God does not meet the criteria or definition for life, neither in science or philosophy.
What Is Life? | Issue 101 | Philosophy Now
So what is it then that makes God alive?
God cannot speak talk reproduce or interact in any direct tangible way, it's hopelessly locked away in people's minds to where a person needs to act as a proxy on behalf of God. In another word, playing entirely as the voice, hand, and ears of God.
So what is the demonstrable quality attributable to God alone, as being alive, communicable, and Interactive when the definition of life does not apply?
The mind gives life to God. A lot of folks can't distinguish between what in their head and reality. What happens in your head need not follow any rules. You can give life to a stone or make a donkey talk.
People think if they imagined God, they would know of this effort to imagine. 95% of what's going on in a person's head they have no knowledge of.