Would you prefer free will to be taken away from you just because there are maniacs living among us? even though you are normal person.Ok so this is another hypothetical rationalisation, but lets extrapolate this rationale. So this deity you imagine exists lets a child be raped, does nothing, closes the door and says go ahead, rape that child, ruin it's life, but I will enjoy torturing you forever when you die. The religion of love you say? I think I just had to re-swallow some of my lunch.
Oh your god, well we can't have free will infringed just to stop children being raped can we? One wonders why you imagine we evolved primates have laws prohibiting such vile abuse? If a deity doesn't care enough to stop it, why are we infringing on people's free will? The ******g mind truly boggles at the mental cartwheels apologists conjure sometimes.
So a child who is raped, and then loses it's belief in a magic sky fairy, presumably gets to contemplate it's rash use of its free will, for all eternity in Hell, being tortured forever?
All things bright and beautiful, lah lah lah lah lah.....
Answer honestly.