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Why Don't The Progressives Care About the Injustices Toward Arabs from Arab Governments?


Well-Known Member
BTW, so may be interested in this (note underlined parts):

President Obama's Fiscal Year 2010 budget proposes $53.8 billion for appropriated international affairs' programs. From that budget, $5.7 billion is appropriated for foreign military financing, military education, and peacekeeping operations. From that $5.7 billion, $2.8 billion, almost 50% is appropriated for Israel.[70] Israel also has available roughly $3 billion of conditional loan guarantees, with additional funds coming available if Israel meets conditions negotiated at the U.S.-Israel Joint Economic Development Group (JEDG).

In 2010, the House and Senate Appropriations Committees approved President Obama's request for $3 billion in military aid to Israel in the 2011 budget. The appropriation has not yet been approved by Congress...

Eli Lake, the national security correspondent of The Washington Times, reported on 23 September 2011, that Obama had authorized at the beginning of his presidency "significant new aid to the Israeli military that includes the sale of 55 deep-penetrating bombs known as bunker busters".

Former head of the Israeli Air Force, retired Major General Eitan Ben Eliyahu, has called the American sale of Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II nuclear capable stealth fighter bombers to Israel a key test of the relationship.

While United States law forbids the use of offset agreements on FMF sales, Israel’s Industrial Cooperation Authority attempts to secure industrial participation contracts of around 35 percent of such sales. Because of restrictions on the defense budget in 2013, US Congress would reduce at least $155 million in aid to Israel. -- Israel
Obama sold the same F35 to the Islamic extremist state of Turkey.


Are you aware of this?

WSJ: Obama Punishing Israel by Holding Up Weapons Transfers | FrontPage Magazine


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
One point of friction between Obama & Israelistan is Obama's refusal to have Americastan
attack Iran again. Isreali leaders were chomping at the bit for us to go to war on their behalf,
but Obama wisely demurred. Good for all concerned.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Can you see this happening with Obama? I can't.

Obama tends not to be a very emotional person, so we simply cannot compare the two when it comes to emotional speeches.

I so miss him.

Is that why Republicans ran from him to the point of not wanting him to campaign for them? And why would you miss a president who led us to two insanely-run wars, presided over an economic freefall, ramped up the deficit while pretending to be a conservative, violated the U.S. Constitution with part of the Patriot Act, allowed for water-boarding that we previously had proclaimed a violation of international law to the point of prosecuting the Japanese for it, had a significantly lower approval rating internationally than Obama, etc.? His dog could have been a better president.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Obama sold the same F35 to the Islamic extremist state of Turkey.


Are you aware of this?

The Turks are a part of NATO, so what do you expect.

And he authorized more spending for the Iron Dome system as well as supporting Israel and condemning the actions of Hamas. BTW, try a different source than the above.


Well-Known Member
The Turks are a part of NATO, so what do you expect.

And he authorized more spending for the Iron Dome system as well as supporting Israel and condemning the actions of Hamas. BTW, try a different source than the above.
How about this one?

Israeli official confirms US nixed arms shipment; pols argue over who's to blame | The Times of Israel

Turks are part of NATO but they also are a primary supporter of Hamas. The US doesn't have to sell them the lastest highest technology fighter plane.

They are no an islamist radical state.


Well-Known Member
Obama tends not to be a very emotional person, so we simply cannot compare the two when it comes to emotional speeches.

Is that why Republicans ran from him to the point of not wanting him to campaign for them? And why would you miss a president who led us to two insanely-run wars, presided over an economic freefall, ramped up the deficit while pretending to be a conservative, violated the U.S. Constitution with part of the Patriot Act, allowed for water-boarding that we previously had proclaimed a violation of international law to the point of prosecuting the Japanese for it, had a significantly lower approval rating internationally than Obama, etc.? His dog could have been a better president.
Pres. Bush is the best president in my lifetime.

He is the first president to go where the terrorists have been hiding and attack them there as well as their state sponsors.

That "waterboarding" averted major terrorist attacks and ultimately led to the killing of OBL.

I'll comment on the other stuff later. I am low on time.


Well-Known Member
One point of friction between Obama & Israelistan is Obama's refusal to have Americastan
attack Iran again. Isreali leaders were chomping at the bit for us to go to war on their behalf,
but Obama wisely demurred. Good for all concerned.
Iran the country that is the primary source of state sponsored terrorism will soon have nukes.

How much damage do you think terrorists can do with nukes?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Pres. Bush is the best president in my lifetime.

He is the first president to go where the terrorists have been hiding and attack them there as well as their state sponsors.

That "waterboarding" averted major terrorist attacks and ultimately led to the killing of OBL.

I'll comment on the other stuff later. I am low on time.

There is no evidence that waterboarding led to the finding of Ob-L, contrary to some claims by the right. Secondly, violating the law while holding others accountable is called "hypocrisy", and still is a violation of law.

You can post more, but frankly I'm really not that interested in this topic more than already has been mentioned, so I probably won't respond. We're simply not going to agree, and I can live with that.


Well-Known Member
There is no evidence that waterboarding led to the finding of Ob-L, contrary to some claims by the right. Secondly, violating the law while holding others accountable is called "hypocrisy", and still is a violation of law.

You can post more, but frankly I'm really not that interested in this topic more than already has been mentioned, so I probably won't respond. We're simply not going to agree, and I can live with that.
It wasn't a violation of the law. It was necessary to stop terror attacks.

CIA Confirms: Waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind Led to Info that Aborted 9/11-Style Attack on Los Angeles | CNS News

CIA chief: Waterboarding aided bin Laden raid - TODAY News - TODAY.com

The truth is still the truth whether you want to see it or not.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Iran the country that is the primary source of state sponsored terrorism will soon have nukes.
How much damage do you think terrorists can do with nukes?
Far less than Israel can do with their much larger nuclear arsenal.
I don't see a high risk of Iran providing nukes to terrorists, since the fallout
of usage being traced back to them would be certain regime change.
Far more likely is that Iran needs this defensive capability against another
US attack (directly or by proxy again).


Okay...I know I am going to regret this but I don't get it.:shrug:

Women have no rights in almost all arab countries, especially the ones fighting Israel.

They can be beaten legally for any reason.

They can be beaten/killed for going outside without a male chaperone.

They must legally wear the black "outerwear" or face punishment.

They must abide by Shaira law.

Men as well have no rights.

There is no right to a trial much less a fair trial.

There are no civil rights.

It's illegal to be homosexual.

The arabs living in Israel proper have a higher standard of living than in any arab country. They have full civil rights. They can vote, and are represented in parliament. An arab is part of the Israeli Supreme Court and arabs hold numerous political positions in Israel.

In Tel Aviv there is an annual gay parade.

Why are the progressives defending these arab countries and their treatment of their citizens? At the very least why don't they ever criticize them?


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't know the truth it came and hit you in the butt with a 2 X 4. :p
One of the sources is the Dept. Of Justice.

"2005 Justice Department memo that the use of “enhanced techniques” of interrogation on al Qaeda leader Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) -- including the use of waterboarding -- caused KSM to reveal information that allowed the U.S. government to thwart a planned attack on Los Angeles."

Just closing your ears and going la la la la la rather isn't a good way to learn new things.


I've been criticizing the abuse of women in the ME since 1994. It's one of those things, though. Nobody is here defending the practice of shooting young girls in the head for going to school, or locking a couple dozen girls inside a burning building to die for fear that they'll be seen without their hijabs on otherwise, or celebrating the fact that women in Afghanistan have the highest rate of suicide of any demographic in the world, or endorsing FGM, child marriage and human trafficking. Nobody is defending the custom that women in certain ME countries are not allowed to drive, work, or vote. Nobody thinks children are better off with Boko Haram and IS than they were with their parents.

What is there to say? "Wow - check out this awful thing that totally sucks." "Yup, that really sucks. Bloody awful". /thread.

Debates tend to be quite short when everybody involved is defending the same side.

Right... it strikes me as strange to be criticizing people for not criticizing something that's so obviously wrong.


yawn <ignore> yawn
One of the sources is the Dept. Of Justice.

"2005 Justice Department memo that the use of “enhanced techniques” of interrogation on al Qaeda leader Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) -- including the use of waterboarding -- caused KSM to reveal information that allowed the U.S. government to thwart a planned attack on Los Angeles."

Just closing your ears and going la la la la la rather isn't a good way to learn new things.
I bet if we waterboarded Bush and Cheney we would find out all kinds of great stuff.
Still isn't legal.


Sheppard for the Die Hard
My daddy always said that they were stuck in the stone age.
I lul'd then went about my day.
I then read a book that night, realizing more than half of them couldn't read, let alone write. Two and Two together. Makes sense >.>


pro scapegoat
One of the sources is the Dept. Of Justice.

"2005 Justice Department memo that the use of “enhanced techniques” of interrogation on al Qaeda leader Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) -- including the use of waterboarding -- caused KSM to reveal information that allowed the U.S. government to thwart a planned attack on Los Angeles."

Just closing your ears and going la la la la la rather isn't a good way to learn new things.

The use of torture by the US is unforgiveable - it is a breach of international law and worse, it makes the US lose any claim to the moral high ground.

What point destroying a despot like Saddam Hussein, only to become a torturer? If you become a worse monster than your enemy, what sort of victory is that?