No Jesus came to let everyone know about the Father and to fufill the prophesies of the OT, not what you want to call your collective messiah.
+++Ben: - That Jesus came to let everyone know about the Father is true but as one of his People, not on an individual basis. "The Lord shows His glory through Israel."
(Isa. 44:23)
Heck by your logic of picking and choosing which verses in a book you want to believe even atheists can make up their own collective messiah.
+++Ben: - At least, what I do makes a lot of sense. It means I can think.
Ahhhh. It reminds of the serpent in Genesis---he covered his lie with some truth---this is exactly what you do. Even satan knows scripture.
+++Ben: - Are you trying to tell me that the serpent lied? It's only obvious that you cannot think. The serpent simply explained to Eve what she had misunderstood. It did not lie. Eve thought that if they ate from that tree they would physically die, and that's not true. The serpent let her know that she had misunderstood God's words. Proof of it is that when they ate of that tree nobody died. So, what happened then? Their eyes were opened to distinguish good from evil. Isn't it exactly what the serpent had said? Now, go and review the account of the "fall." It's in Genesis 3:1-7. As you can see, I typed "fall" between quotations because I don't believe it was a fall, but a climbing up in intellectual development.
ROFL That was a good one, the Jews only get saved by saving others. Who needs God then?
+++Ben: - You disappoint me with your childish questions, if you allow me to speak thus. Salvation from what to what? From ignorance to the knowledge of God. What did you think it could be? Of course, we need God!
It was a sarcastic question. No you dont follow the fourth commandment literally you do it in spirit just like the rest of them. You know some of the other wise moves you claim that was from Paul and his cronies all those parables and teachings from Jesus fit all perfectly with ALL the rest of scripture in the OT and NT. Man, back in those days they got all these guys to write letters and never made a contradiction to what was in the OT or what the other guy was writing and we cant even get two professors not to contradict each other these days. Genius absolute genius Paul was.
+++Ben: - I agree that Paul was quite a genius. The man was a Jew for Heaven's sake! Once I was asked for the reason why it had to be a Jew that Christianity, born in Greek lands, should report its existence to. Well, I answered, think of a relegated sect in the suburbs of a little town, struggling for recognition of its narow beliefs as a result of an old-fashioned visionary, and the only thing it will ever be able to achieve won't reach beyond the simple title of a cult. That's what Christianity would have been if it owed its existence to any other but a Jew. Furthermore, he was such genius that he succeeded in what a few before him and more than a few afterwards failed: To be the Messiah of his own gigantic religious Movement. While the others failed by self-proclaimed the Messiah, he succeeded by proxy. He proclaimed another while acting as the one.
Oh its almost mandatory for all male babies to get circumsided in the US so thanks to this physical circumcision most of the people in the US will be saved because of this--even those who dont believe in God--(Well they will be saved eventually but not because of what you believe)
+++Ben: - I never said that circumcision saves anyone. I don't even believe in salvation the way you do. Circumcision is only the sign of the Covenant between God and Israel. (Gen. 17:10-14)
Whoa slow down Ben.... you are starting to sound like Paul!!
+++Ben: - You are trying to insult me, but that's okay. Anyway, I could never be that genius.
Ro 12:1 - I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living
sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable service.
+++Ben: The Lord does not delight in sacrifices but in obedience to the commands of the Lord; for obedience is better than sacrifices. (I Sam. 15:22)
And i know you dont want to do that now do you? I will help you get that boot out if you ask me nicely.
+++Ben: - Have you checked your boat for holes before inviting me to jump into it?
You might want to do that at least for the sake of yourself.
Oh really.. then you must not have any kids because one of the ways they show their love to you is by doing what you tell them to do, with the possiblity also of an reward. For this Love thing may be way over your head...You quote a verse from Revelations so once again your this has happened to you so now take away those verses where Jesus is saying that some will be rewarded for obey His commands
+++Ben: - Those things about Jesus are part of the 80 percent that constitute interpolations. Jesus was a Jew, and as a Jew, he would not love God under the condition to get rewards.