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Why evolution did not comes like this ?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
A penguin has wings. We just call them flippers because they're used in the water.

There are certain things required for certain kinds of life. If you want something 'alive' without blood, lungs and such...a plant. Moulds. Those are all alive, they evolve, but they are not animals.
the plants had other system of life , as the sea world too ...etc

let's stay in animals and human , does the evolution timeline , tells how the human evolute their missing parts (lungs , heart , eyes, stomac, legs....etc ) in history ?

as the plane timeline


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
That is not even close to what the Theory of Evolution would expect. Evolution is about life forms that are fully functional differentiating along generations into forms that are better adapted to their environments.
evolution suppose the update of something in period of time , is not ?
I don't know why you would expect missing organs in remote ancestors. Some of our ancestors were simpler lifeforms, but not incomplete ones.

Why not it's not suppose there is missing organs in our ancestors ? is the evolution deny this concept ?


Premium Member
What is common to all ancestors to the beginning of life is cells and dna. No dna means no ancestory. We don't really know how that came about but that's how it starts, a cell that can replicate and pass on information.

Mohammad Nur Syamsu

Well-Known Member
Hi all

I have some question :

Why did not find man in deep past , with missing parts noise,ears,tongue ,eyes , for exemple :

human with one hand , human without fingeres , birds without wings .......etc

is not this the main concept of the evolution ?

Evolution theory says that every part of the organism changes in every direction, and then selection limits to forms that reproduce.

Total chaos of random mutation and recombination vs the organizing of selection. Total chaos will win out every time mathematics show.

That is why theory is advanced which replaces random mutation with intelligent design.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
the plants had other system of life , as the sea world too ...etc

let's stay in animals and human , does the evolution timeline , tells how the human evolute their missing parts (lungs , heart , eyes, stomac, legs....etc ) in history ?

as the plane timeline
Humans? No. By the time we came around the basic body plan had already been long established.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
evolution suppose the update of something in period of time , is not ?
No, it's not an update. Or rather, it's an update in that it's newer, but whether it's better or not is dependent on environmental factors.

Why not it's not suppose there is missing organs in our ancestors ? is the evolution deny this concept ?
Mutations are almost never that big. These are extremely small changes that stack over time. You're not going to see an animal that suddenly has working wings just pop out. These take ages to come about.


Well-Known Member
Hi all

I have some question :

Why did not find man in deep past , with missing parts noise,ears,tongue ,eyes , for exemple :

human with one hand , human without fingeres , birds without wings .......etc

is not this the main concept of the evolution ?
This is a religion forum. If you have questions about evolution, why don't you ask them on a science forum?


Peace be upon you.
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Godobeyer, Your question expresses a profound truth. The fossil record has consistently illustrated that the theory of evolution is invalid. Despite a few disproven claims, no fossil of any creature in transition from one species to another has ever been found. Even in the very oldest layers of strata, fossils of plants and animals are of creatures that first appeared on earth in their distinct, specialized forms.
You are wrong, wrong to a degree that you likely can not imagine. Every fossil ever found is a transitional fossil since every organism that ever lives and does live is a transitional organism linking what it progenitors were to what its offspring will be ... that is how evolution works. Are you the same as your parents? Are your children the same as you are?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
evolution suppose the update of something in period of time , is not ?

You might put it that way, I suppose, but there is a danger of seeing it as more directed than it actually is.

Evolution, at least when the word is used in biology, has no purpose, no will, and no set destination. It is indeed quite "dumb", so to speak.

It is just a word for describing the gradual changes in frequencies of variations along several generations.

Why not it's not suppose there is missing organs in our ancestors ? is the evolution deny this concept ?

More like it has never been proposed or appeared to be necessary.

Missing organs are a big deal, more often than not. Not too many organs can be disposed of without making a lifeform inviable or at least seriously disadvantaged.

All of the intermediate generations between two specific lifeforms are, after all, succesfull enough to survive and have offspring of their own.

I'm not sure why you expected previous ancestors to be missing organs.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
This is a religion forum. If you have questions about evolution, why don't you ask them on a science forum?
Because amongst budding Theologians, actual Theologians, various sorts of religious historians, pastors, rabbis and what not we've got people who understand various sciences intimately.


Freedom Of Mind
Godobeyer, Your question expresses a profound truth. The fossil record has consistently illustrated that the theory of evolution is invalid. Despite a few disproven claims, no fossil of any creature in transition from one species to another has ever been found. Even in the very oldest layers of strata, fossils of plants and animals are of creatures that first appeared on earth in their distinct, specialized forms.

Yes indeed i agree with you and Godobeyer, thats why actually i call it the idiots' theory .

I believe in logic,and logic says that all fossils which were found shows a complex organisms regardless of its kinds.
Evolution started from simpler forms to more advanced ones but it's clearly were pre-planned by an intelligent entity and not due to randomness and chances, i think natural selection is an easy way to fool an idiot but not an insane, sorry if i was being rude.
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RF's Swedenborgian
I believe that humans have vestigial structures such as an appendix, tailbone or wisdom teeth that were once used by ancestral human species from whom modern humans had evolved, but these vestigial structures are no longer needed by the modern day human species. I believe that vestigial structures do not usually impair an organism in any way, so there is no need for the natural selection process to get rid of them. For instance, the appendix could have helped an ancestoral human species break down foods like plants. However, vestigial structures such as the human appendix now has no useful function in modern humans.


Well-Known Member
Godobeyer, Your question expresses a profound truth. The fossil record has consistently illustrated that the theory of evolution is invalid. Despite a few disproven claims, no fossil of any creature in transition from one species to another has ever been found. Even in the very oldest layers of strata, fossils of plants and animals are of creatures that first appeared on earth in their distinct, specialized forms.

"The fossil record has consistently illustrated that the theory of evolution is invalid."

Do you just make this up?

The fossil record proves evolution is valid. Not just fossils either.

"no fossil of any creature in transition from one species to another has ever been found."

There are tons of them now.

Fossil reveals transitional link from fins to feet


All animals with four limbs – reptiles, birds, amphibians and even humans – descended from common ancestors that made that initial transition from fins to feet. But how and why this evolutionary leap occurred has long been a scientific puzzle.

Now, the partial remains of a 375-million-year-old fish have emerged to help fill in some of the blanks. Paleontologists have uncovered new fossils from Tiktaalik roseae, which, while still a fish, is considered a transitional fossil that also has traits common to the first four-footed animals.

This more complete picture of Tiktaalik suggests that the creature had strong, mobile hind fins. That challenges the view that such enhanced rear appendages arose much later, perhaps even after animals had made the transition to land. Known as the “front-wheel-drive” hypothesis, that view held that front fins evolved into limbs first, while back fins stayed small and unimportant.

Fossil reveals transitional link from fins to feet - The Washington Post

"Even in the very oldest layers of strata, fossils of plants and animals are of creatures that first appeared on earth in their distinct, specialized forms"


The first flower

Fossil reveals transitional link from fins to feet - The Washington Post

So as a Catholic you don't subscribe to the offical church position?

The Vatican claims Darwin's theory of evolution is compatible with Christianity
The Vatican has admitted that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution should not have been dismissed and claimed it is compatible with the Christian view of Creation.

The Vatican claims Darwin's theory of evolution is compatible with Christianity - Telegraph

Godobeyer, here is a link on accurate humam evolution.

Human Evolution by The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program


Well-Known Member
You know the anti evolution deniers are breathing Oxygen because cynobacteria evolved photosynthesis and that is WHY WE HAVE AN OXYGEN ATMOSPHERE today and not natural gas one.

The Origin of Oxygen in Earth's Atmosphere
The breathable air we enjoy today originated from tiny organisms, although the details remain lost in geologic time

"It's hard to keep oxygen molecules around, despite the fact that it's the third-most abundant element in the universe, forged in the superhot, superdense core of stars. That's because oxygen wants to react; it can form compounds with nearly every other element on the periodic table. So how did Earth end up with an atmosphere made up of roughly 21 percent of the stuff?

The answer is tiny organisms known as cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae. These microbes conductphotosynthesis: using sunshine, water and carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrates and, yes, oxygen. In fact, all the plants on Earth incorporate symbiotic cyanobacteria (known as chloroplasts) to do their photosynthesis for them down to this day.

For some untold eons prior to the evolution of these cyanobacteria, during the Archean eon, more primitive microbes lived the real old-fashioned way: anaerobically. These ancient organisms—and their "extremophile" descendants today—thrived in the absence of oxygen, relying on sulfate for their energy needs."

The Origin of Oxygen in Earth's Atmosphere - Scientific American


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it would be easier to show the known evolutionary lineage leading to man as completely as possible -or indicating what is assumed.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Evolution is false because it disagrees with the Bible and the Quran. Likewise a Spherical Earth is false for the same reason.

Why, please why can't people just read their sacred texts with a tad bit more of an enlightened mind, lest they sound identical to the gentleman above? This whole "there is not evidence for evolution" as just a ludicrous as what you see in this video. It is equally as ridiculous, no more, no less.

Mohammad Nur Syamsu

Well-Known Member
I believe that humans have vestigial structures such as an appendix, tailbone or wisdom teeth that were once used by ancestral human species from whom modern humans had evolved, but these vestigial structures are no longer needed by the modern day human species. I believe that vestigial structures do not usually impair an organism in any way, so there is no need for the natural selection process to get rid of them. For instance, the appendix could have helped an ancestoral human species break down foods like plants. However, vestigial structures such as the human appendix now has no useful function in modern humans.

On closer inspection all these socalled useless leftovers serve a function.

But you are right that evolution theory predicts lots of useless and inefficient organisms, due to the randomness of mutations. Evolution theory predicts organisms to be sort of monsters with lots of useless bulges and weird things which natural selection slowly weeds out. And mathematics show that the total chaos of random mutation wins against selection.