It has always struck me as odd the sorts of things we freak out over. For example, people worry about planes crashing, but drive in cars daily, and the odds of cars crashing and causing severe bodily damage and even death are so much higher. The cancer caused by smoking is so worrisome that smoking in most public places is outlawed, yet we routinely eat sugar, the main cause of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc., which result in more deaths than smoking (in fact heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US).
The current freak out is the coronavirus. I'm not saying it isn't a real threat or that we should take strict measures to control the pandemic.
But what concerns me is that no one freaks out over the flu. In the US this year so far (flu season ends in May) we have had 210,000 to 370,000 flu sufferers hospitalized (who knows how many have stayed home with the flu?). Deaths so far have been between somewhere around 20,000 and growing. It was only two years ago that in the
2017-2018 season, we had 810,000 hospitalizations and 61,000 deaths due to the virus.
So where is all the virus maintenance for the flu? Where is all the media hype? I think it is because, like cars and sugar, it is simply a fact of life that we all have always had with us as long as we can remember. It is not new and foreign.
For some reason we have evolved this way. IMHO God is responsible for our evolution. My question is ... WHY? What purpose does this irrational tendency serve?????
This is why everyone ought to be required to take psychology in school. The better people understand the motivations of others, the better they understand (and can get under control) their own underlying motivations.
There are several reasons, but one of the major ones is that people do not understand orders of magnitude. That is to say, they often assume a one in 1000 chance is They have been conditioned to be worse about that by sensationalist news. "3 PEOPLE DIE IN A SHARK BITE THIS YEAR!" declared in blaring headlines is likely to freak people out. In the mean time, 800,000 people die of suicide every year. Nope, let's focus on sharkbites and ignore suicide risk.
Another reason is that people are afraid of the unknown. The Coronavirus is an exotic disease from China and information about it was slowly released to keep people in suspense, having been told everything from diarrhea to seizures to whatever. If people were told immediately "You will probably have these symptoms but not these symptoms" they could immediately say, "I don't think I have it." If people were told immediately what kills it, they would calm down (which makes newspapers guilty of deliberately stirring panic, and endangering lives).
While we're on topic of unknowns, the fact that the media rarely mentions any of the sufferers by name effectively feeds into a McCarthy era scare. If you don't remember history, this was where because nobody knew who was a communist in the US at that time, everyone suspected
everyone of being one. Likewise, my mother found our that two people in my area might have it. No names are given, so she suspects everyone from the mailman to her neighbors to someone she passes on the street. Nice job guys, scaring an old woman.
In fact, even telling people that this is a mild disease backfires, as they immediately tell people "symptoms can hide" further fueling a sense of OMG, IT COULD BE ANYONE. Old friendships are crushed by paranoia, even in areas where there had been no known cases. And in instances where cases later turned out to be false alarms, the media very quietly admits it, and never apologizes for basically ruining lives. When there was a similar #MeToo panic, you know what happened? Those accused
killed themselves.
He Was Accused Of Ignoring Women’s Accusations Of Rape And Wasn’t Allowed To Defend Himself. He Committed Suicide.
We need to stop with this. We need perspective. So please, PLEASE read this article.
Coronavirus Hysteria: The Need for Perspective
Some of this data is now dated. The US has more cases now. But the key facts should be noted.
The coronavirus is not as easily transmissible as people believe. One is at high-risk of contracting the virus only if one lives with someone who has it, is sneezed, coughed upon, or otherwise comes into immediate physical contact with an infected person. Also, the virus can be passed from one person to another if the two are about six feet away for approximately 15 minutes.
OMG, I passed someone on the street, I didn't shake hands, and I made sure to give them a dirty look and scowl at them. They said "Hi" to me. I need to go home and sterilize myself. Also, I need to have them arrrested for not observing social distance.
And since ethanol, hydrogen peroxide, or bleach is sufficient to disinfect surfaces contaminated by the virus, “we can kill it quite easily.”
OMG, we can kill it with common household cleaners! Let's ignore this and panic, panic, panic!
Let's have martial law!
The Coronavirus Is the Way to Martial Law and Total Control Over Populations - LewRockwell
To put it another way, even in China, the mortality rate of the coronavirus isn’t much more than 2 percent.
“The symptoms of the coronavirus and the flu are similar; fever, body aches, fatigue, loss of appetite, sinus and chest congestion, and in some cases, shortness of breath. For most people who get the flu or the coronavirus, the symptoms usually resolve within a week. The infirmed elderly and those who are debilitated health-wise, with severe lung, heart disease, or diabetes tend to be the individuals who experience serious problems when they contract the flu, or the coronavirus.”
Yet, crucially, Hotze adds:
“If you have these symptoms, then the odds of your having the coronavirus are slim and none. You have the flu until proven otherwise”
OMG, I have the coronavirus. I read that list of symptoms, and I've made no connection to the flu. I've totally got it.
Oh right, the last cause of this panic. Hypochondria.
Remember kids, if it sounds like hoofbeats, it is usually a horse. "But this is definitely a zebra..." not bloody likely. Horse.
Everyone in this forum is going to be bitten by a shark. Because we saw this picture.