I believe it is important for all to know what is known, and how it relates.
Even if one believes God is the creator or designer, it is not logical to assume that there was no evolution of design.
To think that the earth, man, animals and plants were instantaneously created without forethought, design, research, development, etc., is unreasonable
(This is not to say that instantaneous creation or replication is not possible after initial design and after the means of production is in place).
It is written that the things of God are apparent in what was made, so it is sad that many refuse to consider a matter based on the assumed meaning of a very few words.
If one does not believe in God, then one must still accept that "evolution" is a far more capable designer than man -yet without intent -and is our instructor in design.
By considering and reverse-engineering what it is thought to have produced without intent (including our own ability to design and create) we can then do similar and eventually different and greater things.
It is usually the religious that are accused of assuming things without evidence -and sometimes rightly so -but it is also true that science assumes some things are possibly true, based on a combination of evidence and lack of evidence, in order to move forward (temporarily, for the sake of argument/investigation)
It seems that some thing should be true based on what is known -then it is tested -and, correct or incorrect, much more becomes known.
The religious would do well to take the same approach.
Even the bible teaches that mankind should prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good.
Many have beliefs, but not a firm foundation of investigation and proof -and therefore their faith is not strong. Some errantly believe that it is against faith to question, but the opposite is true.