رسول الآلهة
Hell centuries ago was as it was taught in the Bible, a place of eternal torment. Christians now a days along with other libeal movements of theists teach that it is temporary, metaphorical or a "threatening device not intended to be actually used". This has become a norm now amongst Christians and is replacing the fire and brimstone preaching Baptist ministers. Why this sudden change in interpretation?
This in many cases has come down to intellectual deceit as most people reject the 'evilness' of an eternal hell. So newer interpretations have been formulated to replace older doctrines which is about as deceptive as it gets.
Muslims have kept to their stance and still preach the existence of a literal hell which I find honest although many now are backing away from this. Honesty is something in which I respect greatly but this new Fluffy Doctrine is becoming annoying.
Why is there a need to make hell something it is obviously not.
I myself believe in hell and I do not try to make it anything else but real
This in many cases has come down to intellectual deceit as most people reject the 'evilness' of an eternal hell. So newer interpretations have been formulated to replace older doctrines which is about as deceptive as it gets.
Muslims have kept to their stance and still preach the existence of a literal hell which I find honest although many now are backing away from this. Honesty is something in which I respect greatly but this new Fluffy Doctrine is becoming annoying.
Why is there a need to make hell something it is obviously not.
I myself believe in hell and I do not try to make it anything else but real