Well-Known Member
Faith can be used to give hope and comfort. However, and factless overly confident view of the world is in many cases dangerous. False things generally are dangerous even if they sometimes give hope and comfort.
Not all people believe b/c they want hope and comfort. I may believe in G-d, but I don't believe that he can save/protect us (as presented in the stories of Noah and Lot) or that there is necessarily a place we go to after we die (seeing that Heaven and/or Hell is not mentioned much in the Hebrew Bible and I don't interpret a lot of the Hebrew Bible literally). I don't believe in that b/c that makes religion almost a crutch of sorts, on which people rely on b/c they are scared. I wish many people didn't believe to have hope and comfort, but unfortunately a lot do. I think that's a poor excuse to follow a religion IMO.
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