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why is it important for you to have a God


Explain why it is important for you to believe or have a relationship with God.

Its not import fo me, as my opinion he is one of many myth's

What do you think is gained by that experience be it real or fantasy?

Its real enough with those that have faith. Most born into their belief use it as a guide to live a good life. Or as a light at the end of the tunnel for a wayward life.

When others say they are an Atheist, what goes through your mind?

Whats on the BBQ LOL

What you may not understand is we are all the same religion or none, we are exactly the same.

Do you know where saturday comes from???? jesus doesnt even have a day named after him lol.

Do you believe in the god of saturn?
do you believe in thor the thunder god?
do you believe in the fire spirit that lives in every fire?
do you believe in the smoke spirit that carries away evil?

See you are a skeptic as I am, the difference with atheist is we only believe in one less god then you do.

What troubles you most about belief in God?

Blind faith is dangerous, even when its not blind its a horrible crime against humanity. Every religion wants everyone else to follow there blind beliefs,, even if the beliefs are ignorant and barbaric.

To me, in my opinion religion is like heroin, its keeps most of them happy and ignorant. My real problem is the creationist trying to brainwash americas youth. this is a worldwide problem but when it come to my kid it becomes a big problem.
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RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
You alluded to this by (wisely) pointing out that just picking a philosophy to follow is shallow, but nonetheless I want to clarify something.

Some people become atheists after dropping their initial religion. The reason is often that a useful method of acquiring accurate information has been developed. Once someone asks questions like, "what evidence is there for any of this?" or "why should I believe you?" or "can you justify your claims?", then those questions apply not only to the initial religion that they left behind, but all other religions that they encounter as well.

So it's not just a matter of not trusting new information. It's a matter of a person concluding that basically all religions (rather than just the initial one) fail to pass standards of evidence and justification.

Exactly. Thanks for elaborating :)


Premium Member
After reading many of the replies, it seems that when I say "what gives you trouble about others belief in God". No one here seems to say "which one". From my point of view, that proves that believers here are very narrow minded and can't conceive of other God beliefs but their own.

What always goes through my mind about others belief in God is which one, which God are they building a world view from. And how does that affect their lives and the lives of the people they influence. That's what troubles me.

I think it may tell people that they don't separate one God from another; that they believe that believe all/most of the religions to have the same God with different names. Keep in mind that others aren't always going to think the same way you do. :)


New Member
I don't think it's appropriate to say one has lost faith or is losing faith.

Either one has faith, or one doesn't have faith. That is a decision made within oneself. Personally I think faith is fraud. Faith is wrong. Faith is not something that is lost, but something that is not consistent with reality by definition.

I have never lost faith, I have lost the capacity to use faith as an excuse for resulting actions given any faith that I may believe.

I don't and never will think faith is a good thing. Its not necessarily bad or evil, but good is not how I wold classify faith.

Confidence on the other hand can be a good thing. I am confident in many things. I have no faith.


Veteran Member

What do you think is gained by that experience be it real or fantasy?
Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

i get that, but at the same time, as an unbeliever, why do i have access to those things too?

Christian Gnosis

Active Member
I have never lost faith, I have lost the capacity to use faith as an excuse for resulting actions given any faith that I may believe.

I don't and never will think faith is a good thing. Its not necessarily bad or evil, but good is not how I wold classify faith.

Confidence on the other hand can be a good thing. I am confident in many things. I have no faith.

It's easy to speak badly of faith as something not consistent with reality when you've never had any experiences with God.

Christian Gnosis

Active Member
How do you define faith in the religious sense of the word?

Well many define faith in religion as trusting God when it'd be easier to trust something else. I think that definition fits better then the definition some want to use that faith is Theists wanting to believe in something with no proof. To many Theists, God isn't an imaginary invention of primitive humans, God is a reality one can experience.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well many define faith in religion as trusting God when it'd be easier to trust something else. I think that definition fits better then the definition some want to use that faith is Theists wanting to believe in something with no proof. To many Theists, God isn't an imaginary invention of primitive humans, God is a reality one can experience.
Well, I would say that the concept of substantially believing something without proof is not a positive thing at all. It's a greatly problematic thing.

If a god can be experienced, then no faith is necessary. How do you suggest that someone experience a god?

Christian Gnosis

Active Member
Penumbra there are so many ways one can experience God, so I can't speak for everyone. I'm afraid I decline to give that one any definitive answer :)


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Explain why it is important for you to believe or have a relationship with God.

It isn't. I believe the specific label is "apatheist". I am one. I wouldn't care even if I somehow knew for a fact that there is a God.

What do you think is gained by that experience be it real or fantasy?

Inspiration. For many people the idea of a God is a powerful source of inspiration. Alas, not always constructive or healthy inspiration, but inspiration nonetheless.

When others say they are an Atheist, what goes through your mind?

Quite frankly, it means little to me, but it is usually a hint of intellectual and religious honesty.

What troubles you most about belief in God?

That it is essentially meaningless in and of itself, yet most people treat it as if it had lots of inherent meaning.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Penumbra there are so many ways one can experience God, so I can't speak for everyone. I'm afraid I decline to give that one any definitive answer :)
I mean this in the least confrontational way possible, but after an answer like that, how could you not understand atheists?

There's no content there, no justification, no meat behind those words. That's what most (but not quite all) theists respond with when asked fairly straightforward questions.


New Member
I mean this in the least confrontational way possible, but after an answer like that, how could you not understand atheists?

There's no content there, no justification, no meat behind those words. That's what most (but not quite all) theists respond with when asked fairly straightforward questions.

A very good point.


Explain why it is important for you to believe or have a relationship with God.
Actually it just happened. A spiritual awakening I guess.

What do you think is gained by that experience be it real or fantasy?
My whole life and outlook changed. My life is better.

When others say they are an Atheist, what goes through your mind?
Too bad.

What troubles you most about belief in God?
Nothing. I'm so grateful that God came into my life.
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Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Explain why it is important for you to believe or have a relationship with God.

Psalm 19:1 - Because the universe shows the handiworks of God.

What do you think is gained by that experience be it real or fantasy?

Proverbs 1:7 - Real Knowledge, wisdom and joy.

When others say they are an Atheist, what goes through your mind?

Psalm 14:1 - The fool says in his heart, there is no God.

What troubles you most about belief in God?

Matthew 5:10 - Porgroms, Crusades, Inquisitions, and Holocaust, as a result of persecutions for righteousness' sake.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
i get that, but at the same time, as an unbeliever, why do i have access to those things too?

Everyone has ACCESS - but access doesn't mean that those traits are realized.

I'm not saying that you don't have any of these traits present in your life. I don't know whether you do or not.

I know that I do - and that they are rooted in my faith.


Guardian of Asgaard
I know why i am an unbeliever. I am uncomfortable with people suggesting the complexity of life and the universe is evidence of God. I don't know why but it just seems intillectually lazy to assume it was created instead of a magnificent process of "survival of the fittest."

I guess thats why i am here. Trying to reach a level of comfort where i can understand why i see faith over-riding logic.


Veteran Member
Everyone has ACCESS - but access doesn't mean that those traits are realized.

i consider that statement to be presumptuous...no worries, no offense taken.
this is why i think believers consider themselves to be morally superior.
if these traits are not realized as an unbeliever, what moral act can you do that i cannot?
and i hope you do not take offense either...
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
i consider that statement to be presumptuous...no worries, no offense taken.
this is why i think believers consider themselves to be morally superior.
if these traits are not realized as an unbeliever, what moral act can you do that i cannot?
and i hope you do not take offense either...

You are adding words that I didn't say, nor did I mean to imply. I have never said, nor do I believe, that these traits are not possible for an unbeliever to attain.

If you will read my posts on this matter - read them WITHOUT defensiveness, in other words objectively - you will see that I haven't pointed fingers at anyone else. I am speaking totally and only of my own personal faith.

The OP asks why these things are important to ME. I said that my faith imparts the gifts of the Holy Spirit to me, and against such gifts there is no law. I find that to be very true - and very cool.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Waitasec, here is what I actually SAID (so you don't have to scroll back through the posts):

Explain why it is important for you to believe or have a relationship with God.

I believe that my understanding of the purpose of life, the experience and importance of death, and on a personal level, my understanding of why I am "here" is completed by my belief in God. My "relationship with God" (though I am not one of those who run around claiming to have a "personal relationship with Jesus Christ") gives me another level of fortitude and inner strength in troubled times and when I am struggling with a problem, be it large or small.

What do you think is gained by that experience be it real or fantasy?
Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

When others say they are an Atheist, what goes through your mind?

A bit of curiosity but that's about it. I am not into judging the spiritual state of the souls of others. That's between that person and God.

What troubles you most about belief in God?

I'm not troubled by anyone's belief in God or their lack thereof. The only thing that troubles me is intolerance and cruelty dressed up in either religious or secular vestments.

Then I said:

Everyone has ACCESS - but access doesn't mean that those traits are realized.

I'm not saying that you don't have any of these traits present in your life. I don't know whether you do or not.

I know that I do - and that they are rooted in my faith.

So - please don't put words in my mouth. Surely you see that I have limited my responses to my own personal experiences, which was the slant that the OP seemed to take.

When you add your own judgments and prejudices to my statements, it changes my meaning. Note that I didn't change my meaning - YOU did.

This is exactly how arguments, and even wars, start - in the prejudices, fears, and insecurities hidden in the human heart.