Arrogant much? How do you know that you are only seeing good because you are looking with the wrong "eyes?" Please tell me why you think god is so obvious, and why if it is, so many intelligent people throughout history have either a) not seen any reason to think there is one (and this includes non-theist religions, such as Buddhism, not just atheism) or b) seen a different one than the one you think is there.
A. This one is very easy. People do not see God because they don't look. I have said this already. It is also worth noting that many intelligent people, though they say God doesn't exist, or there is no reason for God to exist, actually find God in the process.
B. This one is also fairly easy to answer. You believe Buddhism to be different that Christianity. I do not. Religion as a whole is the same. Details are different, paths are different, but they all end up in the same place. God has many faces, about 6 billion or so. Just because one group sees him/her/it differently than another doesn't mean its not the same thing.
Are you serious? If there is no reason to believe either way, then why believe either way? What is there to "accept?" Some of us like having a reason to do something or believe something.
All of us like it, actually. It makes life easier and safer.
If you have a choice between three doors and all you know is that they are called A, B and C, and you have to chose one, what does it matter which you chose? They are all effectively the same.
I think by now, we have more information about these doors, which makes us shy away from one or the other. Still, we can change that anytime we want. What it means...well that's up to you.