The starting point for evolutionary theory is a population of organisms with a given gene pool. The theory states that given random mutation and other sources of genetic variation plus some form of selection, the population's gene pool will change over time. This has been extensively tested and is in no serious doubt. Given
enough time, the gene pool may change so much the population has become a new species; and given very many generations, these species may diverge into new families, orders or higher taxa.
This is pure hypothesis and fantasy without critical thinking. It is always said so matter-of-factly but has anyone actually thought about how this population of organisms could even come about much less survive? But then again, if you dont believe in God you have to believe in something. The feeble attempts by evolutionary scientists to fabricate more theory's and conjecture keeps hitting the
proverbial wall with nothing to substantiate the theory.
Like most creationists, you are confusing evolutionary theory with theories of abiogenesis. You will find several articles on abiogenesis
here, and I particularly recommend
this one. Contrary to most creationist belief, abiogenesis is a well established field of science with many promising lines of research.
Well now, that is most presumptuous of you! Yes, "The Talk Origins Archive" is full of the same ol stuff. One statement among too many of them to list states that the "Miller Experiment" kick started life which produced amino acids essential to life. This is not true and very misleading which is typical. Miller was one of the pioneers in laboratory synthesis of NON LIVING amino acids in bottles with non-oxygen (reducing) atmoshere. Miller himself said this: "These ideas are of course speculation, for we do not know that the earth had a reducing atmoshere when it was formed" Either way, whether the early earth had oxygen or not, evolutionists are locked into a situation here that they cannot escape from. Spontaeous generation could not occur with oxygen or without it. With oxygen, scientits tell us that there would be rapid oxidation of life chemical compounds and amino acids into seperate chemicals; without it there would be deadly ultraviolet light destroying both the life chemicals and Earth. Abiogenesis may very well be an established field of science with many promising lines of research but the fact still remains to this day that you cannot develop life spontaneously from nonliving materials! Life only comes from life, non-life cannot produce life. No, Im not confusing evolutionary theory with theories of abiogenesis because the theory of evolution as you stated above cannot take place for abiogenesis to even occur, but on it still goes, one conjecture after another; always searching for the magic mixture and fairyland environment needed to make life out of nothing.
Where to start? Pretty well every major advance in biology is a test of the theory of evolution: there have been plenty of opportunities for some new discovery to prove incompatible with the theory, but so far this has not happened. Take palaeontology: it would only take the discovery of a single bed of Precambrian fossils with vertebrate bones scattered among them to deal evolution a death-blow. Perhaps you should be out there digging.
No thanks, I'll leave the digging up to you and those that continue to this day digging without results. The fossil record around the earth extends an average of one mile deep. Below this level we come up with blank slate as far as living and complex creatures are concerned. But, although there are many places on earth where 5,000 feet of sedimentary rock stretch unbroken and uniformly beneath the Cambrian layer, not a single indisputable multi-celled fossil has been found there. It is the enigma of paleontological enigmas! Darwin himself said he could give no satisfactory answer to why no fossils had been discovered. Today's scientists are non the wiser. Triobites are deemed to be the earliest type of complex creatures with hard bodies. No previous ancestors of these arthropods have ever been found, and in all cases the level of rock beneath them doesnot reveal other creatures with similar features. There has never been found any fossils that would suggest new information added to the so called gene pool by mutation and natural selection to create frogs from fish, reptiles from frogs and mammals from reptiles just to name a few. It just flat isnt there!
If you prefer to be more up-to-date, DNA sequencing has revolutionised much of molecular biology. Think how embarrassing it would have been for evolutionary biology if human DNA had turned out to be more similar to a horse's than a chimp's; but no, DNA sequences turn out to be pretty much in line with all the other evolutionary evidence.
What do you mean? Guess we've passed again.