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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?


St. James VII
Mankind was created without knowledge. We were ignorant of life and the way life works. We desired knowledge. We then pursued knowledge. We then pursued evil. We then came to suffer because of evil. We likewise die because of sin. However, these things lead us to the want of something better. It's just how life works. Love leads to comfort, joy, and life. That too is how life works.

To me, God is life and love. I'm a panentheist, and as such I don't believe in a father figure type of God. The Jewish God as identified in the OT is well ... a fable derived from both ignorance and from man's sin nature. I do believe that we were given life in God so that all in God will one day know and live through love. I likewise believe in universal reconciliation of all things in God through the Spirit.


Yet another claim of absolute knowledge which carries a burden that was not even attempted to be met. Murder implies lack of moral justification. You demand the right to end human life in the womb without sufficient justification (You demand the rights to your body by denying them the fetus' body) but deny God the right to take life without showing he does not have justification. Double standards are the trademark of failed arguments. There exists no standard that can show God killed without justification and no standard that can provide justification for the billions of killings we carry out. Yet those without justification are arrogant enough to judge the only being ever known that has perfect justification. Is it any wonder this circus can't possibly last? This is moral insanity.

There is no moral justification for murdering babies.

Quite trying to bring fetuses into this, they are not autonomous live humans.



Meh, old stories in an old Jewish holy book. The OT reveals how the Jewish people viewed their God, whereas the NT reveals the truth of God through Christ. Much of the OT identifies God as a jealous war god, whereas the NT identifies God as love. There is much truth to be drawn from the OT, but when something in the OT stands in opposition to love, I'm assured that is was man's sin nature (Satan) that was the culprit behind that opposition.

That is called picking and choosing what you want to believe.

Do you believe the Noah's ark flood story?

Do you believe YHVH killed David's baby?

Do you believe YHVH killed the Hebrew first born.



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Goody. Here I go what?
You asked for a standard of morality; I gave you one.

I didn't mean to tell you to read the whole article. I only provided a link so you'd have the source.

There were dozens of definitions of morality in that paper. None of which are sufficient to bind or judge God.
What makes you say that?

Why did you choose only one?
Well, we're talking about normative morality. If we're talking about descriptive morality, then we're done: descriptive morality is determined by human societies, and this human society considers killing kids to be wrong.

I picked one quote that defines normative morality in a succinct way.

Especially since it does not work on several levels.

1. You MUST prove that causing the least harm is actually a moral truth.
What do you mean by "moral truth"?
2. You Must prove God's actions caused more harm that his inaction would have.
One thing at a time. Before we explore whether God's actions are morally good, can you first acknowledge that morality applies to God?

3. You MUST establish a true hierarchy for different types of harm. I would rather be physically harmed if it produced spiritual or eternal good.
Again, this speaks to whether or not an act is moral. First, let's establish that morality does apply to God.

4. You MUST provide an accurate account of all relevant issues for each act of God you wish to condemn.
That I'm not going to be able to give you, but we don't need it for this discussion.

Obviously, I don't think I'd be able to provide an accurate account of any action by a God I don't believe exists. We're talking in hypotheticals: "if God did X, would it be evil?" ... it's like how we can talk about Darth Vader is good or bad without believing that Star Wars literally happened.

I can do this all day but there is no point because emotion and preference are what is driving these claims not logic. Logic dictates "as many honest atheists admit" that without God there is no known moral truths. That no standard exists that is sufficient to judge God. Maybe your a brain in a vat being fed garbage all day that is not true. You must show you actually KNOW something sufficient to do what your preference is writing checks for. It does not exist but wear yourself out trying if you wish. It is theoretically impossible.
I think you're arguing about a side issue here. This argument doesn't address whether God is evil; it addresses whether we should care that God is evil.

If you successfully established that morality is just a preference (you haven't, but if you did), then you wouldn't have established that God isn't immoral; you'd have only established that maybe we don't need to care about the fact that God is immoral.

Depends. A million children may be killed so save a billion. It may be that the parents of children in the flood were so evil they would have completely corrupted every child they had and sent them to Hell and God saved them all from that.

All else being equal, is the killing of children an example of lessening or increasing harm?

You have every bit of your work ahead of you. Assumptions on top of assumptions do not become facts by repetition. You have not even shown your definition is true yet nor why you shoes that one out of all the ones in your own paper nor even if true and the right one to pick that it is binding on God.
I think you're confused - making pronouncements and not backing them up is your tactic, not mine.

Your moral standards at the very best possible state are opinions and if anything is true of human history is that our opinions are not reliable and especially in this case as we do not even follow those opinion's and those opinions seem to swing from one end of the spectrum to the other. Who's standard's are to be used. Hitler's or Mother Theresa's.
This is a straw man. Morality deals with human well-being. We can have legitimate disagreements about what constitutes "well-being", and there are even people who hold unreasonable or internally inconsistent beliefs about well-being... but this doesn't mean that anything and everything is equally good.

As an analogy, we can talk about "nutrition", and within reason, people have different ideas about what makes up a nutritious diet... but even though we can disagree on whether an Atkins diet or a vegan diet is healthier and more nutritious, and even though we have foolish people like the Breatharians (who claim the only nutrition they need is sunlight), this doesn't mean that saying "arsenic is nutritious" is just as valid as saying "broccoli is nutritious".

Nope I am appealing to right makes right. Absolute zero is cold by it's nature. It's being cold is right. Murder is wrong because the fabric of God's nature determines the fabric of reality to be consistent with that. Why are you so much more active in God is bad threads than anything else? I only gave you 4 things you must do to be right out of hundreds. Good luck.
Appealing to "God's nature" is just a circular argument: "God is what he is because he is what he is."

If your only moral foundation is God, then you can't make judgements about the goodness of God as a moral foundation, because this requires a standard that's external to God.


Adam was the first to be given a temporal life and the first to be given eternal life. He came back and was born as the man Jesus. Being the first to live and die, his dues were paid. Our dues are not. Unless a person believes what Jesus says about eternal life, they will face death again in the life to come. Even if the journey was complete and they have become spiritually mature, they still have a debt to pay for past sins. Jesus makes a way to avoid this second death.

Adam chose to come back to show us the way. He came back to show us the path of reconciliation. He chose to come back as Jesus and to die again so that we through his life and teachings might come to know God's will for us. It's all good news. God's will for us is to love and to be loved. God is love and it was Jesus who made God known. Death is not an unloving thing to endure. It is merely a debt that must be paid for sin.


So we can assume from this that you believe in reincarnation, and that Jesus is not an actual part of YHVH? And thus - no Trinity?

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I think I have answered every single one of these ignorance based claims and have answered two of them for at least the third time above. There exists countless places where scholars go through these is detail. If you have no desire to look them up your selves and have an emotional conclusion in search of a premise based on a lack of Biblical knowledge I don't think my explaining these over and over again would help. You can search the site for my and many others responses to these but we both know you won't.

You obviously haven't answered any of them sufficiently.

Just how does a man survive three days in a big fish?



St. James VII
That is called picking and choosing what you want to believe.

Do you believe the Noah's ark flood story?

Do you believe YHVH killed David's baby?

Do you believe YHVH killed the Hebrew first born.


Picking and choosing? Not exactly. I believe Jesus. Why? Because it makes sense. Jesus says no man has seen [clearly discerned] God at any time, but the only begotten son, he has made him known. If it isn't love it isn't God. The flood? Yes. David's baby? Yes. The first born? maybe. Death isn't an unloving thing when executed by a loving God. Consider the state of the world in Noah's day. Likewise, consider also David's son. Christ is often referred to as the son of David. I believe in reincarnation. Put two and two together.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Well if you can make the claim that defending that God is good is easy then you must have a standard that allows you to do that. What is that standard?...
What if God was on trial? What questions could we ask to see if he's good? Or, better yet, to see if he's evil...
The prosecutor: "So God, you made Adam and then made Eve. You put them in a garden with some forbidden fruit and a serpent to tempt them. What did you expect was going to happen?"

The defense: "I object. God is not on trial here and can't be. He is above our standards, in fact, he sets the standards."

The prosecutor: "Okay, let's look at those standards. You gave a bunch of laws to a specific group of people. Laws they couldn't follow and then punished them for not obeying your rules."

The defense: "Objection. Everyone knows that the law was given to show us that we can't do it on our own. We need to depend on God... and follow his laws and trust in his son and obey his commandments."

The prosecutor: "But even Christians can't follow the rules set down by Jesus. God is evil. He stinks. In fact, I'll bet you he's not even real but the figment of your imagination."

The Judge: "Bailiff, restrain that man."

The prosecutor: "Yeah, restrain this. (Let the court records show the wagging of a fist and the use of the middle finger). I can't understand why God would made the devil. That's stupid. I suppose that he didn't know the devil would rebel? Yeah right. Isn't he supposed to know everything. And then, why call him the devil? Isn't that kind of stupid? What if a bank robber's name was Mr. Bank Robber? We'd all know he's the bad guy. Yet, God makes a devil? And then sends him to Earth? God you suck!"

The Judge: "Order! Order in the court! You sir are in contempt."

The prosecutor: "Yeah, and who died and made you judge?"

The Judge: "My Son. That's who died. To save idiots like you. Can't you see that I am real? Can't you see that I am a good and Holy judge by the stories in the Bible?"

The prosecutor: "No."

The Judge: "Ooh, wrong answer."

The prosecutor: "You mean you're God? You're on the witness stand and your the Judge?" How's this going to work?"

The Judge: "Well, for you, not good."


Picking and choosing? Not exactly. I believe Jesus. Why? Because it makes sense. Jesus says no man has seen [clearly discerned] God at any time, but the only begotten son, he has made him known. If it isn't love it isn't God. The flood? Yes. David's baby? Yes. The first born? maybe. Death isn't an unloving thing when executed by a loving God. Consider the state of the world in Noah's day. Likewise, consider also David's son. Christ is often referred to as the son of David. I believe in reincarnation. Put two and two together.

You are skirting the issue. Millions of innocent children and babies would have been "MURDERED" - tortured to death actually - by these events.

And how exactly does Adam, a created first "human," work into the part of YHVH "only son" conceived without sin idea?

And the Bible says Adam is Adam and Eve, so I guess YHVH is God and Goddess. Who reincarnated as the female half of Adam = Goddess?



St. James VII
You are skirting the issue. Millions of innocent children and babies would have been "MURDERED" - tortured to death actually - by these events.

And how exactly does Adam, a created first "human," work into the part of YHVH "only son" conceived without sin idea?

And the Bible says Adam is Adam and Eve, so I guess YHVH is God and Goddess. Who reincarnated as the female half of Adam = Goddess?


The wages of sin is death. We all sin and we all die. I'm sure the flood showed great mercy. Man had become exceedingly wicked. What kinda life would those children have been thrust into? God spared them the misery (imo). Still, they had a debt to pay for sins in a past life. I think that Adam completed his journey on earth, and had become mature in Spirit (love). Adam could have been David's son who died before he was able to commit sins that lead to death. I dunno. I wouldn't know on your last point either.


You are skirting the issue. Millions of innocent children and babies would have been "MURDERED" - tortured to death actually - by these events.

And how exactly does Adam, a created first "human," work into the part of YHVH "only son" conceived without sin idea?

And the Bible says Adam is Adam and Eve, so I guess YHVH is God and Goddess. Who reincarnated as the female half of Adam = Goddess?

Why do you argue for the right to do the exact same thing for finite humans without justification who can't know the future, can't learn from the past apparently, have no actual moral truth without God and deny the rights of another based on some rights we can not prove exist for ourselves, kill others for our mistakes, then of all things deny that right to the one that created the life, has sovereignty over it, knows the future, is himself moral truth and places those children in heaven without their parents having a chance to send them to Hell as they have chosen to do for themselves.

Killing innocent beings which may have cured cancer by now by the ones who deny that right to an almighty God is moral insanity.

There exists no argument possible. So I say again it is not logic nor rationality that is driving these complaints in question form.

You keep repeating this mantra long after I and others have shown it is not a good argument, not a bad one, but in fact not an argument at all. Why?


Kettle, meet pot.

Is it your intention to never provide an argument nor evidence or is it just natural? Not that that sarcastic claim is even coherent. There is no kettle pot issue in my statements anywhere even possible.


Admiral Obvious
Is it your intention to never provide an argument nor evidence or is it just natural? Not that that sarcastic claim is even coherent. There is no kettle pot issue in my statements anywhere even possible.

More blatant denial.
You are awfully good at it.


Veteran Member
It is a sort of parenting Mantra. Are you claiming you never heard this before? I would think the modern US school system would be proof enough of it's validity.
It's been said before. Okay. Does that make it true?

Not to me. The worst thing I can imagine that can be done to a child is to torture, physically abuse, neglect or sexually abuse them, because such things will affect their psychological development for a lifetime.


It's been said before. Okay. Does that make it true?
I do not think that kind of a thing can be resolved to a certainty. However the effects on not disciplining children are well documented and all bad.

me. The worst thing I can imagine that can be done to a child is to torture, physically abuse, neglect or sexually abuse them, because such things will affect their psychological development for a lifetime.
I will amend my claim to only being a very very bad thing if it will allow us to get into something more meaningful. Discipline is a necessity and a source of incalculable good and it's absence of incalculable bad, including much of what you mentioned.