Except our destructive nature.
Do you have what you would consider an overly destructive nature? I mean, I understand that in order to eat anything, we have to "destroy" something, and that in order to keep ourselves as clean as we might like, we're "destroying" things like viruses and bacteria perhaps.
But besides all of that, what destructive activities do you undertake on a daily basis? Or rather, what activities do you engage in with the express intent of destroying something?
If what you're talking about is "everyone else" destroying what you hold dear, some of that might just be a matter of one person finding what you hold dear to be their version of trash to be tossed out. That's not their "destructive nature" at work in an instance like that. It's just that they value things differently than you do.
And if you're talking about things like humans taking advantage of the environment, hurting one another, starting fights and wars and generally mucking things up - what I feel we need to combat that is education, dissemination of knowledge, and more acceptance/tolerance of the more innocuous of ideas contrary to our own, and less acceptance of ideas that are not innocuous. If God exists, He has pretty much proven that He's not going to come to our aid against that type of destruction. Right? I mean - how could you make a case otherwise? Because He promises to whisk us off to some fairytale dreamland when we're done here? A bit late to be saved from others' "destructive nature" in any way meaningful to THIS existence at that point, isn't it?
And besides all of that, I might have pegged you for the type to believe that the human body was of pretty low worth, and that the "soul" was the real prize. And if that's the case, then what's to worry about "destruction" of what ultimately ends up being second-rate trash? Or do you admit that this life is not second-rate? Perhaps you tacitly acknowledge that this life is extremely important? Perhaps aren't entirely sure there is another one coming after this? Perhaps "destruction" here is pretty important? Maybe you're one of those who needs to get your stories straight.