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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?


I wonder which ancient culture didn't have a law and moral code? And I wouldn't doubt that all of them claimed that some kind of "god" gave them the laws. So if in those laws are mixed in some "objective" moral standards then that must mean that their deity is real? Or, there are no "objective" laws and morals. They change and get re-defined by different people and in different times and places.

Ooh, do you ever wonder what fundy Christians do with moral codes about sex? Their God wrote it in stone that his people should not commit adultery, and if they do they should be stoned to death. Why doesn't God still require stoning? Did he change his mind? Or, did society change?

What's worse is that Jesus made it even more strict. He doesn't want people to even think about sex with someone other than their spouse. Is that even possible to follow? If not, then what good is it? Other than messing with poor believer's minds and turning them into sexually repressed basket cases? It is almost evil and cruel to make sex so enjoyable and seem so very much a natural thing to do, what with all the hormones that are tied to it, and then say not to do it? And not even to think it? I wonder, if that is one of God's "objective" moral codes?

When we start to get away from certain types of religious oppression a lot of good things start to happen alongside more freely expressing our sexuality. Duality of divine vs man, spirit vs physical, etc. caught on way too much and stayed way too long.

God=King/Master/Commander/Tyrant is not long for this world or we won't be long for it. A lot of people don't understand the spirit of independence. Rebellion against human and divine tyrannical concepts are most definitely linked. People wake up and realize the theology and philosophy of a certain group from a certain region doesn't have to control their lives and we can/must move forward.

Anything natural and organic won't tend to push for oppressive egotistical slave-master deities, political ideologies, morality, etc. This stuff tends to come from special revelation, mental problems, and "might makes right" primitive crap.


Well-Known Member
I wonder which ancient culture didn't have a law and moral code? And I wouldn't doubt that all of them claimed that some kind of "god" gave them the laws. So if in those laws are mixed in some "objective" moral standards then that must mean that their deity is real? Or, there are no "objective" laws and morals. They change and get re-defined by different people and in different times and places.

Ooh, do you ever wonder what fundy Christians do with moral codes about sex? Their God wrote it in stone that his people should not commit adultery, and if they do they should be stoned to death. Why doesn't God still require stoning? Did he change his mind? Or, did society change?
The way it works: society changes; the moral consensus shifts; established religion catches up and proclaims the new consensus as the way god wants things to be.


Veteran Member
I wonder which ancient culture didn't have a law and moral code? And I wouldn't doubt that all of them claimed that some kind of "god" gave them the laws. So if in those laws are mixed in some "objective" moral standards then that must mean that their deity is real? Or, there are no "objective" laws and morals. They change and get re-defined by different people and in different times and places.

Ooh, do you ever wonder what fundy Christians do with moral codes about sex? Their God wrote it in stone that his people should not commit adultery, and if they do they should be stoned to death. Why doesn't God still require stoning? Did he change his mind? Or, did society change?

What's worse is that Jesus made it even more strict. He doesn't want people to even think about sex with someone other than their spouse. Is that even possible to follow? If not, then what good is it? Other than messing with poor believer's minds and turning them into sexually repressed basket cases? It is almost evil and cruel to make sex so enjoyable and seem so very much a natural thing to do, what with all the hormones that are tied to it, and then say not to do it? And not even to think it? I wonder, if that is one of God's "objective" moral codes?

You've gotta love the thought crimes bit. :D

The Old Testament doesn't apply anymore ... blah blah ...

So basically, this:

The way it works: society changes; the moral consensus shifts; established religion catches up and proclaims the new consensus as the way god wants things to be.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The way it works: society changes; the moral consensus shifts; established religion catches up and proclaims the new consensus as the way god wants things to be.
I know fundy Christian will say there has only been one true message from God from the beginning, but what you say also seems to be how we get new versions of Christianity. The old ones get off track or stagnant and new improved methods or interpretations freshen up the religion. So there is no "objective" religion of God, so why would there be an "objective" moral code? Morals and religions seem very subjective.

However, just wait, 1Robin will have a perfect 1000 word answer as to why this whole thing is some kind of "logical" fallacy because it breaks some rule of epistmeoffology. And, who knows, he might be right, but if he is, how many others agree exactly with him? How many people since the beginning of time knew God and defined him like he does? Religions have changed. People have changed. Fundy's are changing. Some will take a turn to the right, some to the left and they will accuse the other of heresy, making a mockery of religion, God and truth. And then they say, "I don't understand why people questions God's perfect and obvious truth. It has been there from the creation."


I know fundy Christian will say there has only been one true message from God from the beginning, but what you say also seems to be how we get new versions of Christianity. The old ones get off track or stagnant and new improved methods or interpretations freshen up the religion. So there is no "objective" religion of God, so why would there be an "objective" moral code? Morals and religions seem very subjective.

However, just wait, 1Robin will have a perfect 1000 word answer as to why this whole thing is some kind of "logical" fallacy because it breaks some rule of epistmeoffology. And, who knows, he might be right, but if he is, how many others agree exactly with him? How many people since the beginning of time knew God and defined him like he does? Religions have changed. People have changed. Fundy's are changing. Some will take a turn to the right, some to the left and they will accuse the other of heresy, making a mockery of religion, God and truth. And then they say, "I don't understand why people questions God's perfect and obvious truth. It has been there from the creation."

Last part is most excellent :D

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
You've gotta love the thought crimes bit. :D
Thought crimes, ironically, I think they are real! If I think about being kind and helpful to others, I feel better. If I lust after my neighbors wife and call out her name in the middle of the night, I feel terrible, because my wife slugs me in the gut. It's true. Therefore, God is real. But which God? Which religion? Which has the best looking woman? Oh, never mind, my neighbor's working in the garden. I'm going over and say "hello." Can't be any harm in being friendly. She might need some help. Her old man's out of town this week. Business he said.


Well-Known Member
I know fundy Christian will say there has only been one true message from God from the beginning, but what you say also seems to be how we get new versions of Christianity. The old ones get off track or stagnant and new improved methods or interpretations freshen up the religion.
Absolutely. I seriously doubt that social change is ever driven by fresh religious thinking - the opposite is much more likely. Christianity itself emerged from Judaism in a Hellenised, cosmopolitan society vastly different from that which spawned the parent religion. Unsurprisingly, the "New Covenant" it proclaimed conveniently removed obligations that fitted poorly in that new ethos.

From an early age I wondered how religious leaders could (as they often did) explain some change in doctrine by saying "After all, the church must move with the times" without realising they had tacitly admitted that the authority they claimed for their teachings was a hollow sham.
However, just wait, 1Robin will have a perfect 1000 word answer as to why this whole thing is some kind of "logical" fallacy because it breaks some rule of epistmeoffology.
I've had this out with 1robin before. He's eager to derive morality from philosophical first principles; I'm more interested in observing how it actually works as a sociological / anthropological phenomenon.
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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
...I'm more interested in observing how it actually works as a sociological / anthropological phenomenon.
That takes me back to the op. Fundy-types of Christians can easily answer why God allows kids to die and suffer. It's our fault. We're all no good sinners and deserve to die. Some also add that God knew that some of those kids would never believe anyway, so he's doing us a favor by taking them early before they grow up and do something horrible. Others say that all of them go to heaven because they are under the age of accountability. But whatever they come up with, it helps them sleep at night knowing their God is in control.


Well-Known Member
If the deity exists and could stop people suffering, but doesn't, then of course it would be evil.

Or when satan lied to Eve and told her we would become like God knowing good and bad and not die--he was challenging Gods universal sovereignty in front of all creation. basically was saying we wont need God to direct our steps to find real happiness if we knew both sides. So once and for all time so it can never occur again--God is letting it be proved that mortals do need God and that knowing only good was the right decision God could make for mortals. It will soon be over--Gods kingdom is mankinds only remaining hope.


Well-Known Member
Or when satan lied to Eve and told her we would become like God knowing good and bad and not die--he was challenging Gods universal sovereignty in front of all creation. basically was saying we wont need God to direct our steps to find real happiness if we knew both sides. So once and for all time so it can never occur again--God is letting it be proved that mortals do need God and that knowing only good was the right decision God could make for mortals. It will soon be over--Gods kingdom is mankinds only remaining hope.

When did Satan meet Eve?


Well-Known Member
Until you can deal with the argument I actually made I am not venturing into more ambiguous (but no less binding) arenas.

Let me ask you again: If we humans cannot know whether we are murdering or not murdering in any particular instance of human killing... then why did God bother to instruct us not to murder?

Tough question, eh?


Brother we are looking at different time periods for one...when secularism and skepticism continued to grow and judeo-christian ideals, views, beliefs go on the decline in Europe and colonies what happens?
I have not gathered vast amounts of data for European secularism. I do know it has ruined health care and economies but morality has not been investigated specifically by me. I have done plenty of research in US secularisms influence. Since 1960 it has steadily and many times at an ever accelerating rate increased almost all moral statistics that indicate moral decline. Everything is worse. School shootings, drug use, gang violence, broken homes, teen pregnancy, abortion, even the economy and health care as well. In every statistic you look at secularism is steadily destroying what Christianity built in the US. That is not the worst part. The same moral insanity that produced that almost universal decline in every moral statistic has also claimed that this is progress. That is truly diabolical and also predicted by the Bible. Now is there some reason that the exact same species with the same nature would react in the opposite manner based on geography. IOW what would burn down the greatest nation on earth would also have ruined the rest even if I did not compile all the data to make that case, I could have.

The opposite of give Caesar what Caesar is do...the opposite of being meek, poor sheep who just followed along and prayed for Gods will on earth.
What does this mean? Is this thought fragment the answer to some question? Is it a premise missing a conclusion? I have no idea what to do with it.

Generosity that travels along with religious imperialism isn't very generous...
What are you talking about? We are not discussing 1940 Japan. We are discussing Christian as it exists in the most freedom loving nations in history. The most generous demographic in history is also the most non-imperialistic. The conservative Christian's doctrine is tolerance. That is why we did not restrict religious preference when creating this nation. We do not enforce Christianity upon anyone, yet we are the first (most times) to help everyone. In fact the most imperialistic nations in history have all been secular or at least hostile to Christianity. N Korea, Stalin's Russia, China, etc...

Everything you love about America or the West has nothing to do with Christianity in my opinion - basic morality and generosity is taught by all religious/philosophical traditions. It has to do with people deciding to act and to change things. Not letting theology and supernatural mandates divide and dominate people.
The things I love about the US are:

1. Benevolence and generosity. There is no other concept more often associated with either than Christianity.
2. Self sacrifice. No greater example than Christian self sacrifice exists in al of human history.
3. Moral ontology. Moral ambiguity is the trade of the secularists, moral mallum in se (wrongs against truth) are only valid given God.
4. Strength (military and economic). God has guaranteed both to a just and devoted nation. That is why both are being destroyed as fast as possible since the secular movement of the 60's. Secular (mostly liberal) politics has probably already doomed this nation. There is no recovery from the debt they have created. We are only surviving on the left over effects of the nation's exceptional economy and might built before secularism reared it's ugly head.

Edit: As far as theism - I only see a couple definitions that hint at divine mandating of morality in other terms, but most (5-7)don't say this. Belief in one or more gods, or more specifically gods which interact/ed with people, yes.
That is either pantheism or pluralism not theism. Theism is one personal God. It's most prevalent three forms (Judaism, Christianity, Islam which btw account for over half of all humanity, not just the overwhelming majority of theists) all include a God that mandates moral truth. I have little idea what most of your claims above come from or are saying, but this last one I am absolutely certain is completely wrong and until you can produce a larger group than I can that justify your claim I have proven it wrong.


Veteran Member
What are you talking about? We are not discussing 1940 Japan. We are discussing Christian as it exists in the most freedom loving nations in history. The most generous demographic in history is also the most non-imperialistic. The conservative Christian's doctrine is tolerance. That is why we did not restrict religious preference when creating this nation. We do not enforce Christianity upon anyone, yet we are the first (most times) to help everyone. In fact the most imperialistic nations in history have all been secular or at least hostile to Christianity. N Korea, Stalin's Russia, China, etc...
I wouldn't be so sure of your claim here.
Alexander the Great comes to mind ...


Veteran Member
The things I love about the US are:

1. Benevolence and generosity. There is no other concept more often associated with either than Christianity.
2. Self sacrifice. No greater example than Christian self sacrifice exists in al of human history.
3. Moral ontology. Moral ambiguity is the trade of the secularists, moral mallum in se (wrongs against truth) are only valid given God.
4. Strength (military and economic). God has guaranteed both to a just and devoted nation. That is why both are being destroyed as fast as possible since the secular movement of the 60's. Secular (mostly liberal) politics has probably already doomed this nation. There is no recovery from the debt they have created. We are only surviving on the left over effects of the nation's exceptional economy and might built before secularism reared it's ugly head.


I find claims like this to be completely bizarre. So if Qatar is the wealthiest country in the world, does that mean god is happy with their devotion to his word? Because if that's the case, you might be in trouble, given that the majority of the population there practices Islam.


What you're saying is, without someone around to tell us what to do, we can't know what to do. To me, that is an amoral system, because morality isn't actually being exercised.
That is the absolute fact of the matter. Unless a transcendent standard exists then everyone's opinion is equally valid. What I am not saying is that in the absence of God would there be any other choice. It is a terribly inconsistent, self contradictory, and arbitrary system but the only option left without God. Without a moral law giver there is no moral law, without a moral law there is no known moral truth, without any known moral truth there is only equally valid arbitrary opinions that almost always coincide with self interest.

1. I never said we cannot come to some semi-consensus that murder is wrong.
2. I said we can never know if that statement was true, without God. No molecule, combination of atoms, natural law, person, or natural being of any kind would ever know or could ever make murder actually wrong without God. Morality simply becomes an arbitrary contrivance or illusion as Ruse said so well. You side may not but my side wishes to know the moral truth about something before we take a life or make a law.

There are few issues as self evident as this one.

Our ultimate moral judgment comes from ourselves, and from others. I don't see how it doesn't.
It certainly would with out God. Your side has a peculiar tendency that renders a debate problematic. You think what is true of your experience binds reality. You are right about the only pathetically inferior methodology left to create moral rules without God. I can grant that because I can understand your views because I have held them. Your side thinks that because you have not experienced God or discovered moral facts they can't be included in any model and do not exist. It is exactly what I would expect from the doctrine of spiritual blindness. I can clearly see both sides. You literally can't see mine.

1. With God moral truths are grounded in moral reality (or potentially can be).
2. Without God man can reason out some illusory rules about morals that have no corroboration with actual truths. It is a self contradictory, unjust, arbitrary, and dysfunctional methodology that cannot find justification of any kind within for what is thought to be morally right and wrong within it. Yet that is the best that can be done without God.

When you talk about transcendence, you're talking about something that you think exists beyond physical human experience, which doesn't make much sense to me because morality itself is the sum of all human experience. Hence the reason morality hasn't remained static throughout human history. When we learn new things, we adjust our morality accordingly. Wait a minute, there are no such things as witches? Maybe we should stop taking peoples lives for practicing witchcraft then. Whereas, if we stuck with Biblical morality, we'd still be carrying out such nonsense because god clearly thinks it's moral to kill witches.
Actually I am talking about what is a virtually necessity for any explanation of reality. I however did not attempt to prove it. WE are discussing what is morally true with God and what is left without him. I must assume God to make the experiment. You know very well I can supply many arguments for his existence but to do so in combination with a moral argument is impractical. Witches are a concept. We can certainly discuss may be true if witches existed and if they do not without having to at the same time prove the existence of witches. As always the real question is whether God exists. What that means is pretty obvious? Since you wish to (and I would as well) get away from morality without God into God's existence I will add a point about that at the bottom.

I can see, hear, touch, etc. other human beings. I know they are here. I know to some extent, how they feel, what they value, etc. From that, I can draw some conclusions. I can't do this with a being I can't see, hear, touch, or even know exists at all.
Prove anything you have seen felt or touched is reliable. Prove you are not a brain in a vat being given sensory inputs that did not actually occur. Prove that your sensory inputs are reliable. Prove the mechanism that interprets those signals is interpreting them truthfully. Actually do not waste your time. You can't. Almost all beliefs of all types are faith based to some extant. I think the only conclusions possibly are most likely or best fits. Sciences running around acting like the arbiter of al truth is simply self contradictory.

On God's existence and best fits let me restate what I have no seen answered yet.

1. The world has around 6 billion people in it.
2. Currently 1 - 2 billion people claim to have met a risen Christ (God) and most exhibit evidence the experience changed their lives.
3. 2 - maybe 3 billion claim to have never met him but to have enough evidence to justify believing a form of God exists.
4. Less than one billon claim that both they have not met God nor is there any reason to conclude he exists.

Which group is in the best position to know?
What conclusion (God probably exists or probably does not) is the best fit for the data?


You got a hell of a lot more objections than that.
I do not remember them. I think you supplied the irrelevant but true information that some of the data sets ended in the 90's (irrelevant because the 90 - 2013 stats ended worse than they began anyway and far more of them included 90 -2000's anyway). There may have been a source or two issue raised but I thought that was for another claim. Beyond that I do not remember any.


How does western Europe compare to the US on these stats you keep citing? (I ask because that is a more secular region of the globe.)
I do not know. It would be interesting to look them up. I do know that liberalism (which is closely associated with secularism) has ruined most of their economies and health care programs. However moral statistics specifically has not been investigated by me. I would think the best possible data set would be from a nation with the greatest extreme in swings. I do not know another country that has had a more radical change from Christian to secular (at least policy or political) swing than the US.