You are wrong! Now you are not wrong as a human in any moral sense. You are wrong, because you claim you can do something with a certain method(s), which you can't do using that method(s).
So how it is that you are wrong? Well, for
#1 the word "best" can't be done with neither science nor any other objective methodology as reason or logic for an universal we. You are in effect subjective and only speaking for you and those who subjectively agree with you. Thus your "we" is limited, because I can do it differently for
There is no one best method for all humans for all of the world, because for some versions of best, the word "best" is not independent of individual evaluation.
So here is how you know that your "best" is not science nor objective.
It has no international scientific measurement standard; i.e. you can't calibrate a scientific instrument to measure best.
You can't observe best. It has no objective referent, i.e. it is not independent of individual psychology and it works as subjective evolution of good and/or useful.
What I have written above is connected to this:
In effect you could apparently be a believer in a variant of scientism. "Scientism is the promotion of science as the best or only objective means by which society should determine normative and epistemological values." I wrote apparently because you apparently take truth to be what matters. But that it matters, is not science and ends as a standard for normative and epistemological values.
But there is no such standard for all humans for all of the world. It can't be done with science, philosophy or religion.
Now if you can in effect do it other than just claim it, explain it and write it down. You would then be one of the most important humans in human history, because you would have done something nobody have done before you.