself through projected images of itself in our relationships”
A : You’ve never been in love have you
Quite the contrary. The more you get your projected ego out of the way, the deeper and truer love is. I speak from experience, having been with the same woman for the past 18 years know. It is amazing how much people think they are loving someone else, and have no idea how much their own egos are in there. The intent may be there, but projection of our egos in relationships is sadly far more the norm, in the majority of relationships, my own ones included.
Q : ”first priority in a healthy relationship is to take care of yourself first”
A : No it isn’t
It absolutely is. If you are sick physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, how can you be there for the other? How can you love another as yourself, when you are ill?
First order of business in an airplane when it loses oxygen is you put on that mask first, because if you're passed out, you cannot be a help for anyone else. It is an act of love to others, to take care of yourself first.
In sex education class the teacher told you masturbation was healthy, right
The educational establishment is not part of the real world
So... education is bad. I see. This all comes together now.
As you go through life you will discover that a lot of what they taught you is nonsense
And you'll find that there is a lot that you should have learned but chose to ignore because you knew better than all "them educated folk"....