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Why Is Happiness So Often Elusive?


Just me
Premium Member
The latter question is easy: the emotional imprint is fleeting because it gets drown out by more immediate and pressing needs. As to why it is elusive, I'd wager a guess that it's not really. It's there, if you look hard enough.


Sweet n Spicy
Because we attach happiness to things of the material world, including people, all of which are temporary. True happiness comes from within.


Well-Known Member
Because we attach happiness to things of the material world, including people, all of which are temporary. True happiness comes from within.

Yes, this is correct. Also, we make rules to even further limit our already self-limiting lives, which brings unhappiness in abundance for the many, with respite only for the few.


A fool
I've just come from an evolution thread...

I wonder if seeking happiness is a trait that is selected for but enjoying happiness is one that is not or even selected against. I can see how seeking happiness (ie fulfilling one's needs) is an obvious advantage in many environments. Enjoying that happiness might limit one's desire to continue seeking it and thus be unproductive.


Because attachments are inescapable. The fact that they may come to us in the form of rules or of our own making really doesn't matter. Either way, you will attach yourself to something. Since attachements are inevitable, so to is loss.

So it's a constant cat and mouse game of you trying to move away from pain and move toward pleasure.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Most of us don't know what we have till it's gone. We take things for granted and we have become a generation of easily bored folks who need to be entertained 24-7. A good example would be the rich and famous. You would think if anyone could find happiness, they could. Some of these folks have time and money to burn while in a relationship with someone very easy on the eyes. Six months or 2 years later, everything is in the crapper.

Imagine being a crack head. These people only get 30 seconds of pleasure or less before they come back down to there hell on earth. My goodness, afterglow lasts longer than that.

You could always be a pessimist. They are only disappointed when something good happens. :D

Until you learn to like being who you are and realize that it's OK to feel down from time to time, contentment is going to be fleeting at best. If we did not have bad days, how would we be able to tell when we have a good one?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
If you are diligent enough to come to the inner calm within yourself, you will be "rewarded" with continued happiness beyond your wildest dreams. It is that simple.


Well-Known Member
Why is happiness so often elusive? Why is it so often fleeting?
Studies in Psychology have shown that everyone has their own baseline level of happiness. After experiencing higher levels of happiness/euphoria, due to whatever makes one happy (i.e. accomplishments), they soon return to their baseline level of happiness.
One of the suggestion made by research is that material success has, in actuality, little positive correlation to happiness. Despite Americans being several times wealthier than they were decades ago, they have not become happier.

From a biological perspective, I would say that happiness is part of a reward system that would become ineffective if it wasn't so fleeting. We wouldn't strive for much (i.e. to see our loved ones, to engage in a new and exciting romance, etc). Pleasure/pain is what motives organisms to do things. Happiness is our natural, positive reinforcement for behaviors that are conducive to survivability. If we were constantly happy, it would no longer be an effective positive reinforcer.


2nd Nephi 2
25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.

Alma 41
5 The one raised to happiness according to his desires of happiness, or good according to his desires of good; and the other to evil according to his desires of evil; for as he has desired to do evil all the day long even so shall he have his reward of evil when the night cometh.
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount -
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

32 For after all these things do the Gentiles seek; for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.


Why is happiness so often elusive? Why is it so often fleeting?

Happiness is a choice. How you want to see the world around you is up to you. If all you do is see it in a negative way, then it will only impact in a negative way upon you. The opposite is also true.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Why is happiness so often elusive? Why is it so often fleeting?

Because so many people do not know what brings true happiness.

Everyone wants happiness and spend ALL of their time attempting to have it, yet most people have no idea how to get it and when they find out they refuse to do what is necessary to have it.

SO, most go from thing to thing getting temporary satisfaction out of some ultimately damaging thing.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Because so many people do not know what brings true happiness.

Everyone wants happiness and spend ALL of their time attempting to have it, yet most people have no idea how to get it and when they find out they refuse to do what is necessary to have it.

SO, most go from thing to thing getting temporary satisfaction out of some ultimately damaging thing.



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Why is happiness so often elusive? Why is it so often fleeting?
Because the more you try to achieve it, the further you are from it; the answer is just to appreciate it when it is there, but not to try to cling to it.


Hema said:
Because we attach happiness to things of the material world, including people, all of which are temporary. True happiness comes from within.

that is beautiful.... :flower2: and i would have to agree.


Citizen Mod
Why Is Happiness So Often Elusive?
Because many people expect others to make them happy.
Why is it so often fleeting?
Because many people feel that they cannot recreate it.


Active Member
We can do a lot of things to make us feel happy. Start you morning with a shock-free jog on the thread-mill, then an invigorating shower, then a tastefull cup of coffee, then a pleasant commute to work, then a productive day at work,then a winning game of tennis, then delicious dinner, then a good movie, then some mattress-thrashing with a lover, then a wakeless night sleep, then start all over again. This type of happiness is fleeting.

If you can get the drunken monkey to shut-up and make the spiritual connection; life will have intimacy. Get happy and get intimate with all of creation.

When we say "I like that" or "I do not like that" then happy or unhappy will happen. Thought had a lot to do when we decide if you like something or not. There is a bliss and joy that thought does not touch. You will see evrything and everbody with joy and love. Love will flow from you Not to you.


Glass half Panda'd
Why do people have emotions? Why do people get sad? Why are people thoughtful? Why is anger a momentary emotion? Why is love a momentary state of being?

That's just life, man. It's LIFE.


Active Member
Why do people have emotions? Why do people get sad? Why are people thoughtful? Why is anger a momentary emotion? Why is love a momentary state of being?

That's just life, man. It's LIFE.

conditional love is momentary. Most people love family, god and country ; and that is where their love stops. (If that is where it stop then it is not love.) Most people give love ; only if some of their desires and /or wants are being met. This kind of "love" is a egotistical survival tactic.