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Why does the OT bible god act like a threatned king?


Well-Known Member
Halcyon said:
So, what are you Gnostic or Marcionite? :)

None of the above, I just use the most powerful tool that a human body have, the brain. As I mentioned not even a god or any religion be more powerful than a human's brain, cause it can create a god or religion and it can also destroy a god and religion.

I base it also on my personal encounter with this self proclaimed god, its no god at all. It needs humanity to exist.... humanity does not need it to exists......


Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
so u do believe in G-d!:sarcastic

it you mean, I know it exists but it is no god. It proclaimed to be a god cause the authors who people say were inspired, were really tricked in believing that it is the one god. Who would dare question it if it said it is the most powerful god and can kill you in an instant back in those days. Today, with the more advance thought process of humanity its a different ball game. You should challenge it if it really is the one god. I have and it failed miserably...... I hope more people would so that the battle in humanity might stop because people would begin to see that without barriers like religion, people would understand that the other side just wants to exists. That's what humanity wants.. to exists...


Well-Known Member
Moriah Hill said:
The self proclaimed God is the Creator of all things, when you consider what has been created from the atom to the universe and all things seen and unseen, I think He would every right to call HimselfGod, He owns everything and wants the best for His Creation.

How would you know that it is the one god and not an awareness that was trapped on this earth and thus needed humanity to make it feel that is valuable or that it exists?

No one ever questioned why it considered itself the one god, now there are more and more people using their own mental process to challenge this self proclaimed god who wants to be adored or suffer death, which it can never do. If it can do it I would not be around..lol. The truth is if you challenge it, you will find out that it is afraid of humanity... Hope you get to experience it ....


Well-Known Member
NordicBearskin said:
*shrugs* Presumably because the authors of the OT instinctively reverted to their cultural understanding of the world and their mythological traditions when trying to describe God.

Are you refering to what they believed in Mesopotamia, thousands of years before this inspired "as they believed" collection of books, the bible?


ProfLogic said:
How would you know that it is the one god and not an awareness that was trapped on this earth and thus needed humanity to make it feel that is valuable or that it exists?

No one ever questioned why it considered itself the one god, now there are more and more people using their own mental process to challenge this self proclaimed god who wants to be adored or suffer death, which it can never do. If it can do it I would not be around..lol. The truth is if you challenge it, you will find out that it is afraid of humanity... Hope you get to experience it ....
So... you believe that the God of the bible exists? That's a new development. I've gotta say, I didn't see that one coming.

I've also gotta say that the God that I worship has never once threatened me with death.

Have you read about Korihor yet?


Well-Known Member
SoyLeche said:
So... you believe that the God of the bible exists? That's a new development. I've gotta say, I didn't see that one coming.

I've also gotta say that the God that I worship has never once threatened me with death.

Have you read about Korihor yet?

I know that it exists but as I mentioned its no god, so challenged it. You need to put it to the test and not the other way around. Humanity is worthy to be on this earth not it....

About reading not yet but I will one day. My experiences with it is much better but reading doesn't hurt.


ProfLogic said:
None of the above, I just use the most powerful tool that a human body have, the brain. As I mentioned not even a god or any religion be more powerful than a human's brain, cause it can create a god or religion and it can also destroy a god and religion.

I base it also on my personal encounter with this self proclaimed god, its no god at all. It needs humanity to exist.... humanity does not need it to exists......

If your brain can create a god, I challenge you at least to two simple tests:

1) Stand on train tracks as an oncoming train rushes toward you. Just before it destroys your body, turn it into a marshmellow with your wonderful, powerful brain.

2) Less violent, but no less effective - PM me your credit card number and make all of your debt disappear without falsely claiming that your number was stolen.

I won't spend it all in one place, I promise.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
ProfLogic said:
Jayhawker Soule said:
Out of curiosity, do you have a point?
Of course, it appears to me that if there is such this awareness that told the bible writers to convey its message to humanity, that it is coming from a being which just wants to enslave and control humanity. ... My guess is it would just go away cause it is powerless besides planting in humanities mind that it is the creator but in reality its an entity that wants to control humanity.
So, you opened a thread in a debate forum to speculate on how something "appears" to you and what you "guess" that appearance suggests. Very well then, in like manner it appears to me that you have a childishly superficial understanding of the Bible, that your rhetorical speculation is more suggestive of mud-slinging than analysis, and it is my guess that you've never actually read much of the text that you so sloppily characterize. But that's just me ...


Jayhawker Soule said:
it is my guess that you've never actually read much of the text that you so sloppily characterize. But that's just me ...
Oh, we've already gone over that. See if you can get him to tell you.

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
ProfLogic said:
The being that inpired the bible authors is not the true creator of this universe. It just wants control over humanity.
Okay, so you believe in true creator of this universe, HaShem. Good, anything else you'd like to communicate?


The Lost One
I would guess that ProfLogic is trying to say the OT God is acting like a very human king, demanding worships, reverence, fear, obedience and servitude.

You must remember that ancient pagan kings were worshipped like gods.

There are many instances where God acted like a jealous king, when people turn away from him, and threaten their destruction. When the Israelites began to worship him, he would take away his protection and allow people to be dominated by their neighbours.

When you see that, it doesn't seem that the ancient Israelites had freedom to worship others, without being punished.


Religious Zionist
ProfLogic said:
it you mean, I know it exists but it is no god. It proclaimed to be a god cause the authors who people say were inspired, were really tricked in believing that it is the one god. Who would dare question it if it said it is the most powerful god and can kill you in an instant back in those days. Today, with the more advance thought process of humanity its a different ball game. You should challenge it if it really is the one god. I have and it failed miserably...... I hope more people would so that the battle in humanity might stop because people would begin to see that without barriers like religion, people would understand that the other side just wants to exists. That's what humanity wants.. to exists...

if by challenge you mean pray to it and see if you get what you want....

G-d answers all prayers...just sometimes the answer is "No"

if a 5 year old asks for the keys to your car do you give it to them?

and as to the advanced thought process of today....i think you give humanity too much credit...people are still waring for money and power and that, often, has nothing to do w/ religion.


Well-Known Member
Deut 13:1 said:
Okay, so you believe in true creator of this universe, HaShem. Good, anything else you'd like to communicate?

Why is it good to say a true creator(s) of the universe existed?

Its easy to say "I am the creator of this universe", if the ancient people who believed in this self proclaimed being challenged it, they would have found out that it is not the creator, not the savior they are hoping for. It can not harm them, only humanity could inflict a direct harm on another. It uses its control on its believers and orders them to destroy others because they are categorized as evil, but in the end just have a different way to approach their existence.

Guess why the teachings suddenly changed in the NT, because it is learning from humanity and not the other way around. It does not know what lies ahead in humanities future.....