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Why does violence exist ?


It's evil and terrible hopefully someone here has an answer here but I doubt it but I ask anyway.
We all have answers, but we're not all correct. Even those that are correct not everyone would agree with.

I think, for most of us, we kling to an attitude and ideology that automatically includes violence. Even those of us who are not actually violent still have this and have the potential as such to become violent.


Active Member
We all have answers, but we're not all correct. Even those that are correct not everyone would agree with.

I think, for most of us, we kling to an attitude and ideology that automatically includes violence. Even those of us who are not actually violent still have this and have the potential as such to become violent.
Can you explain your post some more ? By giving the answers and why do we have the potential to be violent ?


Can you explain your post some more ? By giving the answers and why do we have the potential to be violent ?
I don't understand what you mean to ask saying "By giving the answers."

It has been my observation that while we are all unique individuals, there are also behaviors that we share. For myself personally, I've never committed a violent crime in my life; however, historically, violence has been an integral part of civilization. It seems logical to me to conclude that i too am apart of this ongoing problem. That being said, i am certain there is a way to overcome this part of myself; i don't believe that i am a victim of my own programming; it can be rewritten.


Active Member
I don't understand what you mean to ask saying "By giving the answers."

It has been my observation that while we are all unique individuals, there are also behaviors that we share. For myself personally, I've never committed a violent crime in my life; however, historically, violence has been an integral part of civilization. It seems logical to me to conclude that i too am apart of this ongoing problem. That being said, i am certain there is a way to overcome this part of myself; i don't believe that i am a victim of my own programming; it can be rewritten.
So no answers.


Active Member
I don't understand what you mean to ask saying "By giving the answers."

It has been my observation that while we are all unique individuals, there are also behaviors that we share. For myself personally, I've never committed a violent crime in my life; however, historically, violence has been an integral part of civilization. It seems logical to me to conclude that i too am apart of this ongoing problem. That being said, i am certain there is a way to overcome this part of myself; i don't believe that i am a victim of my own programming; it can be rewritten.
So no answers.


Active Member
Human nature, it's built within us, primal instincts.

We're animals and have realised that violence can help us get what we think we need, or act as protection. Factors like our environment, social conditioning or DNA may relate to how violent we are.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Because of human nature

Sure, some humans are harmless

But some humans will always be violent


Well-Known Member
It's evil and terrible hopefully someone here has an answer here but I doubt it but I ask anyway.
Violence is due to law, which is knowledge of good and evil. This is why in the story of Adam and Eve, they were told if they eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, death will come to the world.

The logic behind this is connected to how the brain writes to memory. When we learn and the brain writes new things to memory, it adds emotional tags. Our memory has both the sensory content; sensory based facts, as well as an emotional tag. For example, if I ask what is your favorite food, the image of the food that pops into your mind, will have a feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment. The value of this, for the animal brain, is if an animal finds a similar thing that induces their past memory, they will act on the good feeling without having to think or reinvent the wheel. This is very efficient; instinctive.

The problem with law of good and evil is this is a binary type memory composed of two opposites. It is similar to a magnet that has a North and South Pole. Magnet always comes with polar pairs. Monopoles have been never observed or isolated by physics. Therefore to know law you need to know both the good path and the evil path, so you can choose properly and avoid the evil. However, the good and evil polarization; magnet, causes the brain to add two conflicting emotional tags; good=rest and evil=fear. Law games the natural animal memory writing process. An animal can feel rest or fear but never at the same time. They have a one memory and one tag rule, so there is no conflict and no repression. Law gamed the natural animal memory to allow modern humans to appear via the repression that it caused.

As an example of what happens when you have two conflicting feelings, consider being in a love-hate relationship. Love makes you feel like you want to approach and embrace, while hate makes you feel like you wish to fight and leave. These two conflicting motivations cause one to become stuck in an orbit, that is too far away to stay and too close to leave. One is stuck and unhappy.

The brain to remove this repression; feeling stuck, separates the binary memory of law allowing, for most people, the good of law to remain conscious and the evil of law to become unconscious. An abused spouse will try to remember all the good times and repress the abuse, to stay on in love. Due to the binary nature of law; magnet, this repressed pole of the magnet creates an unconscious shadow side, that follows us. If you ever heard of the saying the ends justifies the means, this is a vision of doing good that will make use of evil, so the two can merge and not be separate. This is where violent and all other forms of evil appear; adds a silver lining to violence.

As a good working example, back in the day of TV Evangelists; 1980's, many Preachers would preach love and community, while seeking wealth and power and other things; hookers, that were not consistent with their messaging; hypocrisy. This was due to their strict moral law, the polarization of good and evil, the repression of the dark side of law, and then the compulsion from the shadow or the dark side of law; ends justify the means, which in their cases was to grow the flock using the prestige boost that money, power and fame can offer. That was hypocritical to what they preached.

In some sense, Atheist can see this in some religion people, but not in their own relative morality world, that also creates the binary of different law. Some of the worst violence came from Atheism; Communism.; very strict law. But it is all due to good and evil, binary, and repression of the evil side, but since the magnet is one thing, it seeks to reunite and the evil comes up as justified compulsion which can become violent.

We can see the effect in the current DNC and swamp, which at one level preaches a sense of world social conscience, which is good, yet it is very diabolical in its methods. It seems conflicting to an objective observer. However, to them the ends justify the means, in attempt to unite this internal division caused by their own law. The DNC loves law and regulation and makes the most of both parties. This only serves to make their internal polarization worse, which led to unconsciously setting up an assassination attempt, through biased neglect of duty. We may even expect riots this election season, since their inner division is very great, due to the added confusion created by too much lying to themselves and mixing up the tagging process even further; kill the innocent via propaganda and law fare, for an amplifying shadow effect.


Veteran Member
It's evil and terrible hopefully someone here has an answer here but I doubt it but I ask anyway.
Because it works (too often).
When violence gives you what you want (power, resources, mates), you'll repeat that pattern.
When violence doesn't work, because your society is serious about stopping violence, you'll stop being violent (or be in a facility that widely stops you from gaining from your violence).
Violence is perpetrated by a few, but permitted by many.


N. Germanic Descent
If opinions are like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and everyone has one, then the answer to the op question is the same as what's missing in this sentence.



That's why people are!


N. Germanic Descent
I meant, because people are big bullies sometimes.



Give me a freaking break ... OK!

Ughh ....

Ahem, I need an aspirin.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
It's evil and terrible hopefully someone here has an answer here but I doubt it but I ask anyway.
I tend to think it's an evolutionary self-correcting mechanism when it comes to apex predators.

I look at as nature's way of crowd control, it's not pleasant but then again that's how nature works.