I think it’s because the heart is more sensitive to the cosmos infinite nature. Its powerful nature is more impactful on the heart. It has a resonating effect there. The two are in harmony with one another. It’s the hearts lifeline.
The "heart" and emotions are connected to the right brain, which processes data in a more spatial or 3-D way. The mind/intellect is more left brain which is more 2-D or based on logic and cause and effect. The problem is few people know how to interpret and verbalize this internal 3-D output, since human language is more designed for 2-D thought. The result can be an integrated feeling; complex 3-D memory, but no good way to explain it. Or it becomes esoteric and may appear semi-rational.
People who judge by the external criteria, will hear gibberish if you try to put the 3-D into words; too esoteric, since it has an extra dimension; z-axis, that language is not designed for. The z-axis is more intuitive; effect, cause and effect, cause and effect, cause. But inside your heart/mind you can sense how all is integrated, and how it makes you feel nice, since it is nice.
A 3-D thought is a very fast language. Picture recordings your own voice, for 1 half hour, and playing it back in 10 seconds. It has lot of data but sound like a hum or buzz. It may not seem to contain any useful data, but that is due to our limitations with 3-D language. Say we recorded the fast 10 second playback, so we can recreate the buzz on demand; renew the feeling tone on demand The goal now is to slow the fast recording so we can pick out words; subliminally.
I am somewhat unique in that I have trained to translate 3-D into 2-D. It is sort of done in stages. As an analogy, we can approximate a 3-D sphere with a large number of 2-D circles, each with a common center, but each at a different angle. Each 2-D circle is an opinion and rational analysis. I tend to have many opinions on the same thing, where each are like one of the circles, used to help approximate 3-D. I also learn from the opinion of others add more circles. The sum of all these, approximate the fast 3-D signal. I can then rework each circle and this alters the 3-D, integration of all, for 2-D output improvements.
Science will typically use one circle and the limited data implied, and fill in the area with logic. The sum of all the opinions, on the same topic helps us to collectively define a new 3-D intuition. I tend to do the entire process internally, so I can evolve the 3-D, which can then generate new 2-D circles; new POV. This makes it easier to simplify the 3-D complex into something very simple.
The way I trained my brain was through exploring the unconscious mind; develop an interactive rapport. You sort of get used to dealing with intuitive output from the unconscious, until you start to pick up its natural language. Then this can to applied things to take advantage of the natural 3-D processing features of the brain, with the 2-D adding the input, for 3-D bounce back. This can go even faster, but using 2.5-D input for 3-D bounce back. The 2.5-D is more than just cause and effect, but reason with intuition, but not all the way to 3-D. I call it spatial image with is 2-D with emotional shadowing and highlight look more 3-D but still be flat or 2-D. You use your sense of touch to prove this.
The spatial image has a sister effect, I call the spatial illusion, which also look 3-D, but is really 2-D. This common to politics and often fool the right brain into thinking an opinion is integrated truth. The shadowing has to do with the denial of truth. The darkness sets the highlights off and casts a shadow to help the mind sense 3-D; whole truth, when in reality it is an illusion. It will fool 75%.
The lack of rational clarity of VP Harris on her positions, is designed to shift the brain to the right; emotions. To much rational clarity, although useful for the voter, keeps them more in the left brain. Less shifts it too the right brain. There the spatial illusion can be induced, confusing any genuine 3-D output, the defense mechanism of the brain tries to output. This is often expressed as overcompensation.