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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?


Veteran Member
The Geneva convention has existed for less than 1/70th of just the human history the Bible covers. It has existed for less than 1/1000th of the time humans have. Are you sure you wish to use something that has not been true 69 out of every 70 years as proof of universal morality? This treaty will be even harder to use that statistics. The Geneva convention proper only concerns war crimes. Many other protocols were added stem by step afterwards and not every one signed off on them. At one time no Islamic nation would sign off on the one concerning extradition.

A much more obvious peace of evidence would be that in the last 5000 years we have had 300 years of peace. Something true 94% of the time is certainly more representative of a universal than something that at best has existed for .015% of the time humans have.

I am not much of an expert on the Geneva convention so I half hope you continue on that line so I can justify learning more about it, but I would not recommend it.

If the Geneva conventions prohibitions concerning torture were universal why did it take 100,000 years for it to be taken as such? Did the Nazis, Aztecs, American slavery, and the Russian gulags not exist as torture factories on an industrial scale?

A universal is something true of almost everyone almost all the time.

So what? It indicates that people generally have an aversion to torture and think it's wrong. It matters not how old the Geneva and UN Conventions are.

What did the rest of the world do when Hitler was torturing and murdering people? Oh that's right, they stopped it.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
...I claim that if God exists objective moral truths exist. I also claim that if actual moral truths exist then God must exist. Since you can not prove nor even know if God exists the only debate that can occur is if you disagree that if God did exist then moral truths would not.
What "objective" moral truths exist that could not have been made by the consensus of a group of people? And, even if there is such a thing as "God's objective moral code" what about his Law? He wanted his people to stone transgressors of some of the things in his Law to death? Why don't Bible-believers do exactly what God says to do? Also, the dietary laws, where are they today? Some Jews follow them, but Christians don't. God changed his mind? Even though the Bible says his Laws are meant to last forever? So what about his moral code? Does it stay the same, or does it change with time?


Nehemiah the 9th chapter highlights God's loving kindness and mercy....it also shows his reason for disciplining his people just as a father disciplines his children.

Verse 9:

“So you saw the affliction of our forefathers in Egypt, and you heard their outcry at the Red Sea. 10 Then you performed signs and miracles against Phar′aoh and all his servants and all the people of his land, for you knew that they acted presumptuously against them. You made a name for yourself that remains to this day. 11 And you split the sea before them, so that they crossed through the sea on the dry land, and you hurled their pursuers into the depths like a stone thrown into the turbulent waters. 12 You led them by day with a pillar of cloud, and by night with a pillar of fire, to light up for them the way they should go. 13 And you came down on Mount Si′nai and spoke with them from heaven and gave them righteous judgments, laws of truth, good regulations and commandments. 14 You made known to them your holy Sabbath, and you gave them commandments, regulations, and a law through your servant Moses. 15 You gave them bread from heaven when they were hungry, and you brought water out of the crag when they were thirsty, and you told them to enter and take possession of the land that you had sworn to give to them. 16 “But they, our forefathers, acted presumptuously and became stubborn, and they would not listen to your commandments. 17 They refused to listen, and they did not remember your extraordinary acts that you performed among them, but they became stubborn and appointed a head to return to their slavery in Egypt. But you are a God ready to forgive, compassionate and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love, and you did not abandon them.

Verse 26 continues:
“However, they became disobedient and rebelled against you and turned their back on your Law. They killed your prophets who warned them so as to bring them back to you, and they committed acts of great disrespect.27 For this you gave them into the hand of their adversaries, who kept causing them distress. But they would cry out to you in the time of their distress, and you would hear from the heavens; and because of your great mercy, you would give them saviors to rescue them out of the hand of their adversaries. 28 “But as soon as they had relief, they would again do what is bad before you, and you would abandon them to the hand of their enemies, who would dominate them. Then they would return and call to you for help, and you would hear from the heavens and rescue them time and again because of your great mercy. 29 Although you would warn them so as to bring them back to your Law, they behaved presumptuously and refused to listen to your commandments; and they sinned against your regulations, by which a man will live if he observes them. But they stubbornly turned their back and stiffened their neck, and they refused to listen. 30 You extended patience to them for many years and kept warning them by your spirit through your prophets, but they refused to listen. Finally you gave them into the hand of the peoples of the lands. 31 And in your great mercy, you did not exterminate them or abandon them, for you are a compassionate and merciful God.


Active Member
Nehemiah the 9th chapter highlights God's loving kindness and mercy....it also shows his reason for disciplining his people just as a father disciplines his children.

Verse 9:

“So you saw the affliction of our forefathers in Egypt, and you heard their outcry at the Red Sea. 10 Then you performed signs and miracles against Phar?aoh and all his servants and all the people of his land, for you knew that they acted presumptuously against them. You made a name for yourself that remains to this day. 11 And you split the sea before them, so that they crossed through the sea on the dry land, and you hurled their pursuers into the depths like a stone thrown into the turbulent waters. 12 You led them by day with a pillar of cloud, and by night with a pillar of fire, to light up for them the way they should go. 13 And you came down on Mount Si?nai and spoke with them from heaven and gave them righteous judgments, laws of truth, good regulations and commandments. 14 You made known to them your holy Sabbath, and you gave them commandments, regulations, and a law through your servant Moses. 15 You gave them bread from heaven when they were hungry, and you brought water out of the crag when they were thirsty, and you told them to enter and take possession of the land that you had sworn to give to them. 16 “But they, our forefathers, acted presumptuously and became stubborn, and they would not listen to your commandments. 17 They refused to listen, and they did not remember your extraordinary acts that you performed among them, but they became stubborn and appointed a head to return to their slavery in Egypt. But you are a God ready to forgive, compassionate and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love, and you did not abandon them.

Verse 26 continues:
“However, they became disobedient and rebelled against you and turned their back on your Law. They killed your prophets who warned them so as to bring them back to you, and they committed acts of great disrespect.27 For this you gave them into the hand of their adversaries, who kept causing them distress. But they would cry out to you in the time of their distress, and you would hear from the heavens; and because of your great mercy, you would give them saviors to rescue them out of the hand of their adversaries. 28 “But as soon as they had relief, they would again do what is bad before you, and you would abandon them to the hand of their enemies, who would dominate them. Then they would return and call to you for help, and you would hear from the heavens and rescue them time and again because of your great mercy. 29 Although you would warn them so as to bring them back to your Law, they behaved presumptuously and refused to listen to your commandments; and they sinned against your regulations, by which a man will live if he observes them. But they stubbornly turned their back and stiffened their neck, and they refused to listen. 30 You extended patience to them for many years and kept warning them by your spirit through your prophets, but they refused to listen. Finally you gave them into the hand of the peoples of the lands. 31 And in your great mercy, you did not exterminate them or abandon them, for you are a compassionate and merciful God.

Nice Bible study but it doesn't answer the OP. Why do children have to suffer and die?


Nice Bible study but it doesn't answer the OP. Why do children have to suffer and die?

The reason I found is in the Bible. God created the first human couple perfect, with the prospect of living forever. They were created with the ability to choose between right and wrong. God did warn Adam that disobedience had consequences...death. (Genesis 2:17) Adam and Eve had everything they could possibly want...yet they gave in to the desire to eat the fruit that God withheld from them. In doing so...they made the choice to disobey. When they disobeyed, they were no longer perfect. The result was death but not immediately. Before executing his judgment God allowed Adam and Eve to have children. As a result the children were born imperfect and subject to death as well. Some children die in accidents, from malnutrition, disease and from many other causes. And yet...our loving Heavenly Father "yearns" to reunite children with their parents by means of a resurrection back to life here on a restored earth. (John 5:28,29; Acts 24:15) The account at Mark 5:35-42 tells of a 12 year old who was resurrected and her parents were ecstatic.


Premium Member
Nice Bible study but it doesn't answer the OP. Why do children have to suffer and die?

Cause we are like gods, and as gods, have the potential to cause happiness as well as great suffering. Genesis 3:22-23

Causing the purposeful suffering of innocence amounts to evil. Matthew 18:6


The reason I found is in the Bible. God created the first human couple perfect, with the prospect of living forever. They were created with the ability to choose between right and wrong. God did warn Adam that disobedience had consequences...death. (Genesis 2:17) Adam and Eve had everything they could possibly want...yet they gave in to the desire to eat the fruit that God withheld from them. In doing so...they made the choice to disobey. When they disobeyed, they were no longer perfect. The result was death but not immediately. Before executing his judgment God allowed Adam and Eve to have children. As a result the children were born imperfect and subject to death as well. Some children die in accidents, from malnutrition, disease and from many other causes. And yet...our loving Heavenly Father "yearns" to reunite children with their parents by means of a resurrection back to life here on a restored earth. (John 5:28,29; Acts 24:15) The account at Mark 5:35-42 tells of a 12 year old who was resurrected and her parents were ecstatic.

Taking an old symbolic story literally isn't really going to produce a useful answer. There is no Supreme Puppeteer without there being a sick game.

Bad stuff and crazy stuff happens. Beauty and pain both...people need to accept it and keep living. Nature/reality/universe is a whole spectrum with awe and wonder and love...but all the other stuff too. If people work for a better world instead of waiting for the day it burns in judgment - there will be less children suffering. Imagine if we treated where we live like it is a perfect garden or Heaven.


Active Member
Cause we are like gods, and as gods, have the potential to cause happiness as well as great suffering. Genesis 3:22-23

Causing the purposeful suffering of innocence amounts to evil. Matthew 18:6

According to the story God put the tree in the garden. Allowed the snake to con Eve. Decided the punishment the innocent would suffer. So.....


So what? It indicates that people generally have an aversion to torture and think it's wrong. It matters not how old the Geneva and UN Conventions are.
If torture was such a substantial and universally agreed wrong why did it take almost 5000 years to make an agreement that it was? BTW not every nation signed of on it's torture parts. In general nations signed only certain proportions contained in certain aspects of that accord. In other words there is only universal agreement on a few issues.

What did the rest of the world do when Hitler was torturing and murdering people? Oh that's right, they stopped it.
War is not the subject you should challenge me in. They all did not stop Hitler. Japan, Italy, Russia (at first), and even Islam among many others fought on Hitler's side. Even England, France, and the US did not want to fight him and tried not to and wound up doing so because of security reasons. We did use objective moral values to justify our actions which do not even exist if God does not, but our real motivation was security of the free-world not what Hitler was doing to Jews.

Let me carry this out a bit to make it far more clear. If Hitler had one and killed off all dissention then his moral dictates would have been perfectly good based on your standards. He used reason, intelligence, and history to establish what he though was best for the world in general. If you read his diaries he thought killing off the Jews was a distasteful necessity for his brave and better new world to thrive.

Let me give another example. Lets say we found a planet we can get to that has humans on it. They like the Klingons however came to the conclusion it was better to have perpetual wars because they eliminated the sick and weak and eventually a super (uber) race would emerge. It is your task to convince them that constant killing in warfare is wrong. What do you say to them?

Here is another. Tomorrow a far advanced alien race shows up and says we are intellectually inferior and are now their food source. What would you say to them to convince them that is actually wrong?


What "objective" moral truths exist that could not have been made by the consensus of a group of people? And, even if there is such a thing as "God's objective moral code" what about his Law? He wanted his people to stone transgressors of some of the things in his Law to death? Why don't Bible-believers do exactly what God says to do? Also, the dietary laws, where are they today? Some Jews follow them, but Christians don't. God changed his mind? Even though the Bible says his Laws are meant to last forever? So what about his moral code? Does it stay the same, or does it change with time?
Those are strange questions. Anything acquired by a pole is be definition the opposite of objective. It is pretty much the archetype of a system that produces the subjective. For the future in this context subjective means a system of values derived from the opinions of the subjects of that system of values. Objective means a system derived independently of the subjects of it. Something true regardless of opinion is objective.

What about his law? I do not understand the question.

Those particular laws applied to group of people who entered into a covenant with him. It was his intention to set up a uniquely moral culture as opposed to their neighbors. He knew they would "whore" after their neighbors false idols and adopt their habits. The reasons for his desiring their moral uprightness was so that revelations given through them would have the greatest possible impact. If they had been allowed to sink to everyone's level around them (and they tried very hard to do so) God's message would reach fewer people. So to get his message to as many as impossible he held them to a higher standard. He ruthlessly pruned out the things that would have compromised his plan and they agreed to it all before hand, even though they failed their part of the bargain God did not fail at his. The three year message from a back water of the Roman empire has effected more people than any other doctrine in history. In other words God had justifiable reasons to be more harsh with the Jews. Note that nowhere else, heaven, in Christ's teaching, in general laws given to everyone are there any of these commands.

Bible believers do not do everything God says because obedience's is inconvenient and hard. The flesh at times over comes the spirit. Sinning is like going downhill.

Those dietary laws were not moral commands they were practical and ceremonial. Pork could not be heated sufficiently back then to kill of it's specific bacteria. We know about germ theory, we no longer need purification laws. The Levitical laws ended at the cross because it's mission was fulfilled. Most would say the deca-law still applies but that is debatable. In our covenant his laws are written on the heart not a stone.

God did not change his mind. His laws did exactly as they were intended to and as the need disappeared certain laws did as well. The exact same way our rules change depending on the age of the child.

It was not the laws as you mean that was discussed in that verse. Law can mean an ethical command or a dictate as to what will take place. What God said for s specific purpose may have ceased to apply when the purpose ended but the truth contained in the statements will never pass away. This gets very complex and I am running short on time. Let me know how deep you wish to go and in what area.


Premium Member
According to the story God put the tree in the garden. Allowed the snake to con Eve. Decided the punishment the innocent would suffer. So.....

It is one of those things where it is too much for us. We certainly could use more guidance but as it stands we have the tools and know how just enough to get ourselves in trouble. God made us in his image and any god worth the label can be very good or very evil which is what we inherited. So to top it off we are too big for our britches lol. We coulda just been like regular animals then we wouldnt even know about evil or anything like that, we wouldnt know that we are causing suffering.


Veteran Member
If torture was such a substantial and universally agreed wrong why did it take almost 5000 years to make an agreement that it was? BTW not every nation signed of on it's torture parts. In general nations signed only certain proportions contained in certain aspects of that accord. In other words there is only universal agreement on a few issues.
So what? I've never said that morals can't or don't change over time.

The point is, given that we have global declarative statements denouncing the use of torture, it would indicate that people generally have an aversion to torture.

War is not the subject you should challenge me in. They all did not stop Hitler. Japan, Italy, Russia (at first), and even Islam among many others fought on Hitler's side. Even England, France, and the US did not want to fight him and tried not to and wound up doing so because of security reasons. We did use objective moral values to justify our actions which do not even exist if God does not, but our real motivation was security of the free-world not what Hitler was doing to Jews.
The fact of the matter is the allied forces had a problem with what Hitler was doing and sought to stop it.

What if we just look at two examples of speeches made by world leaders during WWII?

Winston Churchill:

“In this solemn hour it is a consolation to recall and to dwell upon our repeated efforts for peace. All have been ill-starred, but all have been faithful and sincere. This is of the highest moral value--and not only moral value, but practical value--at the present time, because the wholehearted concurrence of scores of millions of men and women, whose co-operation is indispensable and whose comradeship and brotherhood are indispensable, is the only foundation upon which the trial and tribulation of modern war can be endured and surmounted. This moral conviction alone affords that ever-fresh resilience which renews the strength and energy of people in long, doubtful and dark days. Outside, the storms of war may blow and the lands may be lashed with the fury of its gales, but in our own hearts this Sunday morning there is peace. Our hands may be active, but our consciences are at rest. …

This is not a question of fighting for Danzig or fighting for Poland. We are fighting to save the whole world from the pestilence of Nazi tyranny and in defense of all that is most sacred to man. This is no war of domination or imperial aggrandizement or material gain; no war to shut any country out of its sunlight and means of progress. It is a war, viewed in its inherent quality, to establish, on impregnable rocks, the rights of the individual, and it is a war to establish and revive the stature of man.”

War Speech

French Prime Minister, Edouard Daladier:

“At the end of five months of war one thing has become more and more clear. It is that Germany seeks to establish a domination over the world completely different from any known in history.

The domination at which the Nazis aim is not limited to the displacement of the balance of power and the imposition of supremacy of one nation. It seeks the systematic and total destruction of those conquered by Hitler, and it does not treaty with the nations which he has subdued. He destroys them. He takes from them their whole political and economic existence and seeks even to deprive them of their history and their culture. He wishes to consider them only as vital space and a vacant territory over which he has every right.
The human beings who constitute these nations are for him only cattle. He orders their massacre or their migration. He compels them to make room for their conquerors. He does not even take the trouble to impose any war tribute on them. He just takes all their wealth, and, to prevent any revolt, he wipes out their leaders and scientifically seeks the physical and moral degradation of those whose independence he has taken away.

Under this domination, in thousands of towns and villages in Europe there are millions of human beings now living in misery which, some months ago, they could never have imagined. Austria, Bohemia, Slovakia and Poland are only lands of despair. Their whole peoples have been deprived of the means of moral and material happiness. Subdued by treachery or brutal violence, they have no other recourse than to work for their executioners who grant them scarcely enough to assure the most miserable existence. “
The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: Edouard Daladier Speech - Nazis' Aim is Slavery, Jan. 29, 1940

It definitely sounds like there was some kind of moral component involved there.

What do you think the motivations behind “security of the free-world” would be? You think that’s completely separate from any moral standpoint?

Let me carry this out a bit to make it far more clear. If Hitler had one and killed off all dissention then his moral dictates would have been perfectly good based on your standards. He used reason, intelligence, and history to establish what he though was best for the world in general. If you read his diaries he thought killing off the Jews was a distasteful necessity for his brave and better new world to thrive.
No, he wouldn’t have been perfectly good by my standards. I value human life, as do most humans who in the very least, value their own life and the lives of their family and friends.

Even under the Nazi regime, we still had people risking life and limb to smuggle Jews to safety. Apparently, it’s not that easy to stamp out the value most people place on human life and dignity. The ones who don’t value these things appear to be the abnormal ones, which is what I was trying to point out to you a couple of weeks ago.

Let me give another example. Lets say we found a planet we can get to that has humans on it. They like the Klingons however came to the conclusion it was better to have perpetual wars because they eliminated the sick and weak and eventually a super (uber) race would emerge. It is your task to convince them that constant killing in warfare is wrong. What do you say to them?
I would tell them that if they keep it up, they’re going to wipe themselves out.

We (humans living today) are the products of beings who cared about human life, because those who didn’t are gone (and the living ones ended up being marginalized by the rest of us). We evolved as social creatures, and as such, we developed empathy, which allows us to extend our own perspective to the views of other human beings we share the planet with. All humans, being more similar than different, generally value similar things and so we see a convergence of opinion on at least some basic moral values, making them universal. We generally prefer life to death, happiness over sadness, pleasure over pain, security over instability, etc. These things have been ingrained into our value system over the history of our time on this earth. Things may have been quite different had we not evolved as social animals.

Here is another. Tomorrow a far advanced alien race shows up and says we are intellectually inferior and are now their food source. What would you say to them to convince them that is actually wrong?
We would fight them, because we value our existence (and I would bet that they would value theirs).
Last edited:


So what? I've never said that morals can't or don't change over time.
That is irrelevant. If you say morals are universal then history comes into play. If there are commonly accepted universal rights and wrongs then morality history should show this. What history actually shows is that some cultures loved their neighbors, some ate them. Some practiced a passive peace or neutrality, others killed their way through most of the civilized world. Some would do anything for their God, and some would do anything to kill those that had faith. Some sent missionaries to feed and teach the savages, some savages killed those same missionaries. Some made military service an option, some took all children away at seven and trained them into the most lethal soldiers for their time in history. Some protect all life, some throw sick babies off cliffs, and some kill them in the womb. History shows that man has adopted every extreme there is concerning morality. What happens to be going on today (which was not properly illustrated by you) is only a tiny fraction of what is relevant to any claims about universality.

The point is, given that we have global declarative statements denouncing the use of torture, it would indicate that people generally have an aversion to torture.
The Romans didn't. They would kill or torture 1 out of ten of their own men if a unit failed in battle randomly. Alexander would hack everyone in an entire town to death. So would Caesar. The Aztecs cut hearts out of tens of thousands of their neighbors per year while alive. Tribes make torture a right of passage for everyone including being stung repeatedly by the most painful insect in existence. Some stick objects through their bodies. Regardless what a nation publically agrees to has little relevance to what they do. Almost all nations practice torture at some level. We water board, almost all confine prisoners in atrocious conditions for years, and some systematically use every form of torture known. Even if you could prove humans generally have a consistent core morality (and I grant you can make that case, though far more than the Geneva convention is necessary) it would be far better evidence for a transcendent moral architect that the inherent moral ability of people to arrive at consistent opinions.

The fact of the matter is the allied forces had a problem with what Hitler was doing and sought to stop it.
That is probably true but not of any help to your argument. In fact they used absolute violations of absolute and objective moral truths (which do not exist without God) to justify their actions. For example Churchill asked C.S. Lewis not any atheist to address his people concerning the morality or the war.

What if we just look at two examples of speeches made by world leaders during WWII?

Winston Churchill:

“In this solemn hour it is a consolation to recall and to dwell upon our repeated efforts for peace. All have been ill-starred, but all have been faithful and sincere. This is of the highest moral value--and not only moral value, but practical value--at the present time, because the wholehearted concurrence of scores of millions of men and women, whose co-operation is indispensable and whose comradeship and brotherhood are indispensable, is the only foundation upon which the trial and tribulation of modern war can be endured and surmounted. This moral conviction alone affords that ever-fresh resilience which renews the strength and energy of people in long, doubtful and dark days. Outside, the storms of war may blow and the lands may be lashed with the fury of its gales, but in our own hearts this Sunday morning there is peace. Our hands may be active, but our consciences are at rest. …

This is not a question of fighting for Danzig or fighting for Poland. We are fighting to save the whole world from the pestilence of Nazi tyranny and in defense of all that is most sacred to man. This is no war of domination or imperial aggrandizement or material gain; no war to shut any country out of its sunlight and means of progress. It is a war, viewed in its inherent quality, to establish, on impregnable rocks, the rights of the individual, and it is a war to establish and revive the stature of man.”

War Speech

French Prime Minister, Edouard Daladier:
“At the end of five months of war one thing has become more and more clear. It is that Germany seeks to establish a domination over the world completely different from any known in history.

The domination at which the Nazis aim is not limited to the displacement of the balance of power and the imposition of supremacy of one nation. It seeks the systematic and total destruction of those conquered by Hitler, and it does not treaty with the nations which he has subdued. He destroys them. He takes from them their whole political and economic existence and seeks even to deprive them of their history and their culture. He wishes to consider them only as vital space and a vacant territory over which he has every right.
The human beings who constitute these nations are for him only cattle. He orders their massacre or their migration. He compels them to make room for their conquerors. He does not even take the trouble to impose any war tribute on them. He just takes all their wealth, and, to prevent any revolt, he wipes out their leaders and scientifically seeks the physical and moral degradation of those whose independence he has taken away.

Under this domination, in thousands of towns and villages in Europe there are millions of human beings now living in misery which, some months ago, they could never have imagined. Austria, Bohemia, Slovakia and Poland are only lands of despair. Their whole peoples have been deprived of the means of moral and material happiness. Subdued by treachery or brutal violence, they have no other recourse than to work for their executioners who grant them scarcely enough to assure the most miserable existence. “
The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: Edouard Daladier Speech - Nazis' Aim is Slavery, Jan. 29, 1940

I don’t know about you, but it definitely sounds like there was some kind of moral component involved there.
Now this is my kind of a discussion.
I was familiar with most of that. I did not mean to suggest morals were not motivators. I meant to suggest the moral validity or motivations are not true in atheism. If I say Hitler has transgressed an absolute moral truth that can only be true with God. Your moral system makes his morals just as valid as any other. You could not say that. Churchill was a Christian. He held that there were absolute moral facts and that Hitler had violated them. I do not know about Daladier but hat he was referring to is only true if God exists. I also want you to remember this but it is a little off subject.

What a country actually is motivated by is most times different than what they say it was. For example the South's civil war was brought on by those who had interests in plantations and slavery and the interest in states rights which granted them great power. However they said it was a result of northern aggression. WE may be led to fight be a few in power that may or may not have justified reasons but what is used to justify it is always what is only true if God exists. In your views you would have had to say well Hitler using the same methodology has arrived at another conclusion than we have, but one just as valid. To fight him you would have had to smuggle in truths from a system outside yours to do so with justification.



What do you think the motivations behind “security of the free-world” would be? You think that’s completely separate from any moral standpoint?
I think you misunderstood. I am not saying atheist do not have morals they believe in. I am not saying godless nations may not produce ethics. I am saying those opinions and ethics are not actually true or binding unless God exists. If an atheist said murder was wrong. He has made a moral decision that in my view is true. However it would not be true unless God existed and he has no foundation to enable him to ever know if murder actually was wrong. The inherent problems of opinion based morals do not show up until a Hitler a thousand other problems do, that cause your system to fail completely. That is why moral absolutes are used in speeches like what you provided. They did not say anything that would actually be true if no God existed in them. In times of trouble God is almost always looked to, not atheism. Atheism adds nothing to but only subtracts from a theistic system.

No, he wouldn’t have been perfectly good, by my standards. I value human life, as do most humans who in the very least, value their own life and the lives of their family and friends.
I am not talking about whether you would agree with his conclusions. I meant that he used the exact same methodology as you but arrived at another conclusion. You would have to contradict your methodology to condemn him. As an analogy you could not say that morality is determined by rolling a dice. You get a 3 and Hitler got a 5 and you then claim his result was invalid. You can not both keep your methodology (reason and even empathy) and condemn a person who used it.

Even under the Nazi regime, we still had people risking life and limb to smuggle Jews to safety. Apparently, it’s not that easy to stamp out the value most people place on human life and dignity. The ones who don’t value these things appear to be the abnormal ones, which is what I was trying to point out to you a couple of weeks ago.
I never suggested for a minute that people would not do it. I said it would have been a far harder decision to make, and BTW that follows necessarily. It is not an opinion it is a fact. I have no way to know but I guarantee you that most of those that risked their lives to defy the Nazi's did so either as a result of faith or because of things that are only true if God exists. I said it was stupid to risk the few years you have to save someone else if God did not exist and it is. I did not say people would not occasionally do it, again however that could even be an argument for a God given conscience as well.

I would tell them that if they keep it up, they’re going to wipe themselves out.
In my analogy they were not wiping themselves out. They were maintaining a smaller but far more healthy population and genetically that should have made them more and more capable by wiping out the weak and infirm before they could produce. In fact Sparta operated under that same mentality and produced the most lethal army that ever existed for it's time. They did not cease to exist until an earthquake leveled their nation. Even Alexander would not mess with them. They thought killing sick babies, training children to kill without mercy, having no economy, and enslaving their neighbors was the perfect society using your exact methodology.

We (humans living today) are the products of beings who cared about human life, because those who didn’t are gone (and the living ones end up being marginalized by the rest of us). We evolved as social creatures, and as such, we developed empathy, which allows us to extend our own perspective to the views of other human beings we share the planet with. All humans, being more similar than different, generally value similar things and so we see a convergence of opinion on at least some basic moral values, making them universal. We generally prefer life to death, happiness over sadness, pleasure over pain, security over instability, etc. These things have been ingrained into our value system over the history of our time on this earth. Things may have been quite different had we not evolved as social animals.
If God does not exist this would probably be close to true. It is also irrelevant and an assumption. I find many things that suggest this is not true, or at least not all that is true. I find many things inconsistent with this world view and many things inherently granted as necessary to ensure justice absent from it.

We would fight them, because we value our existence (and I would bet that they would value theirs).
So now your methodology has been abandoned and it is self interest and only self interest that governs what is right. I am glad the cows and horses have not revolted. BTW how do you justify our self interest at the expense of all other type of life's self interest? I have a justifiable way to suggest our lives have more value than chickens and turnips, you do not. I have a reason to suggest humans were given sovereignty over animals for food, you must assume it by a form of speciesm just as immoral (without God )as racism.

Morality given and without God is so direct and absolute. It is one of the easiest and clearest arguments to make possible in theological issues. It really baffles me why you will not agree to what almost every atheist scholars grants upfront. Morality without God is a contrived illusion that has no basis in objective fact. I agree that without God the best we can do is reason out what we think morality should be. It is a system so incompetent when compared with the moral system of a theist that no comparison even exists. If you could agree to the ontological aspects of what I just stated or even state the same things in a way you like we could end this periodic discussion about morality. With God morals are actually true and binding on all. Without him they are contrivances (maybe necessary ones) that have no basis in objective truth and are not binding beyond either consent or force.

Have a great Christmas if I do not talk to you before then.


It is one of those things where it is too much for us. We certainly could use more guidance but as it stands we have the tools and know how just enough to get ourselves in trouble. God made us in his image and any god worth the label can be very good or very evil which is what we inherited. So to top it off we are too big for our britches lol. We coulda just been like regular animals then we wouldnt even know about evil or anything like that, we wouldnt know that we are causing suffering.
There are many verses that suggest that the God of the Bible cannot or will not do evil or be tempted by evil. Of course this is discussable but I need justification for that claim first.


This view discounts theists who view morality as a human system and not rules commanded by one or more gods.

No moral system completely stands still for eternity whether we view our ethos as divine or human or a combo. If divine you still work from a perception and understanding not divine whispering of exact details concerning each specific problem.

No matter what you end up with human thought and feelings at the end of the maze.

I think you misunderstood. I am not saying atheist do not have morals they believe in. I am not saying godless nations may not produce ethics. I am saying those opinions and ethics are not actually true or binding unless God exists. If an atheist said murder was wrong. He has made a moral decision that in my view is true. However it would not be true unless God existed and he has no foundation to enable him to ever know if murder actually was wrong. The inherent problems of opinion based morals do not show up until a Hitler a thousand other problems do, that cause your system to fail completely. That is why moral absolutes are used in speeches like what you provided. They did not say anything that would actually be true if no God existed in them. In times of trouble God is almost always looked to, not atheism. Atheism adds nothing to but only subtracts from a theistic system.

I am not talking about whether you would agree with his conclusions. I meant that he used the exact same methodology as you but arrived at another conclusion. You would have to contradict your methodology to condemn him. As an analogy you could not say that morality is determined by rolling a dice. You get a 3 and Hitler got a 5 and you then claim his result was invalid. You can not both keep your methodology (reason and even empathy) and condemn a person who used it.

I never suggested for a minute that people would not do it. I said it would have been a far harder decision to make, and BTW that follows necessarily. It is not an opinion it is a fact. I have no way to know but I guarantee you that most of those that risked their lives to defy the Nazi's did so either as a result of faith or because of things that are only true if God exists. I said it was stupid to risk the few years you have to save someone else if God did not exist and it is. I did not say people would not occasionally do it, again however that could even be an argument for a God given conscience as well.

In my analogy they were not wiping themselves out. They were maintaining a smaller but far more healthy population and genetically that should have made them more and more capable by wiping out the weak and infirm before they could produce. In fact Sparta operated under that same mentality and produced the most lethal army that ever existed for it's time. They did not cease to exist until an earthquake leveled their nation. Even Alexander would not mess with them. They thought killing sick babies, training children to kill without mercy, having no economy, and enslaving their neighbors was the perfect society using your exact methodology.

If God does not exist this would probably be close to true. It is also irrelevant and an assumption. I find many things that suggest this is not true, or at least not all that is true. I find many things inconsistent with this world view and many things inherently granted as necessary to ensure justice absent from it.

So now your methodology has been abandoned and it is self interest and only self interest that governs what is right. I am glad the cows and horses have not revolted. BTW how do you justify our self interest at the expense of all other type of life's self interest? I have a justifiable way to suggest our lives have more value than chickens and turnips, you do not. I have a reason to suggest humans were given sovereignty over animals for food, you must assume it by a form of speciesm just as immoral (without God )as racism.

Morality given and without God is so direct and absolute. It is one of the easiest and clearest arguments to make possible in theological issues. It really baffles me why you will not agree to what almost every atheist scholars grants upfront. Morality without God is a contrived illusion that has no basis in objective fact. I agree that without God the best we can do is reason out what we think morality should be. It is a system so incompetent when compared with the moral system of a theist that no comparison even exists. If you could agree to the ontological aspects of what I just stated or even state the same things in a way you like we could end this periodic discussion about morality. With God morals are actually true and binding on all. Without him they are contrivances (maybe necessary ones) that have no basis in objective truth and are not binding beyond either consent or force.

Have a great Christmas if I do not talk to you before then.


Premium Member
There are many verses that suggest that the God of the Bible cannot or will not do evil or be tempted by evil. Of course this is discussable but I need justification for that claim first.

I am not saying he will do evil only that it is within his almighty power to do so if it is willed. Every power can be used for good or evil, some choose the latter.


I am not saying he will do evil only that it is within his almighty power to do so if it is willed. Every power can be used for good or evil, some choose the latter.

1 John 4:8
Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love.

Does this describe a God who would do evil things?


...That has nothing to do with anything. The Bible says God is perfect. You say he isn't. To do that means you must provide a criteria reliable and transcendent enough to judge God's actions, and that you are not using the Bible to claim God is evil. Your taking actions from the Bible that you know next to nothing about and assuming you know everything about, then your assuming that your idea of morality is absolute (when in reality it is not even true), then assuming your "moral system" is binding on God. If every step in a process is an assumption whatever it produces is meaningless.

ING -- LOL! I don't have to prove anything. You are using a non-existent being.

As has been stated over and over - all you have are the Bible stories. These stories show this YHVH to have flawed human emotions - which tells us these are just made up human stories.

Let's try again. Lets take the most likely example of where God could be proven to be wrong if he actually ever was. Lets say the flood was literal. Prove God was evil by producing it. I will warn you that I will tear apart any assumption used in that proof.

ING -- Again a human flawed YHVH story. Murder of innocent babies.

Prove there will never be proof of the supernatural. Billions of people claim to have experienced proof of the supernatural. How many does it require? How many have experienced proof of black holes, multiverses, strings, etc...?

It requires real proof! Not, - "I saw a ghost today. I really did!"

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