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Why does god kill?


Veteran Member
even though im generally ok with god, i love him, he loves me, ive seen in the bible jesus teaching love yet his father kills people and smotes the land, destroying children women and men. i dont understand this and it hurts my faith. so i need some support on this. i generally see god as a mystical being of the universe, and i dont see him doing such a thing

1. Death is not the end but a beginning.

2. Judgments make people think--including the judged. A lot of death row prisoners become saved--people off death row often hang back and play it cool.

3. We all have to die. Timing hurts, like when we lose a loved one--but the odds of death and judgment are 1:1. But we all have to die. Jesus talked about this and a flood or hurricane doesn't mean the people who died were bigger saints or bigger sinners than others.


Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth

In my spiritual/ religious system, YHWH is worshipped as the ultimate God, a God of ultimate Creation and ultimate Destruction, and the ultimate manifestation of Order over Chaos. I would not expect the most powerful being in this universe, wielding ultimate powers of Destruction, to never destroy any humans, especially since that being is thought to be responsible for our existence.

Personally... I think the destructive side of YHWH is awesome. In the Old Testament, YHWH consumes humans in fire, destroys them with wind and ice, strikes them down with lightning, opens the earth to swallow them whole, floods the earth and nearly drowns them all, inflicts lethal diseases upon them, wipes them out with drought and famine, summons and compels animals to end human life, empowers certain humans so that they might be better at destroying other humans, sends wicked spirits and death angels after humans, etc...

In my eyes, all this just makes the God YHWH even more worthy of worship.

"6 In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.

7 Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because he was wroth.

8 There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.

9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet.

10 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind.

11 He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.

12 At the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire.

13 The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire."

Psalms 18:6-13

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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I personally do not believe that God ever killed anyone. In the instances in the Bible where He is said to have killed or ordered killings, I chalk it up to tribal mythology, folklore, cautionary stories, etc.


even though im generally ok with god, i love him, he loves me, ive seen in the bible jesus teaching love yet his father kills people and smotes the land, destroying children women and men. i dont understand this and it hurts my faith. so i need some support on this. i generally see god as a mystical being of the universe, and i dont see him doing such a thing

God kills because "all things work together for good..." (Romans 8:28.)

Jesus too said that when he returns, he will have people killed...Luke 19:11-27:

Luke 19:11-27
English Standard Version (ESV)
...(27)But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’”


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Could we please have the Mods enforce the DIR constaints?

How about an " I DON'T LIKE" icon instead of only the "like" icon.
I may not want to "like, quote, or Reply" but an don't like or not like would round out
the options.


Premium Member
thanks but id really like a christian perspective on this

If you Read the New testament The Christian Perspective,Jesus is against killing. You are referring to the God of the old testament. Christians understand a new covenant with God.

He had the opportunity to cast the first stone. He declined.
He admonished peter for using a sword.
His instructions to the apostles for people that didn't listen, tap the dust from your sandals as you leave.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
even though im generally ok with god, i love him, he loves me, ive seen in the bible jesus teaching love yet his father kills people and smotes the land, destroying children women and men. i dont understand this and it hurts my faith. so i need some support on this. i generally see god as a mystical being of the universe, and i dont see him doing such a thing

The Bible was written thousands of years ago by barbaric, primitive people. Those people tried to explain the world around with their limited scientific and medical knowledge. The stories that are told are simply just that; stories. Long before the Bible came along, humans have fought over land and resources in an effort to survive. Back then it was kill or be killed (or enslaved). As others have mentioned, many of those stories are just mankind trying to justify their actions, and don't actually have anything to do with God; although they use God as the scapegoat in order to make it seem ok to kill children, rape women, etc.

There comes a point where you have to think for yourself. Move beyond a primitive, archaic mindset and look at the bigger picture. If God is a being of love and compassion, then anything that seems at odds with that sentiment is most likely human in nature, and not divine. The Bible was written by humans, it contains human emotions and thought processes, and is a reflection of that early, greater Mediterranean culture.


Veteran Member
even though im generally ok with god, i love him, he loves me, ive seen in the bible jesus teaching love yet his father kills people and smotes the land, destroying children women and men. i dont understand this and it hurts my faith. so i need some support on this. i generally see god as a mystical being of the universe, and i dont see him doing such a thing

If God would Not involve Himself when necessary, then the righteous would be in harm's way.
If God had Not taken action in Noah's day we would Not be here. For the sake of justice God had to execute the violent people - Genesis 6:11; Matthew 24:37
Is it God or is it Jesus who takes the action as recorded at Isaiah 11:3-4; Revelation 19:11; Revelation 19:14-16 ?________

For the 'sake of justice' Jesus will soon take the separating action as mentioned at Matthew 25:31-33,37
Jesus will balance the Scales of Justice for the righteous-hearted people on earth.
Only the wicked will be destroyed forever - Psalms 92:7


What's the death on Earth in comparison to eternal life in Heaven? Nothing but a moment.
God stated very clearly that He is jealous (Exodus 34:14) and that He will punish (Exodus 20:5) whoever disobeys the laws He put on Earth so it's not surprising that He actually did punish when mankind became too much twisted - and let's not forget that He will accept when you repent in your heart (Christianity, Judaism & Islam teach this).


There is no God but Allah
God doesn't kill anyone. Killing is something creatures do to each other.

God Himself is the creator of all creatures and life forms. He created life and death. Death is a process, it's a law of the universe. Things will die and decay. This isn't God killing anyone, this is the universe obeying the laws set by God, that things will die.

Every form of life returns back to the creator, which gave life from the start. Humans kill other humans, humans kill themselves, or humans get themselves into accidents. But God does not break His laws which He set in the universe, that living things can and will eventually perish. God doesn't kill anyone though, He simply created this process of death that EVERYTHING will go through. Bacteria, animals, humans, plants, any creature, all forms of life will die, this is inevitable.


הרב יונה בן זכריה
Because he needs everyone's attention on him and has the mind equivalent of Donald trump and Kim jong un combined, except in his case he actually has no limits to his cruelty, all for attention

Inappropriate posting in a DIR.

Please read the forum rules.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
God doesn't kill anyone. Killing is something creatures do to each other.

God Himself is the creator of all creatures and life forms. He created life and death. Death is a process, it's a law of the universe. Things will die and decay. This isn't God killing anyone, this is the universe obeying the laws set by God, that things will die.

Every form of life returns back to the creator, which gave life from the start. Humans kill other humans, humans kill themselves, or humans get themselves into accidents. But God does not break His laws which He set in the universe, that living things can and will eventually perish. God doesn't kill anyone though, He simply created this process of death that EVERYTHING will go through. Bacteria, animals, humans, plants, any creature, all forms of life will die, this is inevitable.


Scott C.

Just one guy
even though im generally ok with god, i love him, he loves me, ive seen in the bible jesus teaching love yet his father kills people and smotes the land, destroying children women and men. i dont understand this and it hurts my faith. so i need some support on this. i generally see god as a mystical being of the universe, and i dont see him doing such a thing

From God's perspective, what's the definition of "kill"?

Wait this is a very old thread.


New Member
I am God's creation, I'm HIS, plain and simple. If I made a house out of popsicle sticks, then decided I didn't want it anymore and smashed it..... well, that's MY decision. It really isn't up to the stick house to decide I should treat it as an equal.


Thou art That
even though im generally ok with god, i love him, he loves me, ive seen in the bible jesus teaching love yet his father kills people and smotes the land, destroying children women and men. i dont understand this and it hurts my faith. so i need some support on this. i generally see god as a mystical being of the universe, and i dont see him doing such a thing

Try to understand it in psychological terms. That Yawheh and Allah are patriarchal projections of the ego, and are essentially anthropomorphic symbols of the 'eye for an eye' doctrine, where morally 'righteous' punishment must be meted out in the name of those Gods, rather than forgiveness and compassion. Furthermore, in Jungian terms, this projection is really ourselves, foisting ones's Shadow onto another in an attempt to dehumanize, demonize, or denigrate as a means of making one appear more morally just, correct, or superior than another person, race, or religious group.. In short, it is a way to be favored and rewarded by these Gods, while the unjust and immoral are punished, even killed, for their many 'sins'. While the Muslim kills the infidel now, the Christian leaves it up to God to punish the sinner in the afterlife in everlasting flames.

The classic example of foisting a national Shadow onto others in order to justify their extermination, is that of the Nazis and their first dehumanizing the Jews by labeling them as untermenschen, thereby allowing their extermination as 'flawed' beings, while at the same time elevating the Nazi as racially superior. Hitler even tried to use the pseudo-science of eugenics to prove the Jews inferior.

I am not saying that there is no God, nor that there is a God. I am saying that these projected images come from man. But there is definitely something present, but it is not in the form of these images, which are used by the ignorant, and which has become institutionalized and given authority via 'holy' scripture. If man is to grow spiritually, he must overcome this 'child' stage of religious belief and indoctrination, which have proved to be the cause of untold misery in the world over the centuries.

It all begins with you and I.

There are crazy, dangerous people running about, angry and wild-eyed wih religious fervor.. It does not appear that you are one of them. I hope you can understand what I am trying to say to you.
