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Why does God talk?

Super Universe

Defender of God
There is God (or there isn't, depending on your point of view) and there are words of God, regardless how they got here (or they are all men's words, in case you tend to think that way).

Are the words for knowing the words or for knowing The God or perhaps both?

I guess both, but first and foremost they are for knowing God.

Why has God given the world words? Are the words for understanding the meaning of the words or are they for knowing God, in your opinion? Do you consider the words as good as God?

In the beginning was the word. This sentence is very misunderstood by most humans. It's more symbolic than literal. It attempts to explain the first disturbance in the void. The Tibetan monks have a chant that symbolizes this initial disturbance.

Language is for exchanging information about God's universe and thus you also learn about God.


Active Member
If your god was created then why don't you worship his creator?

In essence we do worship the real Creator of the source of Life called the Word of God, or Tree of Life. The Tree of Life was spoken into existence by God, the Creator of His creation. The Word of God has a voice that I had to obey for many years until I was ready to be used as a servant to be the voice for God's chosen believers. All us servants are used as His voice during this millennium reign of Christ.


Active Member
If God spoke at all I think it would be for the reason to believe in God and NOT to believe in what God spoke. Referring to just the Bible, God spoke A LOT. Nobody can know everything God has spoken so it seems to me that God speaks so that we might believe in God.

Where do you think the knowledge about the beast, how we're created, what the day of the Lord is and how we'll experience life after the day of the Lord comes from?


Well-Known Member
This is a question for all you who believe in Scripture.

Scripture is defined as "sacred writings." Sacred is defined as "connected with God".

It is believed that God or gods spoke to individuals and they then wrote down what was heard.

I understand why people thought to write what was heard down.

What do you think was the purpose of God to speak to them?
Your question pertains to complex issues.

Without sin having entered the world, God would only have needed to talk to us to instruct us how to live morally and later how to establish rules for our technology that would avoid our destroying the earth.

With sin entering mankind in general, the issue of the ransom, redemption, the restoration of mankind to perfection by those means and God's theocracy became necessary subjects. At the same time, the march of the nations was given to let us know the ballpark of when things would be restored. The problem of satan ruling the world surely has impacted all, and also believers. These issues have needed much teaching by God.

If you look at animals, only mankind has the divine like ability to change their world with technology and destroy the world by their actions. Because we are god-like, we have needed his instruction though we have a lot of instinctive things working within our bodies and through our societies by extension. Animals can live entirely by instinct; we cannot. To let those of us who listen to His Word be assisted by the word and by His angels, He has given us His inspired writings to deal with a global society ruled by the demons and their ruler satan. In this way, we can by faith live and die according to His purpose until it is time for the restoration fully knowing what God shall do for us.

The reason God spoke to singled out individuals, prophets, was to avoid having to speak to everyone all the time. While we can speak to God in prayer; He speaks to us via his inspired word and His spirit (for those who can listen to it and have the means to listen, the robes of righteousness).


Veteran Member
Premium Member
To let those of us who listen to His Word be assisted by the word and by His angels,
For that underlined reason is why I wrote this thread.
The word does not "assist" anyone. It can not. Maybe you mean something other than "to help by doing a share of the work". To know the words of God can help a person grow in wisdom. Wisdom doesn't work for getting anything done. Maybe God's angels can assist us, but I depend on The Holy Spirit to assist me. So, God's words are for seeking God's Holy Spirit imo. The words can do nothing. God's Spirit can do anything!

Is anyone tied to words that can do nothing? You can't do much like that.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think that The True God has communicated with people so that we will wonder for God to seek God to be led BY GOD and not by the words God communicated (whichever way God communicates for real).

Is there no one else who can see the difference between believing in my words and in believing in ME?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I like Gandhi's approach on this, and I took his advice and it really helped me a lot over the last several decades by opening "doors' and having experiences that I never could have anticipated.

He never heard "God's voice" in any kind of direct way (voices in the head), but he felt that God spoke to us through feelings. Therefore, his approach was that if one had strong and reoccurring feelings that they should do "X", then first make sure "X" is moral, and if one judges that it is, then do it and not make excuses not to.
That's quite a good way to begin a journey. I have found that God can also speak through visions and dreams... and sometimes in what seems like an audible voice (although it is more like in your head that in your ears).


Well-Known Member
For that underlined reason is why I wrote this thread.
The word does not "assist" anyone. It can not. Maybe you mean something other than "to help by doing a share of the work". To know the words of God can help a person grow in wisdom. Wisdom doesn't work for getting anything done. Maybe God's angels can assist us, but I depend on The Holy Spirit to assist me. So, God's words are for seeking God's Holy Spirit imo. The words can do nothing. God's Spirit can do anything!

Is anyone tied to words that can do nothing? You can't do much like that.
While you are right in saying that scripture doesn't use a hammer and nails to do work, it does contain the moral blueprint we must obey, and it tells us many times how to do it.

Obviously, the person to do what it says is the believer. I have experienced pushings: events where I was made to do things that were not immediately obvious but became so a minute or two later. I have seen God making events happen that should not happen unless by his directions, and I have had prayers answered nigh instantly of both small and important matters. I have also seen where we are permitted to suffer as Christ suffered for us.

Sorry, if you didn't think the word assist exact for your purposes. But, teaching us is also a way of helping us, assisting us. I don't mind you being exact in the details here. So, we must apply, practice, what we are taught. At times, we receive angelic assistance that make what we are trying to do succeed.


This is a question for all you who believe in Scripture.
Scripture is defined as "sacred writings." Sacred is defined as "connected with God".
It is believed that God or gods spoke to individuals and they then wrote down what was heard.
I understand why people thought to write what was heard down.
What do you think was the purpose of God to speak to them?

If you've studied the Sacred Writings of various religions I think you'll find there is usually a social reference and context for the teachings embodied in them. For instance the Buddha in the Dhammapada makes repeated references to the "True Brahmin".. and here's a few citations:

Even if richly dressed, when a man behaves even-mindedly and is at peace, restrained and established in the right way,
chaste and renouncing violence to all forms of life
, then he is a brahmin, he is a holy man, he is a bhikkhu (true Buddhist

(Buddhist, Dhammapada - Sayings of the Buddha 1 (tr. J. Richards))

social values and principles are being stressed.

and again:

One is not a brahmin by virtue of matted hair, lineage or caste. When a man possesses both Truth and truthfulness, then
he is pure, then he is a brahmin.

(Buddhist, Dhammapada - Sayings of the Buddha 1 (tr. J. Richards))

The message is clear that caste, matted hair or lineage do not a Brahmin make.. thus the Buddha's teachings envied against the rigidities of the caste system of His day..

Here's another example from the Gospels...

23:13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

23:14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

So the Holy Books in my view often are referring to legitimate social issues that need to be redressed and changed.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Sorry, if you didn't think the word assist exact for your purposes.
The fact that you accuse me of having purposes you must know what they are. Please, can you, will you (God says you won't) tell me at least two of my purposes? I say two because you have made the accusation plural. If that was a mistake, then one will do. Thank you.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
IF the Bible is God's Word, then it is true. It says that humankind exists in the image of God.
So, if any person wishes to do right, he or she actually can without any instruction at all.
The reasons that people think God speaks (that I have got on this thread) is God speaks (or communicates through angels or feelings) so that a person can know about what God expects of him or her.

I have said that maybe God speaks (or communicates through angels or feelings) so that a person can get to know God. YOU say it is so a person can get to know the words of God.

That is what I want to talk about.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I want to talk about the difference between The Person of God and the words of God.

Please and thank you.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think to reveal his will.
I think this is the most popular opinion. What I am trying to say on this thread is that I think God communicates to humankind so that who wants to can know God.

I am me. I have a will. My will is not me. I speak. My words are not me.

God IS. God has a will. God's will is not God. God speaks. God's words are not God.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I'm one of His servants who had to obey all God's commands spoken directly into my mind until I became His voice to preach the knowledge of Christ to all His chosen believers. It's okay to ask God questions because He will use me to give you answers.

The purpose of God speaking through us is to learn who He is and how He was created. Man was created in His image so once we learn what God is, then we understand who we are. That knowledge was revealed through my testimonies last December of 2016. I can share this knowledge with you if you're interested.

If He wants to speak to His chosen believers, why doesn't He speak directly to them, as He does with you?


- viole


Active Member
If He wants to speak to His chosen believers, why doesn't He speak directly to them, as He does with you?


- viole

It's the way it was planned for this temporary generation. Our Creator didn't need millions of servants to testify to the knowledge to learn how we're created as man in the image of God as ONE THING. Now that we know what that ONE THING is, we wait for the end of this generation called the day of the Lord.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
It's the way it was planned for this temporary generation. Our Creator didn't need millions of servants to testify to the knowledge to learn how we're created as man in the image of God as ONE THING. Now that we know what that ONE THING is, we wait for the end of this generation called the day of the Lord.

In the image of God? You mean like being great apes and all?


- viole